Cancer of the tongue
Brief description of the disease

A malignant tumor such as tongue cancer comes from the squamous epithelium and is squamous cell carcinoma. As a rule, such tumors are not benign.
Cancer of the tongue is characterized by the presence of an infiltrate - an accumulation of cancer cells in the tissues with an admixture of blood and lymphatic fluid. The fact that the tongue is in close proximity to the brain and large blood vessels makes a tumor (tongue cancer) extremely dangerous.
Causes of tongue cancer
Among all the causes of tongue cancer, one can single out, the most important reason - smoking. Tobacco smoke contains 196 toxic compounds and 14 narcotic ones. Their combustion products are carcinogenic and can cause not only cancer of the tongue, but also cancer of the lungs, larynx, esophagus, etc. Even if you don't smoke half a pack a day, you are still at risk.
Other causes of tongue cancer:
- Mechanical trauma to the mucous membrane can also cause the development of tongue cancer. These can be all sorts of cuts and frequent biting.
- The resulting thermal and chemical burns on the mucous membrane of the tongue should be treated carefully, checking the tongue for the presence of seals, white and red spots.
- Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages.
According to statistics, tongue cancer in men occurs 7 times more often than in women. That is why men need to closely monitor all changes in the body, which, perhaps, are symptoms of tongue cancer.
Tongue cancer symptoms
The primary symptoms of tongue cancer tend to go unnoticed. The primary symptoms of tongue cancer include:
- White patches (often mistaken for plaque), redness and pain in the tongue area.
- Consolidation on the tongue (mainly on the side).
- Swelling of the lymph nodes under the jaw.
If the symptoms of tongue cancer are left unattended by the patient, the further development of the disease will entail:
- The resulting infiltrate soon disintegrates, causing, to put it mildly, bad breath. Moreover, decay products that enter the bloodstream cause intoxication of the patient.
- Ulcers at the site of the decay of the infiltrate can bleed and cause severe pain.
- The fact that most people do not go to the dentist and oncologist at the first symptoms of tongue cancer leads to the fact that the tumor, imperceptible at first glance, begins to grow. It penetrates deep into the tongue, depriving it of the ability to move normally. During this period, there is a change in speech, a violation of diction.
Tongue cancer treatment
Treatment of tongue cancer is practically no different from the treatment of other oncological diseases: three methods of treatment are also used. Depending on the stage of development of cancer of the tongue, the size of the tumor and the general condition of the patient, doctors prescribe either one of these methods, or a combination of them.
Radiation therapy. For the 1st and 2nd stages of tongue cancer, contact gamma therapy is applicable, when the radiation source is at a distance of 3-6 cm from the patient's body surface. External gamma therapy is used for stages 3 and 4. In a special chamber, the tumor is exposed to radiation, which leads to its destruction. But it is worth remembering that healthy cells die along with cancer cells, so one of the side effects of radiation therapy is a burn of the face
Surgical treatment of tongue cancer involves the dissection of the tissues of the oral cavity that prevent access to the inflammation focus. Such measures are taken only if the tumor of the tongue cancer has spread to the floor of the mouth. Tongue cancer treatment is characterized by partial / complete removal of the tongue and the fundus of the palate. Surgical intervention is allowed only with a localized tumor that does not grow into neighboring organs
Chemotherapy is designed to suppress cancer cells with caustic, intravenous chemicals. Chemotherapy is very effective as an independent method of fighting tongue cancer, and in combination with radiation therapy. The consequence of chemotherapy can be impaired function of the kidneys, bladder and nervous system

Treatment for tongue cancer is possible, and most often it is successful and without complications. The whole question is only in the stage of development of tongue cancer, in general health and in the patient's hope for recovery.
For the most part, cancer patients are completely cured, so the prognosis of tongue cancer can be very favorable. After correct and timely treatment of tongue cancer, about 80% of people return to full life; with cancer of the tongue of the 3rd and 4th degrees, complete recovery occurs in 35% of patients.
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The information is generalized and provided for informational purposes only. At the first sign of illness, see your doctor. Self-medication is hazardous to health!