Caries - Causes, Stages, Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention

Caries - Causes, Stages, Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention
Caries - Causes, Stages, Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention



Caries (Caries dentium) - tooth decay, which is localized and progressive. Caries begins with the destruction of the inorganic base of tooth enamel by organic acids. The process of demineralization is inevitably followed by organic destruction of the tooth, followed by the formation of a cavity and infection. According to statistics, more than 95% of people suffer from caries at one stage or another.

The susceptibility of the tooth surface to caries depends on a large number of factors:

  • genetics, i.e. heredity;
  • general health;
  • preventive and hygienic measures of the oral cavity;
  • correct, balanced nutrition;
  • anatomical features of the tooth surface. In the spaces and grooves of the teeth, favorable conditions are created for the formation and fixation of plaque;
  • saturation of tooth enamel with fluoride. Normal levels of this element make tooth enamel more resistant to acids;
  • the quantity and quality of saliva, its buffering properties to neutralize acid.

The main causes of dental caries

Dentists around the world distinguish the following causes of caries:

  • Unsatisfactory hygienic condition of the oral cavity;
  • Weakening of the body's immune system as a whole and the presence of chronic diseases of the body. Infectious diseases transferred in childhood (tuberculosis or rickets), which disrupted the process of formation of dental tissues;
  • Genetic predisposition of a person to caries. It is she who largely explains caries in children;
  • Drinking water containing a low or high content of phosphorus, fluorine, calcium, etc.
  • Food ration. Lack of vitamins and minerals, lack of norms in the ratio of proteins and carbohydrates, a decrease in the diet of products of natural origin, an abundance of food with a high sugar content, etc. provoke the appearance of this disease;
  • Geographical features of the area and social factors (for example, work in hazardous industries).

Causes of dental caries do not individually affect the onset of the disease and the development of caries. This is a systemic process that consists of many factors.

Caries stages

Caries, as a progressive disease, has several stages of development. Let's briefly consider the main stages of caries:

  • Initial - macula cariosa (spot stage), when demineralization begins with the fact that the natural shine of the tooth enamel disappears and gray or light, dark brown spots appear. At this stage, caries is usually asymptomatic.
  • Superficial (caries superficialis) and average (caries media) caries can be combined into one stage, which is characterized by the occurrence of destructive changes in the tooth enamel at the spots. The main symptom of the disease at this stage is the occurrence of short-term pains on temperature and chemical stimuli (cold, hot, sour, salty). In this case, a cavity (defect) is formed with the only difference that with superficial caries - in the enamel, and with an average already in the tooth tissue (dentin).
  • The stage of caries profunda - deep caries - is characterized by the presence of a deep carious cavity, painful sensations during temperature, mechanical and chemical influences. In some cases, there are signs of inflammation of the neurovascular bundle (pulpitis).

Cervical caries can be attributed to a special type of caries - the name corresponds to the place of caries occurrence on the tooth, in the area of the tooth neck near the gum itself. Cervical caries occurs and develops in this place of the tooth due to the weak enamel layer in the neck area and the inaccessibility of this place during the dental care procedure.

The process of the onset of caries is slow, so it is visually easy to detect for an adult and in order for the development of caries to not continue, you should immediately consult a dentist. Caries in children occurs with the same symptoms as in adults, therefore, parents are required to periodically check the condition of the baby's teeth (even milk), and when the first visible signs of caries appear, take the child to the doctor. In this case, the development of caries in the child will be stopped.

Caries diagnostics

Caries diagnosis is only possible if you visit your dentist regularly. Deep caries is diagnosed without difficulty - visually. Diagnosis of caries in the early stages is carried out using radiographs and thermal diagnostics.

Diagnosis of initial caries is carried out by the "transluminescence" method, i.e. shining through the tooth from the back side with a strong beam of light. Early diagnosis of caries allows the doctor to timely treat and stop the development of caries.

Caries treatment

Caries treatment
Caries treatment

At the initial stage, the treatment of caries is carried out by the method of remineralizing therapy (application) with preliminary cleaning of the tooth from plaque.

Treatment of caries of the superficial, middle and deep stages is carried out by removing the affected tissue. Then the filling of the carious cavity is performed. It should be remembered that earlier treatment of caries with filling helps to keep the tooth healthy for longer.

If the treatment of caries is not carried out on time, then caries can become more severe, for example, go into periodontitis or pulpitis, with the subsequent loss of a tooth.

Caries prevention

Prevention of dental caries greatly reduces the risk of developing the disease. It is especially important for parents to monitor the implementation of preventive measures. Caries in children, especially young children, is a "merit" of parents who did not respond in time to visible changes in the teeth or complaints of the child.

Preventive measures include:

  • Hygienic prevention of caries is care of the entire oral cavity, the use of fluoride pastes, the use of solutions or pastes with chlorhexidine, the use of xylitol (chewing gum);
  • Medical prophylaxis is a general improvement of the body, elimination of tooth deformities, carrying out certain measures, for example, sealing (sealing) fissures and blind "pits" in which plaque can form;
  • Systematic visits to the dentist.

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The information is generalized and provided for informational purposes only. At the first sign of illness, see your doctor. Self-medication is hazardous to health!
