Bad advice for men, or how to fall victim to prostatitis
Remember Bad Tips, anti-leadership for naughty children and their parents? It turns out that not only young creatures like to act by contradiction. Fully grown men seem to do everything on purpose to enjoy the "delights" of chronic prostatitis
Contrary to popular belief, prostatitis is no longer a purely age-related disease. This ailment is getting younger every year - the peak incidence falls on 25-30 years. The main companions of prostatitis are problems with erection, difficulty urinating, pain and burning, and as a maximum - prostate cancer. In short, you will have to forget about a comfortable life.
To make friends with prostatitis, to become a regular guest of the urologist and andrologist, and to establish healthy intimate relationships, it is enough to follow a number of simple rules.
The first harmful rule: if you are less than 60 years old - do not worry and be sure that the disease does not threaten you, and you will think about your health somehow later. You should not waste your youth on all sorts of nonsense like visits to the doctor and prevention of male sores.
The second harmful rule: live to the fullest, giving up bad habits for weaklings! Smoke like a locomotive, drink more often, because there are so many reasons for a feast around. Enjoy fatty and heavy foods. Such a lifestyle will not only reduce the overall immunity of the body, but also destroy the natural defenses of prostate cells against viruses and bacteria, making the organ extremely vulnerable to infection.
Third harmful rule: Imagine that your body is made of an ultra-strong alloy that is not affected by any external factors. Cold, heat, high humidity and other disasters are not afraid of you. In severe frosts, do not try to wear underpants - what kind of women's things? Especially desperate can ignore even underwear, it is very erotic. Sit longer on frozen benches - especially metal and stone. Remember, the best winter holiday is fishing. For complete happiness, you can swim in the ice-hole, the men will appreciate it (especially when everyone is already well warmed up from the inside). If caught in the rain - do not rush to change wet clothes, it will dry itself. If you already have chronic prostatitis, any cold or hypothermia will immediately aggravate: fever, fever, frequent trips to the toilet, and even pain when urinating for the lucky ones.

The fourth harmful rule: do not play sports. Sit at work all day, because you can dine on a fatty sandwich without interrupting production. Then move to the car that will comfortably take you home to your favorite sofa. A sedentary lifestyle can help you get to know prostatitis as early as possible. Metabolism and circulation in the pelvis slows down, causing congestion and swelling - the best friends of male disease.

The fifth harmful rule: be either a recluse or a ladies' man. There is no third. If you have chosen the path of the recluse, have sex as little as possible, only to conceive heirs or under the threat of divorce. There is no need to waste time and effort on this useless exercise, which enhances the production of male sex hormones, accelerates blood flow in the pelvic organs and prevents stagnation.
If you like the look of a womanizer, do not miss a single skirt. For a more thrilling sensation, do not use protection - such a game of "Russian roulette" will take you to the heights of bliss. Sexually transmitted diseases are the main cause of infectious prostatitis, which becomes chronic without treatment. But this is a trifle compared to the joy of another victory in bed! After all, regular sex with a regular partner is such a bore.

The sixth bad rule: ignore the symptoms. We woke up at night from a burning sensation and an irresistible desire to run to the toilet - nonsense, it will pass by itself! Added aching lower back pain? The pepper plaster will save! Erection problems - just tired, it never happens. You can endure all of the above symptoms for a couple of months in order to understand for sure that you cannot get out of going to the doctor. It is better to take a strong-willed decision to visit Aesculapius longer so that the symptoms get stronger, because you need a very good reason to get off the couch.
The seventh harmful rule: if you do get to the doctor, do not allow a full examination. Your scanty description of the symptoms and the expression of suffering on your face should be enough to make a diagnosis. Forbid the doctor to perform rectal examinations and (horror!) Prostate massage. This is very embarrassing and contrary to your masculine nature. If the doctor prescribed suppositories, keep silent, but buy pills anyway. Do not listen to the arguments of reason that suppositories help much faster and more efficiently, acting directly on the prostate through the mucous membrane. Pills often "die" in the aggressive environment of the stomach. You don't want any "Prostatilen" to separate you from prostatitis, relieve symptoms, including pain, and eliminate the focus of the disease in 10 days … What kind of impudent guy is this, this combined preparation based on peptide complexes that can restore men's health?

Have you read it? We hope that our bad advice helped you to look at the problem from the outside. It is much easier to prevent a disease than to treat its chronic form. If prostatitis still made itself felt - do not hesitate, consult a doctor and start effective treatment. Candles "Prostatilen" will deliver active ingredients directly to the focus of the disease. They are able to relieve pain in just a few days, normalize microcirculation, reduce inflammation in the prostate gland, and restore the usual frequency of urination. If the treatment regimen is followed, the drug enhances erection and orgasm, stimulates the production of testosterone, thereby improving overall well-being and increasing confidence in one's male strength. Take care of yourself!
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