Summer hardening of children

Such a procedure, unloved by many mothers, such as hardening children in summer and winter, is a great way to strengthen the child's immunity, to increase his resistance to various kinds of infections. In addition to increasing the resistance of the little person's body to colds, tempering procedures help to strengthen the health of the child as a whole, normalizing his blood circulation, metabolism, improving mental activity and increasing the tone of the nervous system.
According to research by pediatricians, a child who strengthens his body is less sick, less likely to suffer from bouts of bad mood, and more stress-resistant than ordinary, "greenhouse" children. Pediatric medicine believes that tempering children can and should be done - it is important to do it right.
To start the first procedures, you need to choose the right season - for sick babies, hardening of children in summer is best suited. The summer complex of procedures includes two types of hardening - air and water.
Air hardening does not imply any special expenses on the part of the parents - it is enough to dress it for the weather and allow you to spend as much time as possible in the fresh air. After the baby's immunity gains strength, it is necessary to dress him a little cooler than usual. It is important to do this carefully, without trying to speed up the hardening process.
When summer enters its hot stage, you can start water treatments. To do this, you need a thermometer and a small bath in which the child should be dipped, each time lowering the water temperature by one degree. It is good to simply rub a weakened baby with a towel dampened with water at room temperature. If you notice that your child already tolerates temperatures of 20 degrees Celsius well, you can allow him to swim in natural reservoirs, gradually increasing his time in the water from 7 minutes to half an hour.

Tempering children in the summer, in addition to air and water procedures, also includes sunbathing. The morning sun saturates the child's body with vitamin D, strengthening his bones and the immune system. In this case, it is not necessary to just lie down - let the child move, run, play, but no more than 2 hours in a row and with a panama on his head.
The hardening of the child's body is an event that will help parents take a break from constant "sick leave", and the child - to strengthen their health and learn to get more pleasure from life, spending their free time not with a thermometer in bed, but in the fresh air with friends. Starting to harden children in the summer is the most comfortable way.
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