Stress Attacks - The Immune System Panics

Stress Attacks - The Immune System Panics
Stress Attacks - The Immune System Panics

Stress attacks - the immune system panics

This spring is testing our nerves and immunity for strength! The factors that cause stress are now abound, and stress, in turn, greatly undermines the strength of the immune system, which has been significantly weakened during the winter months. How to get out of this vicious circle?

Two problems, one solution

So, "at the exit" from winter we have a weakened immunity, which is even more "de-energized" by regular stress. As a solution to two problems at once, Karmolis Drops can be used - a natural medicinal product for oral administration based on a unique combination of essential oils of ten medicinal plants (thyme, sage, anise, lemon, Chinese cinnamon, cloves, peppermint, nutmeg, lavender, lemon balm) …

Carmolis Drops: positive properties
Carmolis Drops: positive properties

Thyme essential oil has an expectorant and antiviral effect. Sage oil - anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, immunomodulatory. Anise oil contains anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and expectorant components. Lemon oil - bactericidal and anti-inflammatory, normalizing the functioning of the nervous system. Chinese cinnamon oil is rich in antispasmodic and tonic substances. Clove oil is a recognized antimicrobial and antiseptic. Peppermint oil tones and relieves pain. Lemon balm oil is a powerful soothing and antispasmodic. Nutmeg oil contains antiseptic, analgesic, tonic ingredients. Lavender oil is a storehouse of antiseptic, soothing, anti-inflammatory substances.

Karmolis Drops: composition, properties
Karmolis Drops: composition, properties

As you can see, such a rich plant composition is quite capable of coping with the prevention of colds, and with the strengthening of immunity, and with the negative influence of stress!

400 years of health care

Karmolis Drops is a drug with more than 400 years of history! Since 1611, the fame of "Carmelite water" spread throughout Europe - the recipe was made by the monks of the Carmelite order and kept it secret for centuries. In the 19th century, the Carmelites gave the recipe to official medicine - "Carmelite water" appeared in the State Pharmacopoeias of Europe, in 1880 - in Russia. Since 1953, the recipe has been owned by the Austrian company Dr. A. & L. Schmidgall, a pharmaceutical holding that produces natural products under the Karmolis brand.

The secret of the effectiveness of the old recipe lies in the well-thought-out formula! Each oil out of ten is present in the recipe in a strictly defined amount, and all essential oils together act synergistically (much more effective than each oil separately).

Revealing secrets - that's all

The effectiveness of the drug Karmolis Drops is directly related to the essential oils in its composition. Did you know that essential oils are different (both in quality and cost), and only one type is allowed for use in medicine and pharmaceuticals?

Karmolis Drops - a drug with more than 400 years of history
Karmolis Drops - a drug with more than 400 years of history

Since ancient times, people have obtained essential oils from plants in a variety of ways. Today, four methods are used.

  1. Extraction of essential oils with organic solvent is the cheapest method. The result is a high yield, because there is a complete extraction of raw materials. The extracts are “contaminated” with resinous and other substances. In medicine, such oils are not used, they are used, for example, as flavorings.
  2. The pressing method is convenient and cheap, but the resulting oils also contain harmful impurities. Today, citrus oils are usually pressed.
Methods for obtaining essential oils
Methods for obtaining essential oils
  1. Anflerage - based on the adsorption of essential oils on fats or activated carbon. The method makes it possible to obtain highly refined oil fractions, but is extremely expensive. For example, jasmine essential oil is obtained using the enfleurage method, which goes into the production of the premium segment of creams, perfumes and other products.
  2. The method of aquadistillation - allows you to obtain pure, 100% essential oils without harmful impurities, because there is a distillation with water vapor and the pure essential oil is condensed. Only aquadistillation essential oils are approved for use in medicine and pharmaceuticals.

It is these essential oils that are part of the drug Karmolis Drops. Moreover! Essential oils for the Karmolis brand are produced by the double aquadistillation method. Double distillation with steam is the only way to obtain the lightest and purest fractions of essential oils. Such oils are the most hypoallergenic and contain in the maximum proportion all the active substances of medicinal plants.

Apply as you like

Another pleasant discovery will be the various options for using the drug. Karmolis Drops are taken orally with a hot drink (or with a lump of sugar). Add 10-20 drops to a cup of the drink, and while the drink “combines” with the preparation, they breathe aromas of essential oils for 2-3 minutes. So you will receive disinfecting inhalation of mucous membranes, and support for the immune system, and harmonization of the nervous system!

Karmolis Drops: methods of application, dosage
Karmolis Drops: methods of application, dosage

Karmolis Drops are added to classic inhalations - 25-30 drops to one liter of hot water. Covering themselves with a towel, they breathe over a container of aromatic oils.

Carmolis Drops: use for inhalation
Carmolis Drops: use for inhalation

The “cold inhalation” method has gone “to the people”. Karmolis Drops are applied to a handkerchief, a collar of clothes, a scarf - to breathe in the healing composition of essential oils and thereby isolate oneself from inhaling viruses and reduce the effect of stress.

Carmolis Drops are used in indoor air humidifiers. This method is especially convenient: this way you can create a healthy atmosphere in the room for collective prevention of colds, and at the same time help the nervous system to relax.

Karmolis Drops for the prevention of colds
Karmolis Drops for the prevention of colds

May your spring be harmonious and healthy!

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