Diet 11 - Recommendations For Weight Gain, For A Child

Diet 11 - Recommendations For Weight Gain, For A Child
Diet 11 - Recommendations For Weight Gain, For A Child

Diet 11

Indications for the diet 11
Indications for the diet 11

For people with a debilitated condition after operations and injuries, as well as with various forms of tuberculosis, special meals are provided. Special nutrition should become an integral part of complex therapy and enhance the therapeutic effect of drugs. The essence of proper nutrition is to restore body functions, to increase immunity and maintain vitality. Diet 11 (diet for weight gain) accelerates the recovery processes in the body, stimulates its defenses. There are many variations of diet 11, depending on the nature of the disease, the localization of the inflammatory process and the general condition of the body. With anemia, diet 11 is selected individually in each case. With the help of special nutrition, the deficiency of trace elements and biologically active substances is replenished,necessary for hematopoiesis. At the same time, they limit the intake of fats that hinder the absorption of iron, increasing the proportion of proteins in the diet to 90 g daily. In diabetes mellitus, the proportion of vegetable fats and proteins is increased, and the amount of carbohydrates is reduced.

General characteristics of the diet 11

Diet 11 is superior in energy value to the diet of a healthy person. When choosing products for a diet, special attention is paid to the presence of minerals and essential trace elements, biologically active substances, vitamin saturation. The increased calorie content is achieved due to the high content of proteins, fats and easily digestible carbohydrates. At the same time, nutrition in the therapeutic diet 11 does not irritate the digestive system. Food is very easily processed and assimilated without causing the processes of decay and fermentation in the digestive tract. Dietary fiber helps cleanse the blood and intestines from toxins and drug residues accumulated during the disease. With diet 11, the taste characteristics of the dish are of great importance. Dishes for this diet are boiled, stewed or steamed,but they try to improve their appearance and aroma by any means. The daily ration for diet 11 should include about 120 g of proteins, 110 g of fat, 400-500 g of carbohydrates, as well as 1.0 mg of retinol, 8.5 mg of carotene, 2 mg of thiamine, 4 mg of riboflavin, 30 mg of niacin. The human body with diet 11 should receive at least 200 mg of ascorbic acid, 4 g of sodium, 1.4 g of calcium, 0.6 mg of magnesium, 2.2 mg of phosphorus, 0.055 g of iron and up to 15 g of sodium chloride every day. A diet for weight gain provides for fractional meals five to six times a day. The portions should be distributed evenly. The human body with diet 11 should receive at least 200 mg of ascorbic acid, 4 g of sodium, 1.4 g of calcium, 0.6 mg of magnesium, 2.2 mg of phosphorus, 0.055 g of iron and up to 15 g of sodium chloride every day. A diet for weight gain provides for fractional meals five to six times a day. Distribute the portions evenly. The human body with diet 11 should receive at least 200 mg of ascorbic acid, 4 g of sodium, 1.4 g of calcium, 0.6 mg of magnesium, 2.2 mg of phosphorus, 0.055 g of iron and up to 15 g of sodium chloride every day. A diet for weight gain provides for fractional meals five to six times a day. The portions should be distributed evenly.

Recommended and excluded foods on diet 11

With diet 11, it is recommended to consume any baked goods made from wheat flour, rye flour with the addition of nuts, seeds, dried fruits (pies, cookies, buns, pies, rolls). Shortcrust or puff pastry products can be consumed in limited quantities.

With this diet, any soups are recommended, especially those rich in fish, meat, mushroom broth. You can add large amounts of beets, carrots, potatoes, pasta to soups. Refueling soups based on semolina or sauteed flour with the addition of cream and sour cream are also allowed. You can include in the diet dairy soups based on pasta and cereals, as well as broths and soups with lumpy meat, meatballs. With a diet of 11, it is allowed to use all types of lean meat for cooking - beef, lamb, edged pork, chicken, rabbit, duck, goose, turkey. Piece of meat can be stewed, served with various sauces, baked in foil. It is allowed to add sausage, ham, sausages and sausages to the diet. During diet 11, the use of refractory animal fats, for example, lamb, beef,as well as cooking oil.

During a diet, fish of semi-fat and low-fat varieties can be boiled, baked, stewed or fried. Allowed cod liver, caviar, canned fish, balyk. Dairy products can be consumed in unlimited quantities. Fermented milk products are very useful. They normalize microflora after illness and antibacterial therapy. Cereals with diet 11 should be used to prepare side dishes for vegetables and meat. Preference should be given to buckwheat, oatmeal, semolina. They can be used to make puddings and casseroles. Vegetables can be used to prepare individual dishes or side dishes, as well as eat them raw, baked, boiled and fried. Cooked beans, peas, and beans can be mashed. It is also recommended to eat sweet-sour and sweet ripe, soft berries and fruits, cooked and fresh,and also used as a filling for pies. When preparing sweet dishes, you can add honey, jam and refined sugar. It is not recommended to eat sweet dishes with fatty butter cream (pastries, cakes).

Diet diet 11
Diet diet 11

Snacks play an important role in the weight gain diet. They improve appetite and prepare the human digestive system for work. Various leafy and vegetable salads with the addition of parsley, dill, spices, and garlic are widely recommended. Fatty and spicy seasonings are not recommended to be included in the diet.

Any beverages on diet 11 are acceptable, including coffee and strong tea. Dried fruit compote and rosehip decoction are useful.

Sample diet menu 11

A sample diet 11 menu could be:

  • first breakfast: fatty cottage cheese (with sour cream, sugar or jam), soft-boiled egg, tea with sugar and lemon, bun;
  • second breakfast: buckwheat porridge cooked in milk, coffee with sugar;
  • lunch: salad of vegetables and seafood, cabbage soup with fresh cabbage in meat broth, beef stroganoff with vegetable stew, grated carrots with honey, tomato juice;
  • afternoon snack: rosehip broth;
  • dinner: vegetable vinaigrette, baked fish, fried potatoes, dried fruit compote.

Diet 11 for a child

Therapeutic diet 11 for a child is based on the same principle as the diet for adults, with only a few differences. The amount of protein in the daily diet remains within the normal range, but preference is given to its easily digestible and valuable species.

The amount of carbohydrates and fats in diet 11 for a child needs to be reduced. Carbohydrates enhance the fermentation processes in the intestine, cause bloating and other disorders. For normal development and growth, strengthening the immune system and increasing vitality, the child's diet should include foods rich in vitamins A, C, B1, B2 and D, as well as potassium, calcium and other trace elements.

With diet 11 for a child, you need to limit the use of table salt (sodium chloride). It is not recommended to add salt to food and to use foods with high salinity (spicy varieties of sausages and cheeses, pickles, herring). The amount of liquid consumed should correspond to the age norm.

When compiling diet 11 for a child, you need to choose the most healthy foods. It is important to know how much protein, fat, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins are in each product.

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