Alcohol Poisoning

Alcohol Poisoning
Alcohol Poisoning

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Alcohol poisoning

Alcohol poisoning
Alcohol poisoning

Perhaps, alcohol poisoning can with full responsibility be called the most common type of poisoning. The severity of symptoms of alcohol poisoning depends on many factors, first of all, on the amount of alcohol consumed. However, the figure itself, neither in grams nor in milliliters, is not an indicator, since the body's ability to neutralize poison is individual, in addition, it matters with what products and under what conditions alcoholic beverages were consumed.

Upon entering the body, alcohol from the gastrointestinal tract is absorbed into the blood. The blood is filtered by the liver, an organ that purifies it, neutralizing toxins. This is why those who abuse alcohol develop liver problems. If the amount of alcohol in the blood is small, and the liver is in good condition, the liver copes with it. If the dose exceeds the capacity of the liver, then alcohol intoxication occurs, or alcohol poisoning of the body, both by alcohol itself and by its decay products.

Signs of alcohol poisoning in mild and moderate degrees are usually expressed in the morning after libations. This is a sharp headache, thirst, frequent urination, nausea, vomiting, difficulty concentrating, sleep disturbances, diarrhea. The symptom complex is due to the damaging effect of alcohol on blood vessels and nervous tissue, as well as on the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract.

Measures for the treatment of alcohol poisoning in this case should be aimed at the earliest possible elimination of alcoholic decay products from the blood: drinking plenty of water or tea, easily digestible food, so as not to overload the already overloaded liver, with nausea and vomiting - a hungry pause. The use of activated carbon helps, you need to take 6 tablets at once. You can take a pain reliever, such as aspirin, or a hangover combination medication that also contains a pain reliever. These are such products as Antipohmelin, Alka-Seltser, etc.

The consequences of alcohol poisoning
The consequences of alcohol poisoning

Symptoms of severe alcohol poisoning are similar to those of the use of other neurotoxic poisons: rapid breathing, dilated pupils, pallor of the skin, sticky, cold sweat, clouding of consciousness up to its complete loss. In this case, it is better not to act on your own. It is necessary to call an ambulance and carry out emergency detoxification measures in a medical facility. While waiting for an ambulance, you need to stay close to the victim, especially if he is unconscious, making sure that he does not choke on vomit. To prevent this from happening, a person with severe alcohol poisoning must be laid in such a way that his head is turned to the side.

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