10 Helpful Tips For Those Starting To Run

10 Helpful Tips For Those Starting To Run
10 Helpful Tips For Those Starting To Run

10 helpful tips for those starting to run

Running is one of the most affordable and effective ways to improve your health. Knowing this, each of us at least once tried jogging - but only for a few such activities have become regular. Jogging (light health jogging) is seemingly simple, but novice runners often make mistakes that lead to a complete cessation of training. Here are 10 helpful tips to make regular jogging an enjoyable part of your life.

Consult your doctor

So that the first attempt at jogging does not cause an exacerbation of chronic diseases, if you have health problems, it is better to get permission from your doctor to run. Jogging is undesirable for diseases of the cardiovascular, respiratory system, problems with the spine, joints, as well as with the organs of vision (glaucoma, progressive myopia). A specialist who is familiar with the course of a runner's illness will either completely allow (prohibit) jogging, or recommend a gentle training program - for example, replace running with brisk walking.

The doctor's consultation
The doctor's consultation

Source: depositphotos.com

Choose the right shoes

Muscle pain, bruises, sprains, premature fatigue can seriously cool the ardor of a novice athlete, and the wrong shoes are often the culprit. For recreational jogging, special sneakers with a shock-absorbing sole are preferable to soften the load on the joints. It is more advisable to choose shoes with a fabric upper that allows the skin to breathe during a long distance. To reduce the likelihood of injury, professional runners recommend that you follow your running technique by landing on your toes rather than your heel and lifting your foot off the ground as quickly as possible.

Choosing the right shoes
Choosing the right shoes

Source: depositphotos.com

Don't forget to warm up

Exercising without warm up is a serious stress for the body, and especially for the cardiovascular system. A sharp increase in the load for the unprepared heart muscle is fraught with wear and tear of the organ, while during charging, the pulse rises gradually, and the body copes with the subsequent marathon more successfully.

In addition to internal organs, jogging without a warm-up strikes the nervous system: starting to run half asleep, a person experiences severe stress, which affects both physical well-being and mood. When irritated, the novice runner loses the already weak motivation to train.

To warm up, it is enough to make several swinging movements of the limbs, rotate the head, trunk and walk at a fast pace, taking several deep breaths through the nose and mouth. Such a set of exercises will relieve the athlete of back pain, muscles, joints and arouse interest in classes.

Mandatory warm-up
Mandatory warm-up

Source: depositphotos.com

Don't try to run every day

Excessive zeal for exercise is a common mistake a novice runner makes. It is dangerous by premature fatigue - you can "burn out", depleting the supply of both physical and moral strength. For an unprepared person, daily activities are very stressful: all body systems and the psyche spurred on by willpower work for wear and tear. As a beginner to running, like no one else, it is worth remembering that rest is just as important as training. Jogging 3-4 times a week will leave the body time to recover and will allow you to achieve a result that is several times greater than the effect of exercising through strength.

Don't try to run every day
Don't try to run every day

Source: depositphotos.com

Start by running slowly

Graduality is the most important principle of mastering jogging, in which it is not the pace that is important, but the size of the distance. If you immediately take a high speed, the strength will quickly run out along with the desire to practice. The benefits of slow running are more tangible: during a short marathon, the endurance of the heart system increases, lung function improves, and metabolism accelerates. It is important to choose a comfortable running speed for yourself - for beginners, it should not exceed 6-8 km / h.

Take a step as soon as you feel an increased need for oxygen, dizziness, pain in the heart. The pulse rate should not exceed 110-130 beats per minute. If your body is relaxed and breathing is free, your pace is optimal.

Start by running slowly
Start by running slowly

Source: depositphotos.com

Change the pace

The body easily adapts to monotonous running, adjusting its metabolic processes to the usual rhythm of movement and minimizing energy consumption. While moving most of the distance at a comfortable speed, shake up your metabolism in the form of a fast run. This technique has proven itself well: 1-2 minutes - slow pace, then 2 minutes - moderate, 1 minute - fast. Repeat the cycle at least 2-3 times during your run. Periodic change of pace is most beneficial for weight loss: it helps tone the muscles and quickly burn excess fat.

Change the pace
Change the pace

Source: depositphotos.com

Increase the distance gradually

The more often a runner experiences discomfort (severe shortness of breath, tingling in the side, pain in the heart) while jogging, the higher the likelihood that one day, instead of training, he will stay at home. The distance is beyond your power - it is an unnecessary load, fraught with increased fatigue, pain in the legs, wear and tear of the body instead of healing it. Start with short distances (less than a kilometer) and every day increase the workout by 3-5 minutes, then slowing down, then speeding up your run.

Increase the distance gradually
Increase the distance gradually

Source: depositphotos.com

Don't run on a full stomach

A hearty breakfast before a workout is fraught with a feeling of heaviness, abdominal discomfort, which slows down the running speed and reduces the effectiveness of the exercise. However, a snack before jogging is essential. Experts recommend making a full meal 1.5-2 hours before training - or a light snack in the form of tea with a sandwich, a handful of dried fruits, fresh fruit just before class. A small amount of carbohydrates will not interfere with weight loss, but will give strength in order to successfully complete the distance.

Don't run on a full stomach
Don't run on a full stomach

Source: depositphotos.com

Do not exercise in the heat

The task of the circulatory system at high air temperatures is to provide blood flow to the skin to stimulate perspiration and cool the body. During a run, the blood required for heat exchange processes is spent on moving muscles. Plus, running by itself raises your body temperature. Exercising in hot weather often causes heatstroke, which can cause the runner to faint. It is recommended to start classes in the autumn-spring season or at the beginning of summer, when the air temperature is comfortable.

Do not exercise in the heat
Do not exercise in the heat

Source: depositphotos.com

Don't jog when you don't feel like it or feel unwell

From a pleasant and healthy activity, jogging should not turn into violence against the body. If in the first workouts a little physical and mental discomfort is normal, then after a week of jogging you need to listen to your body. Do not go for a run if you are sick, exhausted, suffer from chronic lack of sleep, first rest. Create the best schedule for your daily routine.

Don't jog when you don't feel like it or feel unwell
Don't jog when you don't feel like it or feel unwell

Source: depositphotos.com

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Maria Kulkes
Maria Kulkes

Maria Kulkes Medical journalist About the author

Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov, specialty "General Medicine".

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