Suppositories from hemorrhoids during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester and earlier
The content of the article:
- How to choose candles for hemorrhoids for pregnant women
The most popular hemorrhoid suppositories for pregnant women
- Glycerin candles
- Candles with sea buckthorn oil
- Candles with propolis
- Candles Relief
- Candles Natalsid
- Ichthyol candles
- The use of rectal suppositories
- Signs of hemorrhoids
- Prevention of hemorrhoids during pregnancy
- Video
Suppositories for hemorrhoids for pregnant women should be prescribed by a doctor.
Hemorrhoids are diseases, the risk factors for which are pregnancy and childbirth. Treatment in patients during the period of gestation is complicated by the fact that some of the drugs can have an adverse effect on the developing fetus, for this reason, they have to be abandoned.

Rectal suppositories are stored in the refrigerator, the candle is released from packaging immediately before use
During pregnancy, hemorrhoids are usually limited to safe topical preparations in the form of cream, ointment, gel, suppositories. For external hemorrhoids, as a rule, ointments and creams are used, and in the presence of internal hemorrhoids, suppositories or suppositories.
Antihemorrhoid suppositories eliminate pain and spastic syndrome, stop bleeding from hemorrhoids, normalize the process of defecation, have an anti-inflammatory, anti-infectious, drying effect, promote the speedy healing of damaged tissues, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, prevent the addition of a secondary infection. Suppositories for hemorrhoids during pregnancy, according to doctors and patients, act quickly enough, effectively eliminating symptoms (itching, pain, burning), eliminating the need to take general action drugs that are unsafe during this period.
How to choose candles for hemorrhoids for pregnant women
Before choosing a drug for the treatment of hemorrhoids, you should consult with your doctor, since improper treatment (as well as its absence) can lead to adverse consequences, including for the fetus. A qualified specialist will conduct the necessary examination and write a prescription with the names of drugs that can be used during pregnancy, even if they are OTC dispensed in pharmacies.
The range of medicines for hemorrhoids, including effective and inexpensive ones, is quite wide. Some suppositories have practically no contraindications and side effects, but they also have a mild therapeutic effect, others, more powerful, drugs are prescribed during pregnancy only according to strict indications. The question of how to treat the disease is also relevant because some antihemorrhoids have the opposite effect - for example, some, due to the activation of blood circulation, can increase bleeding, while others help stop it.
In the acute phase of the disease, the choice is made on those suppositories that have a pronounced antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect (for example, Anestezol, Relief), in the stage of epithelization, those that promote tissue restoration (for example, Natalsid) are chosen.

Natalsid candles contain sodium alginate derived from algae
Suppositories for hemorrhoids during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester and at a later date, which are prescribed to patients, often contain herbal ingredients. Among patients, there is an opinion that such candles are completely safe. This is not entirely true. Suppositories based on natural ingredients really have a wider range of applications and have fewer possible side effects, but they can cause allergic reactions. Therefore, before using them, it is necessary to consult a doctor in the same way as before using folk anti-hemorrhoids.
During the treatment of hemorrhoids in pregnant and breastfeeding women, it is necessary to monitor the reaction of the body and, in case of any unwanted changes, immediately inform the doctor about this, who will adjust the therapy.
The most popular hemorrhoid suppositories for pregnant women
Glycerin candles
Glycerin suppositories for hemorrhoids for pregnant women help to eliminate constipation, soften tissues, facilitate bowel movements, and help heal damaged tissues. It is a safe product that can be used at any stage of pregnancy. Glycerin suppositories can also be used as a preventive measure for constipation.
Candles with sea buckthorn oil
Sea buckthorn suppositories can be used at any time, even at the earliest - when only the safest drugs are acceptable, which are not able to affect the developing fetus. For this reason, sea buckthorn suppositories for hemorrhoids during pregnancy in the 1st trimester are one of the most commonly prescribed drugs.
Sea buckthorn oil promotes the early healing of anal fissures, restoration of the mucous membrane of the anal canal, has an antiseptic effect, effectively eliminates the inflammatory process and itching, burning, pain in the anus, swelling of hemorrhoids caused by it.
Candles with propolis
Suppositories with propolis (Prostopin, Gemo-pro, etc.) can be prescribed to expectant mothers at any stage of pregnancy, as well as in the postpartum period, during lactation. The drug helps to eliminate inflammation, heal anal fissures, restore normal microflora in the large intestine, and prevents the spread of infection. A contraindication to the use of candles with propolis is an individual intolerance to beekeeping products.

Suppositories with propolis are contraindicated in case of intolerance to any beekeeping products
Candles Relief
Suppositories for hemorrhoids Relief are usually prescribed from the 3rd trimester. In the presence of an infectious-inflammatory process in the lower parts of the anal canal, the drug fights against pathogenic microflora, relieves inflammation, activates local immunity, heals anal fissures and eliminates weeping foci of inflammation. Side effects of the drug Relief may consist in hyperemia and irritation of the anal area, swelling, headache, increased body temperature.
Candles Natalsid
Natalsid contains sodium alginate, which is obtained from brown algae. Suppositories can be prescribed at any stage of pregnancy, contribute to the rapid elimination of the inflammatory process, tissue regeneration, relieve pain, burning, itching, and prevent the addition of a bacterial infection.
Ichthyol candles
Ichthyol rectal suppositories (Ichthyol, Betiol) prevent the occurrence of anal fissures, eliminate the inflammatory process, restore damaged parts of the anal canal, and also relieve pain and discomfort in the anal area.
The main contraindication to the use of such suppositories for hemorrhoids for pregnant women is individual intolerance to the components of the drug. Usually ichthyol suppositories for hemorrhoids are used twice a day, but before using the drug, it is recommended to consult with your doctor.
The use of rectal suppositories
It is advisable to use suppositories for hemorrhoids after a bowel movement. Store them in the refrigerator, because they soften at room temperature and this makes administration difficult. The candle is unsealed just before the introduction. The anogenital area is washed with warm water, gently, with blotting movements, dried with a towel. Then they take a position lying on their side, the legs are pressed to the chest and the suppository is injected into the anus so that it is completely in the rectum. If there is a risk of injury to the inflamed mucous membrane with long nails, use a fingertip or medical glove.
After the introduction of the suppository, it is recommended to roll over on your stomach and lie there for at least 20-30 minutes - this time is necessary for the suppository to dissolve. If the suppository is recommended to be administered 1 time per day, then this should be done at night.
The remains of the suppository containing a fatty base may subsequently be released from the anus. To avoid staining your laundry, you can use a sanitary napkin.
Signs of hemorrhoids
The main symptoms of hemorrhoids, which are most often reported by pregnant women, include pain during and / or after bowel movement, itching and burning in the anal area, feeling of a foreign object in the rectum, spotting during or after a bowel movement, pain when sitting on solid surface. Sometimes patients find hemorrhoids around the anus when washing.
Any of the listed signs serve as a reason for an extraordinary visit to a doctor, since the earlier the treatment of hemorrhoids is started, the less difficult it is, and the more chances that after the successful completion of the pregnancy the disease will pass without a trace.
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Prevention of hemorrhoids during pregnancy
In order to prevent hemorrhoids during pregnancy, as well as for more successful treatment with an existing disease, it is important to follow measures aimed at eliminating risk factors. These include:
- careful adherence to the rules of personal hygiene;
- sufficient, but not excessive physical activity;
- elimination of constipation.
Proper nutrition is one of the key points in the prevention and treatment of hemorrhoids during pregnancy. The diet should be balanced, contain all the necessary macro- and micronutrients. The daily diet should contain fresh, as well as thermally processed vegetables and fruits, cereals, baked goods made from wholemeal flour, fresh dairy products. If you have a tendency to constipation, it is recommended to eat a handful of prunes every day, drink dried fruit compote. This diet helps to normalize intestinal activity. Compliance with the drinking regime also helps to eliminate constipation. It is recommended that you drink at least four glasses of water a day (not including the rest of the liquid that comes in the form of tea, soup, etc.). At the same time, too fatty, salty, spicy foods, baked goods made from premium flour are excluded from the diet.
The best form of regular physical activity for a pregnant woman, which helps to eliminate congestion in the pelvis that contribute to the development of hemorrhoids, is daily walks in the fresh air.
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Anna Aksenova Medical journalist About the author
Education: 2004-2007 "First Kiev Medical College" specialty "Laboratory Diagnostics".
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