Emergency doctor
The profession of an ambulance doctor, perhaps, can be called one of the most difficult and responsible among all medical specialties. After all, he must know not only the theory well, but also perfectly master many practical skills. Often there are situations when an ambulance doctor has only a few minutes to make a diagnosis and at the same time he does not have the opportunity to use laboratory or instrumental diagnostic methods, to consult with his colleagues. Therefore, he must perfectly know such medical specialties as therapy, neurology, surgery, gynecology and obstetrics, resuscitation, be familiar with the pathology of the ENT organs and the organ of vision.

What qualities should an ambulance doctor have?
Based on the characteristics of work, any emergency and emergency doctor should have the following qualities:
- Good physical and mental health;
- Excellent medical observation and logic;
- Speed of reaction and the ability to remain calm in any situation;
- Knowledge of the main emergency conditions, the ability to diagnose and treat them at the pre-hospital stage;
- Ability to find contact, both with the patient himself and with his relatives. Indeed, in some cases, the consultation of an ambulance doctor may be required for them;
- Modesty, discipline, decency, cleanliness;
- Ability to maintain your authority among all team members.
Responsibilities of an ambulance doctor
Before the start of duty, an ambulance doctor must personally take the necessary medical instruments, packing with medicines.
The ambulance doctor is also responsible for monitoring the condition of all team members. If, while on duty, the doctor notices signs of alcoholic intoxication or ill health in any of them, he is obliged to immediately remove them from work and inform the manager and the dispatcher about this.
After receiving a call, the ambulance doctor must check with the dispatcher the patient's name, age and address. Departure is carried out within one minute from the moment of its receipt. It is forbidden to turn off the radio communication during the entire time of the exit.
In case of impossibility of timely departure to the call, the ambulance doctor is obliged to immediately inform the dispatcher about this, which makes it possible to timely transfer the call to another brigade.
The duties of an ambulance doctor include:
- Conducting and providing competent and free medical care to patients;
- Transportation of the injured and sick to the hospital;
- Ability to correctly assess the general condition of the patient and choose the most optimal way of carrying and transportation for him. Carrying a patient on a stretcher is one of the types of medical care and, accordingly, is another responsibility of an ambulance doctor;
- When refusing hospitalization, take all measures in order to convince both the patient and his relatives of the need for it. If this cannot be done, then provide the necessary assistance, enter a record on the refusal of hospitalization in the call card and inform the dispatcher about this to transfer the active call to the district doctor of the polyclinic;
- While en route and in the event of an accident, the ambulance doctor is obliged to stop the car, inform the dispatcher about it and start providing assistance;
- When providing medical care, he must act decisively and quickly, providing it in full. If necessary, the ambulance doctor has the right to call a specialized team to the patient;
- An ambulance doctor's advice can only be provided orally. He has no right to issue any certificates or conclusions to the hands of the sick, their relatives or any officials.
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