Hypospadias - Glossary Of Medical Terms

Hypospadias - Glossary Of Medical Terms
Hypospadias - Glossary Of Medical Terms

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Hypospadia (hypospadia; Greek hypo- - under, lowering, insufficiency + spadon - hole; synonyms: lower urethra cleft, lower urethra cleft, lower urethra fissure) - congenital developmental anomaly, consisting in the absence of the distal (lower) part of the male the urethra with the location of its external opening in an unusual place.

Types of hypospadias:

  • scrotal (scrotalis) - characterized by the absence of the spongy urethra and the localization of its external opening in the scrotum;
  • penis (penis; synonym: stem hypospadias) - characterized by underdevelopment or absence of the spongy part of the urethra, as well as the location of its external opening along the entire length of the spongy (cavernous) body of the penis;
  • perineal (perinealis) - characterized by the absence of the membranous and spongy part of the urethra, and the localization of its external opening on the perineum;
  • peniscrotalis - scrotal hypospadias, characterized by the location of the external opening of the urethra on the border of the scrotum and the body of the penis.

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