Hardening Of Children In Kindergarten

Hardening Of Children In Kindergarten
Hardening Of Children In Kindergarten

Hardening of children in kindergarten

The benefits of hardening have been known since ancient times. It is well known that the nervous, respiratory, and cardiovascular systems respond very quickly to it. Good work of muscular and skeletal systems is quickly restored. There is a normalization of thermoregulation and the mental state of a person. Hardening in childhood is especially important.

Hardening of children in a preschool educational institution (kindergarten)

Hardening of children in kindergarten is a very effective method for strengthening all the protective functions of the child's body. Moreover, there is no need for any additional costs for its implementation. Hardening of children in kindergarten can be carried out at any age and at any time of the year.

Forms and methods of hardening children in kindergarten
Forms and methods of hardening children in kindergarten

But it is very important to organize the correct and systematic conduct of all the necessary hardening measures. In order for the achieved results to be consolidated, and their effectiveness does not decrease, it is necessary to harden children at home.

The main goal of hardening children in kindergarten is to get the child's body used to the rapid change in temperature. This contributes to its resistance to low temperatures.

Hardening of children in kindergarten should be carried out systematically, consistently and comprehensively. It is necessary to take into account the age of the child and the diseases he may have suffered. Everyone knows that children are sensitive to cold. Therefore, you should carefully consider the hardening of children in kindergarten.

Before hardening children in a preschool educational institution, it is imperative to consult with your doctor. The tempering procedures themselves are quite simple.

Hardening of children in kindergarten - air and sun baths

In order for the child's skeletal system to be well strengthened, the production of vitamin D in the body is necessary. This occurs under the influence of ultraviolet radiation on the skin. Thus, hardening children in kindergarten with sun baths strengthens the protective functions of the body and improves metabolism.

But exposure to the sun should be dosed so as not to overheat the child. After air baths, the skin should ideally not be tanned.

The best start for this procedure is calm and not hot weather. You need to start hardening from 3-5 minutes, increasing the exposure to air to half an hour.

Walks in the open air

They are ideal for preschool children. Hardening of children at home with walks in the fresh air should be carried out several times a day: from 30 minutes to 2 hours. The child with pleasure at this time moves a lot and actively.

Swimming in ponds

Hardening children with water can be done on a quiet sunny day. The air temperature should be + 25-26 degrees, and the water temperature - 23 degrees. It is recommended to swim once a day for no more than 5-8 minutes. After getting used to hardening children with water, you can carry out at an air temperature of 18˚.

Walking barefoot

Teaching to walk barefoot is a great option for hardening children at home. For starters, you can use a hard carpet, and outside you can walk on grass and sand. Hardening of children in preschool educational institutions and at home is carried out from 30 minutes a day to several hours.

Water hardening of children - rules and warnings
Water hardening of children - rules and warnings

Tempering children with water, washing

It is necessary to show the child how to wash the face, neck, hands, upper body with water, the temperature of which is + 27-28˚, gradually lowering the water temperature to + 14-16˚. It should be noted that hardening of children in kindergarten by washing does not replace rubbing and pouring water.

Wiping the body with a cloth

To do this, prepare a soft terry mitten. After wetting it in warm water and wringing it out, they begin by wiping the child's hands from fingertips to shoulders. After that, you need to wipe your chest, stomach and back. Then legs to the groin and at the end - the buttocks. The water temperature should be 27˚.

Pouring - hardening children with water

First, the back, chest, abdomen, shoulders and arms are poured. In summer, the water temperature should be 34-35˚, and in winter it should be 36-37˚. The temperature of the water when hardening children in kindergarten should be lowered by 1 degree every three days, and in winter - every week. As a result, in summer it should be 28˚, and in winter - 30-31-.

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