Prostate Gland - Dimensions, Inflammation, Massage

Prostate Gland - Dimensions, Inflammation, Massage
Prostate Gland - Dimensions, Inflammation, Massage


The prostate gland, also known as the prostate, is an organ located just below the bladder. The main purpose of the prostate is the production of a specific secretion that is part of the sperm. The secret of the prostate gland, determining the consistency of the ejaculate (in particular, contributing to its liquefaction), contains vitamins, enzymes, immunoglobulin, zinc ions, etc.


The prostate is located in such a way that it covers the urethra from all sides, and its excretory ducts open there.

The functioning of the prostate is controlled by the pituitary gland, which secretes estrogen, androgen and steroid hormones.

The size of the prostate gland can be compared with the size of a walnut, however, the prostate can enlarge under the influence of various pathological conditions.

The structure of the prostate

The prostate gland is formed by three types of tissues: glandular, smooth muscle, fibrous (lining the outer layer). The structure of the prostate is based on acini, which are a complex of alveolar-tubular glands separated by connective tissue. The excretory ducts of the acini open in the posterior urethra. Above the ducts is the seminal tubercle, in the submucous layer of the urethra there are paraurethral glands, the ducts of which open into the prostate itself. The seminal vesicles are located under the prostate.

Blood flows to the prostate gland thanks to the superior and inferior prostate arteries that emerge from the vessels of the rectum and urinary bladder.

Prostate function

The prostate performs a number of tasks in the body, the main of which are:

  • acting as a valve that closes the exit from the bladder during an erection, which allows urine to be retained;
  • production of prostate secretion, which is one of the components of sperm;
  • indirect effect on the appearance of an erection;
  • sperm release during intercourse.

Diseases of the prostate

Some of the most common ailments associated with pathological conditions in the prostate gland are the following:

  • adenoma of the prostate, also known as benign prostatic hyperplasia. A disease in which the size of the prostate gland increases, as a result of which the increased pressure of the prostate on the bladder disrupts its functioning. Typically, prostate adenoma occurs in patients over 60 years of age. Its main symptoms are an increased frequency of urination, a sensation, subjectively perceived as incomplete emptying of the bladder. In this case, the duration of urination may also increase and a weakening of the urinary stream may be observed. In severe forms of the disease, acute urinary retention occurs - a condition in which independent urination is difficult. Lack of adequate treatment for adenoma leads to an excessive increase in the size of the prostate gland, the formation of stones in the bladder,the occurrence of urinary tract infections, as well as hydronephrosis, a disease in which the kidney fills with urine;
  • prostate cancer or malignant tumor of the prostate most often develops in men after age 65. The risk group also includes men, among whose close relatives there have been cases of the disease, as well as people taking drugs containing testosterone. The main symptoms of prostate cancer are similar to those of an adenoma, but there may also be blood when urinating, pain in the back or pelvis. Treatment for prostate cancer is highly stage-dependent and includes surgery, radio- and / or chemotherapy;
  • prostatitis or inflammation of the prostate gland is also a common disease of the male genital area. Moreover, the likelihood of its occurrence increases with age. It is believed that prostate inflammation is more common in men over 30. Depending on the causes of the disease, prostatitis can take the forms of acute bacterial, chronic bacterial, non-bacterial and prostatodynia. The danger of any form of prostatitis is that about half of patients who ignore the need for treatment run the risk of being a group of people with infertility. That is why it is important to timely determine the symptoms of prostatitis, which include various disorders of urination, sexual function (weak erection, pain during ejaculation, loss of orgasm, etc.), as well as increased nervousness of a man,associated with fixing attention on their well-being. Often, the acute form of the disease is accompanied by a temperature with chills and fever. Among the possible complications are also noted: pyelonephritis, prostate abscess, bladder obstruction, recurrent cystitis and a number of others. As a prophylaxis for inflammation of the prostate gland, men at risk are recommended a scheduled visit to a urologist. In some cases, prostate massage is an adequate form of treatment.a scheduled visit to a urologist is recommended. In some cases, prostate massage is an adequate form of treatment.a scheduled visit to a urologist is recommended. In some cases, prostate massage is an adequate form of treatment.

Prostate examination methods

In addition to examining the external genitalia, the examination of the prostate includes a number of specific procedures:

  • rectal examination with fingers. Thanks to this method, the size of the prostate gland, its contours, shape, soreness and other factors are determined;
  • study of the secretion of the prostate. The secret of the gland obtained by massage of the prostate gland allows conclusions to be drawn about the correctness of the prescribed treatment, as well as to control the absence of diseases. There are, however, contraindications to this method: acute prostatitis, epididymitis, proctitis, urethritis, thrombosis of hemorrhoids, tuberculosis and prostate stones, cracks in the anus;
  • cystoscopy and urethroscopy are effective for determining the state of the prostate lobes, bladder neck, residual urine volume and other indicators;
  • radioisotope research is used to diagnose prostate tumors;
  • a biopsy of the prostate allows you to monitor the course of treatment, and is also an effective differential diagnostic method. Material for research is obtained by excision or puncture of the exposed area by transrectal, transvesical, retropubic, ischiorectal methods. The method is effective for diagnosing prostate cancer.

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