Tanning In A Solarium - Reviews, Contraindications

Tanning In A Solarium - Reviews, Contraindications
Tanning In A Solarium - Reviews, Contraindications


The solarium is an electric artificial tanning machine
The solarium is an electric artificial tanning machine

Since the beginning of the last century, tanning has become fashionable. He personified female beauty, wealth and indolence. The actual fashion for tanning contributed to the appearance of the tanning salon. Today, even in the most modest sports club or beauty salon, the list of services will necessarily include a solarium.

What is a solarium?

A solarium is a device that generates radiation, under the influence of which the skin begins to synthesize melanocytes and acquires the desired bronze tint. The radiation generated by a tanning bed is almost identical to that of the sun. There are several types of tanning salons, which can be classified as professional or home. The main difference between them is that in home tanning salons there is a small number of lamps, usually no more than 24.

The main thing that a person who wants to get a tan in a home-type solarium needs to know is that he will have to spend much more time in it than in a professional one. The power of the lamps there is small, and their number is less. But in general, a home solarium is perfect for people who intend to only slightly improve their skin color and add a little health to the body, exhausted by vitamin deficiency after winter.

Modern professional solariums have the following features:

  • Electronic control;
  • A large number of lamps that allow you to get a tan in just 5-10 minutes;
  • The presence of a fan allowing to cool the client while sunbathing;
  • Various additional services (mechanical lift, radio, etc.).

How to sunbathe in a solarium? The essence of a tanning salon is very simple: the more lamps and the more powerful they are, the faster the client will get a tan. Very powerful tanning salons are ideal for customers who value every minute. However, remember that a tanning session should not exceed 10-15 minutes. And when you first visit the solarium, it is enough to limit yourself to 5-7 minutes. In medium-sized solariums, the client can relax longer.

Recently, turbo solariums have become especially popular, which are distinguished by increased comfort due to the presence of the most modern cooling system. As a result, the customer is not at risk of overheating.

The mechanism of tanning in a tanning bed is quite simple. Under the influence of radiation in the skin, special cells are synthesized - melanocytes, which contain the pigment melanin. The main function of melanin is to protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation. Thus, the longer a person is in the sun or in a solarium, the more melanin is included in the newly formed cells. As a result, after the solarium, the client has a beautiful bronze skin tone. However, to achieve the greatest effect, you need to go through several sessions.

How to sunbathe in a solarium correctly?

According to reviews, the solarium should not be visited immediately after taking a shower (baths, saunas, baths). After washing, the skin loses its natural protection, as a result of which it can burn after a tanning bed. It is also not recommended to visit a solarium with wet skin.

Do not use perfume before visiting the solarium, as this can irritate the skin. All cosmetics must be washed off before the session, since hormones, essential oils, dyes that are part of cosmetics can cause the formation of ugly age spots.

You should also avoid using sunscreen designed for sun tanning. This can lead to a "mottled tan". There are special cosmetics for tanning salons, which must be used. It protects the skin from aging, makes the tan even and beautiful.

According to reviews, the solarium makes hair dry and brittle, so it is recommended to wear a special hat on it. And so that your lips don't dry out, you can use a lip balm with ultraviolet light.

It is necessary to wear special glasses that the salon provides to the clients. Just closed eyes are not reliable protection, since ultraviolet light still penetrates through closed eyelids and injures the retina. If you wear contact lenses, you must remove them before visiting the tanning salon.

How to sunbathe in a solarium correctly
How to sunbathe in a solarium correctly

The nipples also need protection. They can be covered with special stickers, or simply closed with your palms.

After the tanning bed, make it a rule to drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice - mango, carrot or apricot. These juices contain carotene, which strengthens the tan and makes it more beautiful.

After the tanning bed, you can shower, apply a moisturizer to your body and get some rest.

According to reviews, the tanning salon should not be visited more than once a day. If you are burned, then you should not go to the tanning salon until your skin is fully restored.

Now that you know how to sunbathe in a solarium, you can safely go for a beautiful and even tan without harm to your body.

Contraindications to solarium

Before deciding to get an artificial tanning, remember that there are a number of contraindications to tanning beds.

For example, it is not recommended to visit a solarium during menstruation, as there is a possibility of increased bleeding and exacerbation of pain.

You can not get a tan in a solarium while taking antibiotics, diuretics and psychotropic drugs, hormonal therapy, with cancer alertness (endometriosis, mastopathy, myomatous nodes, etc.).

A strict contraindication to a tanning bed is the period of pregnancy and breastfeeding, the presence of a large number of moles on the body, scars and rashes, the presence of skin diseases (vitiligo, dermatitis).

You can not visit the solarium also with bronchial asthma, open form of tuberculosis, diseases of the thyroid gland, kidneys and liver, cardiovascular system, diseases of the hematopoietic system and with increased sensitivity to the sun's rays.

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