Facial Myostimulation - Reviews, Effect, Contraindications

Facial Myostimulation - Reviews, Effect, Contraindications
Facial Myostimulation - Reviews, Effect, Contraindications

Facial myostimulation

Facial myostimulation - physiotherapy procedure
Facial myostimulation - physiotherapy procedure

Today myostimulation of the face is an effective and safe way to deal with age-related changes in appearance. This physiotherapy is also called electrical stimulation, neurostimulation, myolifting.

The principle of myostimulation

At first, with the help of myostimulation, physical training of patients was carried out for whom natural physical activity is contraindicated. After a while, it became clear that this is one of the most effective ways to rejuvenate and lose weight. The essence of facial myostimulation lies in the fact that current impulses force the contraction of those muscle groups that are targeted. Contracting work trains the muscles of the face, keeps them in good shape, in a taut state, and this effect is used in cosmetology to strengthen them.

An electrical impulse is applied to the nerve endings of the skin through cutaneous electrodes, which causes muscle contraction. Working muscles are better supplied with blood, and lymph drainage improves. Together, it speeds up metabolism and helps burn fat stores in cells.

Devices for facial myostimulation

The device for carrying out the myostimulation procedure is called a myostimulator. Devices of various functions and intensity of influence have been developed. It is desirable that the set of modes of the device for facial myostimulation include a neurostimulator, which allows you to relieve unpleasant and painful sensations during the procedure.

Before placing the electrodes on the skin surface, they are lubricated with a contact gel or cream, which increases electrical conductivity. Electrodes are applied to the surface of the face according to certain patterns.

For a greater effect, facial myostimulation is carried out using special cosmetics enriched with collagen, oxygen, vitamins, trace elements and biologically active substances. The mild effect of the impulse current allows beneficial substances to penetrate deeper and more fully into the skin tissue.

Facial myostimulation is one of the methods of rejuvenation
Facial myostimulation is one of the methods of rejuvenation

Facial myostimulation brings a tangible positive effect after the first procedure, but one session is usually not enough, and a course of procedures is required to consolidate the effect. Typically, the course of facial myostimulation includes 10 sessions, carried out with an interval of one day. You should not take a break between sessions for more than 3 days, such an interval is already considered a long one, and this can negatively affect the final effect. To maintain the muscles of the face in tone, myostimulation of the face, according to reviews, will be optimally repeated at least once a month.

During the course of myolifting, it is advisable to give up coffee, alcohol and smoking, limit the use of protein foods, but it is recommended to increase the volume of liquid drunk to 2.5 - 3 liters due to mineral water or juices. Adequate sleep during the course of facial myostimulation procedures, according to reviews, helps to achieve better results.

Effects of facial myostimulation

According to reviews, myostimulation of the face corrects and lifts the oval of the face well, helps smooth out wrinkles, removes bags, dark circles and puffiness under the eyes. Facial myostimulation allows you to get rid of such a problem as a double chin.

The muscles and tissues of the upper eyelid are toned, which helps to correct age-related ptosis (drooping of the eyelid). Due to the improvement of metabolism, the complexion becomes fresher and more even.

Contraindications to facial myostimulation

This procedure should not be carried out in case of pregnancy, cancer, systemic blood diseases, liver and kidney failure, tuberculosis, thrombophlebitis, in the acute period of skin diseases, with hypersensitivity to impulse current and some other conditions. A complete list of contraindications should be familiarized with a cosmetologist before carrying out myolifting.

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