Instructions for use:
- 1. Description
- 2. Healing properties
- 3. Application
- 4. Contraindications
Prices in online pharmacies:
from 40 rubles.
Description of plantain
The plantain belongs to the family of the same name; it grows wild in Asia, North, South America, Europe, Australia.

In medicine, plantain leaves, stems, roots are used.
The leaves contain bitter and tannins, polysaccharides, carotenoids, ascorbic acid, vanillic acid, ferulic, chlorogenic, fumaric, other organic acids, alkaloids, glycoside, choline, vitamins K, B4.
Plantain stems contain phenol carboxylic acids and flavonoids. Sterols and linoleic acid were found in the roots.
The healing properties of plantain
Plantain has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-allergic, hypnotic, wound-healing, antitumor effects, it stimulates appetite and the work of the digestive system, strengthens the immune system.
Plantain application
Preparations on plantain help with headaches, eye diseases, diabetes, exhaustion, gallbladder diseases, arrhythmias, neurasthenia, heart failure, flatulence, gastrointestinal ulcers, chronic colitis
Plantain helps with cancer, leukemia, lymphogranulomatosis: the plant tends to protect internal organs from the effects of chemotherapy, radiation therapy, it promotes the resorption of small tumors and metastases.
The infusion made from the plant has an expectorant effect, therefore, plantain is taken for coughing. To prepare the infusion, one tablespoon of dried leaves is brewed with 250 ml of boiling water, insisted for two hours, wrapped in a warm cloth. Drink an infusion of plantain from a cough in a tablespoon four r / day before meals - 20 minutes and additionally with a coughing fit.
In addition, the plantain leaf infusion tones up and helps with overwork, general fatigue. But it should be borne in mind that when using alcoholic tincture, another property of plantain appears - it has a sedative effect and helps to reduce pressure.
Plantain juice can also be used as an expectorant and relieves inflammation in asthma, whooping cough, bronchitis, pulmonary tuberculosis. Plantain for cough in these diseases is used as follows: before meals, drink one teaspoon of plant juice.
Plantain juice can be bought ready-made, and it is used not only for the treatment of cough: in case of gastrointestinal diseases, they drink one tablespoon of juice, mixing it with 50 ml of warm water before meals (for 20 minutes) 3-4 r / day for a month. Plantain juice helps with dermatological diseases - 3-4 rubles / day make lotions, apply bandages or do rinsing with juice. With burns, regular treatment of the affected skin with plant juice every one or an hour and a half helps.
A decoction of plantain seeds is considered a good enveloping agent, which helps with inflammation in the intestines or stomach. They also treat hemorrhoids, diarrhea, use such a decoction for gout, impotence, dysentery. To prepare the medicine, pour a tablespoon of seeds with one and a half cups of boiling water and boil for another 15 minutes. It is advised to drink the broth at 100 ml 4 r / day. For men after 35 years of age, such a decoction is recommended to drink regularly from autumn to spring to prevent problems with potency.
From the description of the plantain it is also known that its seeds help with infertility: one tablespoon of seeds is boiled for five minutes in a glass of water, they insist for half an hour, filter, drink three r / day on a tablespoon of 2 months.

The anti-inflammatory properties of plantain are also manifested when applied externally. With a decoction of plant seeds, you can make eye lotions to relieve inflammation: pour two teaspoons of seeds with two teaspoons of cold water, stir and add six tablespoons of boiling water. You can use the infusion after it has cooled down.
The healing properties of plantain are manifested not only when using decoctions or juice. For example, fresh leaves of a plant, rubbed into gruel, accelerate the healing of scratches, bruises, and relieve inflammation from insect bites. For treatment, the gruel from the leaves is wrapped in gauze or bandage, applied to the sore spot. For bites, the bandage must be kept for at least half an hour. If there is no effect, the dressing is changed to a fresh one.
If you mix gruel from freshly picked plantain leaves with egg white, you get an anti-burn agent. It is applied to the affected skin with a thick layer one or two p / day for 15 minutes.
In the description of plantain it is indicated that it should not be taken with increased blood clotting, high secretion of gastric juice, the presence of blood clots in the vessels, hypersensitivity, exacerbation of gastrointestinal ulcers.
Long-term use of plantain can increase blood clotting and the likelihood of blood clots.
Plantain: prices in online pharmacies
Drug name Price Pharmacy |
911 Kids cream Plantain cream for children 50 ml 1 pc. RUB 40 Buy |
Stopproblem gel salicylic sage and plantain gel for oily skin 15 ml 1 pc. 93 rbl. Buy |
Smile (Smile) wet antibacterial wipes Plantain 60 pcs. RUB 95 Buy |
Vitateca Cream-balm Plantain and panthenol cream-balm 75 ml 1 pc. RUB 105 Buy |
Sage Forte and Plantain 1100 mg lozenges 20 pcs. 124 RUB Buy |
Sage and plantain forte tablets for rassas. 1100 mg 20 Pcs. 141 r Buy |
Vitateka (Vitateka) Plantain and panthenol 5% cream-balm for the skin regenerating 75 ml 143 r Buy |
NOW (NAU Foods) Plantain and Pectin capsules 900 mg 180 pcs. RUB 2115 Buy |
NOW Psyllium Husk Caps Plantain Pectin 700mg Capsules 180 pcs RUB 2115 Buy |
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Information about the drug is generalized, provided for informational purposes only and does not replace the official instructions. Self-medication is hazardous to health!