Herpes - Dictionary Of Medical Terms

Herpes - Dictionary Of Medical Terms
Herpes - Dictionary Of Medical Terms

Table of contents:



Herpes (Greek herpes - skin spreading creeping disease, from herpo - to crawl) is a name that unites a group of pathologies excited by viruses of the same group, and expressed as a rash on the mucous membranes and / or skin of grouped small bubbles on the erythematous-edematous base.

Allocate herpes:

  • pregnant women (gestationis) - dermatosis of unknown etiology, appearing in the second half of pregnancy, expressed by the presence of multiple vesicles on the skin of the limbs and trunk, itching and symptoms of general intoxication; the available indirect data allow us to attribute this disease to the herpes group;
  • shingles (zoster; synonym: herpes zoster) - a disease caused by the chickenpox virus, clinically manifested by a typical blistering rash along the individual sensory nerves, as well as signs of damage to the central and peripheral nervous system;
  • generalized herpes (zoster generalisatus, zoster varicelliformis; synonym: herpes zoster disseminated) - a form of herpes zoster, which differs along with a rash along the nerve by the appearance of separate vesicles on different parts of the body;
  • simple (simplex; synonyms: lichen vesicle, herpetic fever) - caused by the virus of the same name that affects the cornea, mucous membranes, skin, and with generalization - also internal organs; often noted against the background of pneumonia, flu;
  • recurrent (recidivans) - herpes simplex, characterized by the regular occurrence of rashes in the same zone, caused by some exo- and endogenous factor (phase of the menstrual cycle, season, etc.).

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