Aspergillosis - Dictionary Of Medical Terms

Aspergillosis - Dictionary Of Medical Terms
Aspergillosis - Dictionary Of Medical Terms

Table of contents:



Aspergillosis (aspergillosis) - mycosis, which is caused by parasitic fungi of the genus Aspergillus. Depending on the localization of the lesion, the disease is characterized by various clinical manifestations.

The following types of aspergillosis are distinguished:

  • Visceral (visceralis) - mainly internal organs (heart, lungs, spleen, etc.) are affected;
  • Skin (cutis) - mainly the skin is affected with the formation of ulcers, infiltrates, nodes, etc.;
  • Skin gum-like - characterized by the presence of subcutaneous nodes, which are abscessed with the formation of fistulas;
  • Skin infiltrative-ulcerative (cutis infiltrativa ulcerosa) - characterized by the presence of infiltrates prone to ulceration;
  • Skin papillomatous-verrucous (cutis papillomatosa verrucosa) - characterized by the presence of warty growths;
  • Skin eczema (cutis eczemoidea) - manifested by changes that resemble seborrheic or dyshidrotic eczema;
  • Ulcerative skin (cutis ulcerosa) - characterized by the formation of sluggish granulating ulcers;
  • Lungs (pulmonum) - visceral aspergillosis with lung damage; manifested by hemoptysis, the formation of aspergillomas, pulmonary hemorrhage.

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