Treatment of pituitary adenoma

Is it possible to treat pituitary adenoma with folk remedies? When it comes to tumors, doctors are extremely wary of traditional medicine. And the point is not that they reject it, not at all. The fact is that traditional medicine is usually not treatment with a specialist, but treatment with improvised means according to the principle of "the neighbor's cousin's second cousin helped, and will help me." Individual dosage is not calculated, side effects are not taken into account, and the effectiveness of treatment is not monitored. It is generally accepted that folk remedies act more slowly, but rather, and are completely safe. Is it so? Not at all.
Starting to treat a pituitary adenoma with traditional medicine, you should figure out which means are meant? These are usually herbs. Although urine therapy is also referred to as folk remedies, we will not delve into extremism and talk about herbs. Among the herbs, there are a sufficient number of poisonous, and very poisonous. In truth, it is the most poisonous of them that have an antitumor effect, and this is widely used in medicine, some of these plants are used to make drugs for chemotherapy. Yes, yes, the ones from which the hair falls out. Does this mean that poisonous herbs can be used as folk remedies for the treatment of pituitary adenoma? No. Because there is no carefully chosen dosage, and the poison is just a poison to kill. So with a disease called pituitary adenoma, treatment with folk remedies,which may be unsafe, you need to consult with your doctor.

In addition, some pituitary adenomas are hormonally active. The pituitary gland produces six hormones, and if the pituitary adenoma is formed by those cells that are responsible for the production of one or another hormone, disruptions in its flow into the blood begin: excessive production or insufficiency. This condition requires medical correction, since hormonal disturbances interfere with the work of all body systems. It is impossible to achieve debugging of this delicate mechanism using improvised means externally or internally.
The pituitary adenoma grows slowly, but, nevertheless, it grows, and at the same time its growth occurs in a closed cranial space. That is why all brain tumors are considered potentially malignant - all of them, in the absence of adequate treatment, lead to severe disorders due to compression of vital brain structures. At some point, these violations become irreversible. Often, being carried away by alternative treatment of tumors, people miss the stage when the disorders are still reversible. The price for such a mistake is very high.
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