Treatment Of Sinusitis At Home

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Treatment Of Sinusitis At Home
Treatment Of Sinusitis At Home

Video: Treatment Of Sinusitis At Home

Video: Treatment Of Sinusitis At Home
Video: Sinusitis treatment (plus home remedies for sinusitis) 2024, September

Treatment of sinusitis at home

Treatment of sinusitis at home
Treatment of sinusitis at home

Sinusitis can be acute or chronic. Acute sinusitis is more severe, but at the same time it responds better to therapy than chronic. Therefore, the treatment of sinusitis at home when it proceeds in an acute form, it is desirable to reduce to the strict implementation of all the prescriptions of the attending physician. In this case, mild home remedies are undesirable, since their effect is weaker than necessary, and there is a high risk that the disease will become chronic, protracted.

Chronic sinusitis is much worse amenable to therapy, and requires long-term and persistent treatment. In this case, the treatment of sinusitis at home is not just desirable, but necessary, but not as an alternative to treatment in a polyclinic, but as a supplement. Chronic sinusitis is characterized by a wave-like course, with periods of exacerbation and remission. An exacerbation must be treated in the same way as acute sinusitis, but during the period of subsidence of acute symptoms, treatment of sinusitis at home will reduce the drug load on the body. Home remedies usually do not have as many side effects, are not harsh chemicals, are less irritating to body tissues and can therefore be used longer without the risk of unwanted complications.

Treating sinusitis at home is similar to treating a common cold in children. By the way, if a runny nose is cured on time, then sinusitis has a minimum chance of existence, since a runny nose and damaged teeth are the most common cause of inflammation in the maxillary sinus.

For treatment, rinsing the nose with decoctions and infusions of medicinal plants with bactericidal properties is used. For example, a decoction of St. John's wort, sage, chamomile, calendula, marsh calamus. The infusion is prepared as follows: 250 ml (a standard cup) of boiling water is poured over a tablespoon of dry herbs, insisted for three hours, and then filtered through cheesecloth. The broth is prepared in a similar way, the difference is that the dry herb is poured with cold water, after which it must be brought to a boil and allowed to simmer over low heat for three to five minutes.

It is good to use homemade nasal drops for treating sinusitis at home: add eucalyptus or tea tree essential oil to a bottle of simple pharmaceutical drops, at the rate of 2-3 drops per bottle. Drip into the nose two to three times a day.

Treatment of sinusitis at home by washing the nose
Treatment of sinusitis at home by washing the nose

Warming is also used: sew a linen bag with sides of 7 and 15 cm, fill with clean sand or table salt. Heat so that it is tolerable to hold it in your hands, lie down, put it on your nose in such a way as to close the projection of the maxillary sinuses, hold until it cools. For this purpose, you can use a boiled egg, but its drawback is that it is inconvenient to hold, and one egg will not warm up two sinuses at the same time.

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