Oyster Sauce - Use, Application, Recipe

Oyster Sauce - Use, Application, Recipe
Oyster Sauce - Use, Application, Recipe

Oyster sauce

Oyster sauce is an invention of Chinese cuisine, a very popular product in China and already all over the world.

Oyster sauce - the invention of Chinese cuisine
Oyster sauce - the invention of Chinese cuisine

The original recipe for oyster sauce says that it should be cooked from oyster meat, but given the high cost of raw materials, the sauce is widely used from oyster extract obtained from pressed oysters.

The preparation for the sauce is a canned extract, today it is sold in stores, so any housewife can prepare an exotic sauce knowing the recipe at home.

How oyster sauce is made

Making the sauce with the extract on hand is pretty easy. In addition to harvesting, you will need corn or potato starch, caramelized sugar, and monosodium glutamate - a well-known and frightening flavor enhancer for many, which, nevertheless, is widespread in China. If desired, this component can be omitted or, if possible, natural glutamate can be used, which is significantly more expensive than an artificial flavoring enhancer, and therefore is not so popular.

In order to prepare the oyster sauce, all of the above components are mixed in a pan, a little water is added and all this is kept on fire - it evaporates. The goal is to achieve a thick, jam-like consistency. As soon as the sauce thickens, it is removed from the stove and cooled.

After cooking, you should get a thick dark brown, almost black sauce with a pronounced oyster (not fishy!) Taste.

The sauce is stored in the refrigerator, but not for long.

What are the benefits of oyster extract sauce?

Thanks to the raw materials used to make the sauce, it contains proteins, amino acids, carbohydrates, sugars, calcium, potassium, zinc, phosphorus, sodium, iron, and copper.

The Chinese love oyster sauce for the fact that, with constant use, it helps to increase efficiency and improve general condition.

Immediately after consuming the sauce, a surge of energy is felt - this "affects" the effect of glucose.

The calorie content of 100 grams of sauce is 120 calories, which should be remembered for those who follow a low-calorie diet.

Applying oyster sauce

Contrary to expectations, they prefer to serve oyster sauce not with fish dishes or seafood, but with meat. It is believed that the sauce best emphasizes the taste of pork and beef. As a last resort, of course, you can season fish or chicken with oyster sauce, serve shrimp with it.

Oyster sauce consistency
Oyster sauce consistency

In the homeland of the sauce, it is even eaten with rice, which, thanks to the dressing, turns out to be juicy and aromatic. In general, in China, oyster sauce, like soy sauce, is often used instead of salt.

The use of oyster sauce in cooking always involves cooking it. And this is due to the fact that its taste is better manifested, although many vitamins, of course, are lost. In order to reduce the loss of valuable nutrients, the sauce is added at the end, when the dish is almost ready.

Here's a recipe for pork with oyster sauce. For cooking, you need 300 grams of meat, 1 peach nectarine, 2 canned pineapple slices, 1 tomato, a quarter of a bell pepper, preferably red, 1 onion, 1 carrot. This is the basis of the dish. And for the sauce, you need to take 4-5 tablespoons of oyster sauce, 2-3 teaspoons of honey, 1 clove of garlic, 0.5 teaspoon of chopped and dried ginger.

Pork dressing is prepared in advance - all ingredients for the sauce are simply mixed.

Pre-cut, salted and peppered pork is fried in olive oil until cooked and transferred to a plate. After that, carrots and onions are fried in the same pan, pepper, tomato are added to them, after a while - chopped pineapple and nectarine. Vegetables and fruits are mixed, fried meat and sauce are added to them. For another half a minute, everything is fried.

Vegetables - carrots and onions, like meat, are cut into strips, peaches - in large slices, pineapple rings - also large, into 4 parts.

As a side dish for meat, boiled rice is ideal.

Who can be harmful to oyster sauce

It is not recommended to use oyster sauce for those who have diabetes or obesity. Caution should be observed if inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are concerned.

In addition, if you are allergic to seafood, it is undesirable to use sauce for cooking.

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