Corvalol Fito - Instructions For Use, Tablets, Drops, Reviews, Composition

Corvalol Fito - Instructions For Use, Tablets, Drops, Reviews, Composition
Corvalol Fito - Instructions For Use, Tablets, Drops, Reviews, Composition

Corvalol Fito

Corvalol Fito: instructions for use and reviews

  1. 1. Release form and composition
  2. 2. Pharmacological properties
  3. 3. Indications for use
  4. 4. Contraindications
  5. 5. Method of application and dosage
  6. 6. Side effects
  7. 7. Overdose
  8. 8. Special instructions
  9. 9. Application during pregnancy and lactation
  10. 10. Use in childhood
  11. 11. In case of impaired renal function
  12. 12. For violations of liver function
  13. 13. Drug interactions
  14. 14. Analogs
  15. 15. Terms and conditions of storage
  16. 16. Terms of dispensing from pharmacies
  17. 17. Reviews
  18. 18. Price in pharmacies

Latin name: Corvalol Phyto

ATX code: N05CM

Active ingredient: peppermint leaves oil + motherwort grass extract + ethyl alpha-bromoisovalerate (Menthae piperitae foliorum oleum + Leonuri herbae extract + Ethyl alpha-bromoisovalerate)

Producer: JSC "Pharmstandard-Leksredstva" (Russia)

Description and photo update: 2019-12-07

Prices in pharmacies: from 40 rubles.


Drops for oral administration Corvalol Fito
Drops for oral administration Corvalol Fito

Corvalol Fito is a combined herbal preparation of sedative action.

Release form and composition

Corvalol Fito is produced in the following dosage forms:

  • drops for oral administration: greenish-brown transparent liquid with a characteristic odor, suspension in the form of small particles is allowed, precipitation may form during storage (25 ml or 50 ml each in glass dropper bottles with screw caps, 1 bottle in a cardboard box and instructions for medical use of the drug);
  • tablets: flat-cylindrical, round, light brown in color with darker and lighter blotches, with a line and a chamfer, have a weak characteristic odor (10 pcs. in blisters, in a cardboard box 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 contour packages and instructions for the use of Corvalol Fito).

Composition of Corvalol Fito per 1 ml drops for oral administration:

  • active ingredients: ethyl ester of alpha-bromoisovaleric acid (ethyl alpha-bromoisovalerate) - 20 mg; peppermint leaf oil - 1.42 mg; tincture of motherwort herb (to obtain 100 ml of motherwort tincture, 20 g of motherwort herb and 70% ethyl alcohol in sufficient quantities are used) - 720 mg;
  • auxiliary components: purified water.

The composition of Corvalol Fito per 1 tablet (0.58 mg + 14 mg + 8.2 mg) / (1.16 mg + 28 mg + 16.4 mg):

  • active ingredients: ethyl ester of alpha-bromoisovaleric acid (ethyl alpha-bromoisovalerate) - 8.2 / 16.4 mg; dry extract of motherwort herb - 14/28 mg; peppermint leaf oil - 0.58 / 1.16 mg;
  • auxiliary components: betadex, magnesium aluminometasilicate, lactose monohydrate, talc, potato starch, magnesium stearate.

Pharmacological properties


Corvalol Fito is a complex herbal preparation that has an antispasmodic, sedative, moderate hypotensive and insignificant cardiotonic effect (increases the strength of heart contractions and slows down the heart rate).

Ethyl bromisovalerianate soothes and has antispasmodic properties. The mechanism of action is due to irritation of receptors (mainly in the nasopharynx and oral cavity), increased inhibition in neurons located in the cerebral cortex and subcortical structures, a decrease in reflex excitability in the central nervous system, as well as a direct effect on smooth muscles. The nature of the action of ethyl bromoisovalerianate is close to that of drugs based on valerian.

Peppermint oil has an antispasmodic, antiseptic, reflex vasodilating and mild choleretic effect. Peppermint can irritate cold receptors located on the oral mucosa and reflexively dilate blood vessels (mainly the vessels of the brain and heart). In addition, it irritates the receptors of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract and increases intestinal motility, thereby reducing the increased gas production (flatulence).

Motherwort has a pronounced sedative effect, exhibits hypotensive activity, and also increases the strength of the contractions of the heart muscle and reduces the heart rate (heart rate).


Information on the pharmacokinetic parameters of the drug was not provided.

Indications for use

  • neurosis-like states, accompanied by increased excitability and irritability;
  • sleep disorders;
  • states of arousal, characterized by pronounced autonomic symptoms;
  • functional disorders of the cardiovascular system (as a vasodilator and sedative);
  • intestinal spasms (as an antispasmodic).



  • severe liver dysfunction;
  • exacerbation of erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract (for drops);
  • severe renal dysfunction;
  • children and adolescents up to 18 years old;
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • deficiency of the enzyme lactase, glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome, lactose intolerance (for tablets, since they contain lactose);
  • hypersensitivity to the main or auxiliary components of the drug.

Relative (drops and tablets Corvalol Fito are used with caution, after consulting a doctor):

  • impaired renal function of mild to moderate severity;
  • dysfunction of the liver of mild to moderate severity;
  • brain diseases, craniocerebral trauma, epilepsy, alcoholism (for drops).

Corvalol Fito, instructions for use: method and dosage

The drug is taken orally, before meals. Corvalol Fito tablets should be taken with water, and the drops should be pre-dissolved in 30-40 ml of water.

Recommended doses for adults:

  • drops for oral administration: 30 drops three times a day;
  • tablets 0.58 mg + 14 mg + 8.2 mg: 2 tablets twice a day;
  • tablets 1.16 mg + 28 mg + 16.4 mg: 1 tablet twice a day.

In patients with tachycardia, a single dose of the drug may be increased to 3 tablets, while the maximum daily dose should not exceed 6 tablets.

The duration of treatment is 28 days (4 weeks). On the recommendation of a specialist, the duration of the course can be increased.

Side effects

  • digestive system: dyspeptic disorders;
  • cardiovascular system: slowing down of the heart rate;
  • central nervous system: dizziness, drowsiness, deterioration in concentration, weakness;
  • immune system: allergic reactions.

The listed side effects disappear with a dose reduction or discontinuation of drug therapy.

With long-term treatment with high doses of Corvalol Fito, drug dependence may occur. In addition, bromine accumulates in the body and the following signs of bromism may appear: rhinitis, hemorrhagic diathesis, conjunctivitis, apathy, impaired coordination of movements, depressive mood and drug dependence.

If the course of the listed side effects worsens or if other undesirable reactions appear that are not indicated in the instructions for the drug, you should consult your doctor.


An overdose of Corvalol Fito is possible in cases where the drug is used very often, in large doses and / or for a long time. It is manifested by an increase in dose-dependent side effects.

The main symptoms of an overdose include dizziness, drowsiness, and weakness. Due to the accumulation of bromine in the body, signs of chronic intoxication with bromine may occur.

Symptomatic therapy is being carried out.

special instructions

For the period of treatment with Corvalol Fito, you should stop drinking alcohol.

The drug is not recommended to be taken for a long time and in large doses, since bromine can accumulate in the body and have a toxic effect.

The ethyl alcohol content in Corvalol Fito drops is 47.5%. The maximum single dose of the drug contains 0.308 g of ethanol, and the maximum daily dose is 0.923 g.

Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and complex mechanisms

Corvalol Fito can cause dizziness, drowsiness and reduce concentration, therefore, during treatment with the drug, patients should refrain from driving and other mechanisms, as well as any other work that requires a high concentration of attention and a quick reaction.

Application during pregnancy and lactation

There are no data on the safety of the drug for pregnant women, so tablets and drops should not be used during pregnancy.

It is not known whether the components of the drug pass into breast milk. If it is necessary to use Corvalol Fito during lactation, breastfeeding should be discontinued.

Pediatric use

The drug is not used in children and adolescents, since there is no data on its safety and efficacy for patients under 18 years of age.

With impaired renal function

Corvalol Fito should not be administered to persons with severe renal impairment. For mild and moderate disorders, the drug is used with caution.

For violations of liver function

Corvalol Fito tablets and drops are contraindicated in patients with severely impaired liver function. In case of liver dysfunctions of mild and moderate severity, the drug is used with caution.

Drug interactions

Corvalol Fito enhances the effects of analgesic and antispasmodic drugs.

When used together with drugs that depress the central nervous system (tranquilizers, neuroleptics, hypnotics and sedatives), there may be a mutual strengthening of the action of the listed drugs.

Ethanol increases the toxicity of the drug and its therapeutic properties.


Corvalol Phyto analogs are Corvalol NEO, Sodium bromide, Motherwort tincture, Valerian extract, Peony evading tincture, Motherwort extract, etc.

Terms and conditions of storage

Store out of the reach of children at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C.

The shelf life of tablets and drops is 2 years.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

Available without a prescription.

Reviews of Corvalol Fito

Basically, the reviews about Corvalol Fito are positive. This applies to both drops for oral administration and tablets. Patients note the effectiveness of the remedy (soothes, helps with pain in the heart, eliminates tachycardia, has a hypnotic effect, fights against nervousness and anxiety), ease of use (different forms of release), natural composition, cost. The drug acts mildly, and in comparison with the usual Corvalol does not contain phenobarbital.

Among the disadvantages, one can note the existing contraindications and possible side effects. So, during the use of the tool, users complained of headache and dyspepsia. Sometimes the drug was ineffective.

Price for Corvalol Fito in pharmacies

Corvalol Phyto drops in 50 ml bottles can be bought for 70-90 rubles. The price of Corvalol Phyto in the form of tablets 0.58 mg + 14 mg + 8.2 mg (50 pieces per package) is about 65 rubles. Tablets 1.16 mg + 28 mg + 16.4 mg (50 pcs. In a package) are sold at an average price of 130-260 rubles.

Corvalol Fito: prices in online pharmacies

Drug name



Corvalol Fito drops without phenobarbital 50 ml 1 pc.

RUB 40


Corvalol Fito drops without phenobarbital 25 ml 1 pc.

RUB 70


Corvalol phyto drops for oral administration in fl.-cap. 25ml No. 1

RUB 81


Corvalol Fito drops for internal approx. vial drip 50ml

RUB 87


Corvalol Fito 1.16 mg + 28 mg + 16.4 mg tablets without phenobarbital 20 pcs.

110 RUB


Corvalol Fito tablets 1.16mg + 28mg + 16.4mg 20 pcs.

RUB 128


Corvalol phyto tab. 1.16mg + 28mg + 16.4mg No. 30

142 RUB


Corvalol Fito 0.58 mg + 14 mg + 8.2 mg tablets without phenobarbital 50 pcs.

254 r


Corvalol Fito tablets 1.16mg + 28mg + 16.4mg 50 pcs.

266 r


See all offers from pharmacies
Maria Kulkes
Maria Kulkes

Maria Kulkes Medical journalist About the author

Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov, specialty "General Medicine".

Information about the drug is generalized, provided for informational purposes only and does not replace the official instructions. Self-medication is hazardous to health!
