Lip Contouring - Methods, Conduct, Reviews

Lip Contouring - Methods, Conduct, Reviews
Lip Contouring - Methods, Conduct, Reviews

Lip contouring

Lip contouring
Lip contouring

Lip contouring is a procedure to shape and enhance the shape of the lips. Just a decade ago, lip correction required surgery. But, fortunately, science and medicine does not stand still, therefore, lip contouring with hyaluronic acid is becoming increasingly popular today, when a special preparation is injected under the skin with a small syringe that completely removes all defects.

Many women dream of having sensual, beautiful and full lips. However, nature does not endow everyone with such an advantage. Therefore, for people with thin lips, contouring can be an excellent alternative. In addition, the procedure allows you to remove fine wrinkles around the mouth and nasolabial folds. Such changes not only make the face more attractive, but also rejuvenate it.

Lip contouring method

As a rule, in cosmetology, injection methods of lip plastics are used based on hyaluronic acid, botulinum toxins and other agents. There are also more outdated plastic methods - injections of non-absorbable drugs. Recently, however, they are considered not entirely safe and often have dire consequences. Many salons still offer outdated methods along with the latest technology. However, before deciding on such a plastic, it is worth carefully weighing the pros and cons. Often the use of unencapsulated gels leads to inflammatory processes. In addition, many of these products are officially prohibited from use.

Hyaluronic acid lip contouring

The simplest and safest method of lip plastic surgery is hyaluronic acid injections. Hyaluronic acid is found in all living cells of the human body, and its main purpose is to keep water molecules in a bound state inside tissues. At a young age, hyaluronic acid is produced in the skin cells in sufficient quantities, so the skin is well hydrated, has healthy elasticity and smoothness.

Acid production decreases with age, resulting in wrinkles and dry skin. Lips, in particular, shrink, and fine wrinkles form around the mouth. According to reviews, lip contouring with fillers allows you to make your lips more plump and sensual, give them a healthy look and reduce the number of wrinkles around the mouth.

The main advantage of the method is its complete safety. The hyaluronic acid in the injection is identical to that produced by the human body. Therefore, it not only creates volume and moisturizes tissues, but also stimulates the production of elastin and collagen, which are responsible for the elasticity and youth of the skin.


The lip augmentation procedure is very simple and does not take much time. Using a thin needle, the drug is injected into certain places, after which a light massage is performed so that the gel is evenly distributed. This procedure does not require breaking the usual rhythm of life.

In the first days after the procedure, there may be a slight swelling of the lips, but it usually goes away within a week.

Lip contouring allows you to increase their volume
Lip contouring allows you to increase their volume

The effect of the injection does not last long, on average up to six months, and depends on many factors: age, the presence of diseases, the patient's lifestyle. Hyaluronic acid is completely absorbed in the body without forming any harmful residues. Therefore, the procedure can be carried out regularly to maintain a stable effect.

Other methods of lip contouring

Lipolifting is another method of lip contouring. It is more invasive, but its effect is more persistent and lasting. Lipolifting involves the injection of the patient's own adipose tissue. Using a special needle or cannula, fat cells are taken from the patient from any part of the body (usually the abdomen) and injected into certain areas of the lips and wrinkled areas around the mouth. The number of fat cells is usually taken with a margin, since during the adaptation process about 50% of the implanted cells die off and are excreted by the body. The rest of the cells take root safely. This method gives a more lasting result than hyaluronic acid injections, which lasts for several years. However, lipolifting cannot be called an easy procedure either, since it involves preliminary liposuction, which is a serious surgical intervention.

A good result, according to reviews, lip contouring gives in combination with various anti-aging procedures. It can be chemical peeling, botox injections, various laser techniques, photorejuvenation.

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