Diapers for adults: tips for selection and use
The article was written with the support of the homecare-shop.ru online store - diapers, panties and panty liners for adults
Diapers for adults are an individual disposable hygiene product that is indispensable in some situations, and no person is immune from such situations. Although no one perceives the need for their use with enthusiasm, but without such a tool, an already problematic situation could be more difficult.

Adult diapers are used in the following situations:
- Severe diseases or injuries that force a person to maintain a stationary position (stroke, spinal injury, etc.);
- Postoperative period, when strict bed rest is recommended;
- Mental illnesses, in which a person is not able to serve himself and control his natural needs (for example, senile psychosis);
- Old age and associated muscle weakness, due to which it is not possible to control the flow of urine and feces;
- Diseases of the pelvic organs, leading to urinary or fecal incontinence. At the same time, a person can maintain a mobile and even active lifestyle;
- Some types of professional activity in which a person is deprived of the opportunity to go to the toilet for a long time.
Types of diapers for adults
The choice of diapers depends on the purpose of their use.
Velcro diapers and panties.
There are two types of diapers for adults: in the form of the actual diapers, fixed with Velcro, and in the form of absorbent panties.
Panties are comfortable for people leading an active lifestyle. Putting them on or removing from another motionless person is very problematic, therefore their use assumes that a person can serve himself. In all other cases, it is worth giving preference to Velcro diapers.
Patient's waist / hip circumference.
The diaper size is determined by measuring the patient's waist / hips. According to this indicator, adult diapers are available in the following sizes:
- Very small (size 0) - from 40 to 55 cm;
- Small (size 1) - 55-75 cm;
- Medium (size 2) - 75-100 cm;
- Large (size 3) - 100-130 cm;
- Extra large (size 4) - over 130 cm.
An explanation is needed here. Often, the patients themselves or the people caring for them believe that the larger the diaper, the more liquid it can absorb, and therefore the better. Therefore, they choose a diaper 1-2 sizes larger than required. This is actually not true. Diaper absorbency does not depend on size, it is a separate parameter.
The level of fluid absorption by the diaper.
According to the ability to absorb liquid, these hygiene products are of the following types:
- Normal absorbency level;
- Increased;
- Tall;
- Very high (up to 4000 ml).
The choice depends on how often you manage to change the diaper and how much fluid is expected. For example, if a person has only the so-called leakage and most of it is able to convey to the toilet, then a diaper with a normal level of fluid absorption, or even urological pads, should be chosen. When it comes to a patient lying under droppers, you should, of course, opt for diapers with increased absorbency. If instead you just take a diaper larger than necessary, it will leak, which is fraught with skin irritation.
Diaper outer layer material.
The material of the outer layer of the diaper is also important - it can be "breathable", i.e. freely permeable to air, and "non-breathing", airtight. Everything is simple here - all the advantages of the "breathable" material, except for one - the price. Breathable diapers are more expensive, but the skin in them is not at risk of diaper rash. You can save money without harming your health when the diaper is often changed or worn for a short time.
Another important point for people who have to resort to diapers, but lead a mobile lifestyle: the air-tight fabric of the outer layer of the diaper rustles quite loudly when walking, which creates discomfort. Therefore, active people, even for a short time, are recommended to breathe diapers, especially when they spend time outside the home.
How to choose the right diaper for an adult
So, when choosing a diaper, be guided by the factors listed above, the main of which are the size of the waist / hips.
The size of the waist / hips is determined as follows: the circumference of the abdomen in the navel area or slightly lower is measured with a measuring tape - the most convex place (the largest volume of the abdomen) is selected. It is better to do this after the person has eaten, because the circumference of the abdomen in this case increases by 2-3 cm. If this is not possible, then 2-3 cm is simply added to the figure obtained on an empty stomach. Subsequently, this will allow a person in a diaper to feel comfortable both on an empty stomach and in a well-fed state.

For lying patients and those who do not take care of themselves, an addition is important, such as a diaper fullness indicator, which changes color when a replacement is required.
Even if you approach the choice of a diaper for adults responsibly, it is not always possible to find the right option the first time, so when purchasing such a product for the first time, it makes sense to take 2-3 small packages of diapers that are suitable for the main parameters, from different manufacturers, and try them one by one, choose the ones that fit the best.
The article was written with the support of the homecare-shop.ru online store - diapers, panties and panty liners for adults
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