Hair transplantation

In our society, it is generally accepted that the problem of severe baldness affects older men to a greater extent than women. However, in recent years, young men, as well as the fair sex, have increasingly turned to specialists for help.
The reasons for the development of baldness
In men, the main reason for the development of baldness is a hereditary predisposition. It is a well-known fact that if a maternal grandfather or father began to lose hair very early, then their grandson or son will have this problem at an even earlier age. In women, significant hair loss usually occurs as a result of hormonal disorders.
How is baldness treated?
If you have already lost a significant part of the volume of your hair, then it is unlikely that conservative methods will be able to cope with this problem. Most of these methods, in particular the most effective of them - mesotherapy, are aimed at preventing further hair loss and preserving the remaining volume.
Therefore, in advanced cases, it is better not to waste time and money on ineffective treatment, but immediately seek qualified help from transplant doctors.
What is hair transplant?
The only way to radically solve the problem of baldness and restore the former splendor of your hairstyle is hair transplantation. Hair transplant surgery allows you to completely restore or correct the hairline in the eyelashes, eyebrows and scalp.
Hair transplant methods
Modern methods of hair transplant surgery are minimally invasive interventions that do not require general anesthesia and hospitalization of the patient.
For hair transplant, hair follicles are taken from the side and back surfaces of the head. It is in these places that hair loss is practically not observed. The donor material is collected using special microsurgical instruments.
The donor material obtained for hair transplantation is called a graft. It can contain a different number of follicles. Depending on their number, there are:
- Minigrafts (4 - 6 follicles);
- Micrografts (1 - 3 follicles).
The cost of a hair transplant depends on the number of grafts transplanted to the patient. In turn, the number of grafts required for high-quality hair transplantation depends on the area of the lesion to be closed, the thickness of the hair shaft, and the desired hair density. To obtain grafts, binocular microscopes are used, which allow the doctor to take material for transplant with the utmost care and prevent possible damage to the hair follicles. Due to this, almost all transplanted follicles take root well.
The area where the hair is directly transplanted is called the recipient area. Very small, microscopic incisions are made on it. Then the edges of the skin are lifted, and the graft is implanted into the hole.
The best results in hair transplantation, according to reviews, doctors manage to achieve in cases where minigrafts are implanted in the main part of the future hair mass, and micrografts are implanted along the border of the hairline. In this case, the patient receives not only a thick and beautiful hair, but also a natural hairline.

In recent years, a new and unique method of seamless hair transplant has emerged. Its advantages are:
- Hair transplant surgery is performed without skin incisions. As a result, absolutely no scars or stitch marks remain on the scalp;
- Repeated steps can be performed after 15 days. With the traditional hair transplant method, the second operation is performed no earlier than one year later;
- The procedure for a seamless hair transplant is performed using a special apparatus that does not know the feeling of fatigue and does not make mistakes due to the "human factor". Thanks to this, the procedure is several times faster, and the quality of its implementation is at least an order of magnitude higher.
Features of the procedure for a seamless hair transplant
Small scars remain on the scalp after a conventional hair transplant. Therefore, if a man continues to wear a short haircut, then he may remain dissatisfied with the result.
The method of hair transplantation using seamless technology consists in the fact that each graft is isolated in the donor area using a special instrument, and then, using the same instrument, it is implanted into the recipient area.
The seamless hair transplant instrument looks like a very thin tube, the diameter of which exactly matches the diameter of the transplanted hair shaft. Therefore, the operation itself is painless and does not give the patient any unpleasant sensations. During it, he can watch TV or read his favorite book. And the most important thing is that after it there are no scars, scars and the new hair looks absolutely natural. Thus, sutureless hair transplant, according to patients' reviews, gives the best results in terms of aesthetics.
But what kind of hair transplant method to use in each specific case is decided by the transplantologist, taking into account the nature of the hair, the location and size of the defect area and, of course, taking into account the wishes of the patient.
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