Nine rules for sound sleep

These or those sleep disorders are now very widespread. How many of us are not familiar when the night consists of endless waking up and equally endless attempts to fall asleep again? Also, everyone probably knows the sensation when you get up in the morning, it seems, even more tired than going to bed, not to mention the problem of falling asleep, so acute that separate studies write about it. Often recurring, these symptoms are not just an everyday nuisance, but a primary disorder of the nervous system, which, in turn, entails even greater problems, for example, chronic fatigue, from which immune failure and illness are close at hand.
Sometimes disturbed sleep testifies to an already existing chronic disease, but most often it speaks of an inability to organize one's life, which, unfortunately, suffers from most of the adult population of countries that consider themselves civilized. To avoid this mistake, we offer you a simple set of rules for what you need to do for a good, sound sleep.
1. Take a walk before bed
A walk outdoors before bed is ideal for promoting healthy physical fatigue and quality sleep. Moreover, this means just a walk, and not a path from home to a store, or from a bus stop to a home, this is not considered a walk. If you can't imagine how you can leave your house in the evening and just walk the streets like that, get yourself a dog and walk with it. By the way, canistherapy, or dog treatment, generally helps with neuroses.
2. Calm your mind
The last one to two hours before bedtime should be devoted to passive pastime. Reading a book will help you tune in to sleep, for example, watching TV, it is desirable that it be a light film that does not cause excessive emotions. Stock market news, business correspondence, reporting, Skype chatting are all bad things to do before bed, but computer games hold the upper hand here. No, no, and again no, if you really want to sleep well. And the point here is not bad games or good ones, but the fact that they all stimulate the psyche, activating mental activity and interfering with the natural processes of inhibition.
3. Do not eat at night
If you are used to having a late dinner or even just chewing on something before bed, you will have to give up this habit. Contrary to the well-known proverb, you don’t need to give dinner to the enemy at all, you must eat it, but no later than three hours before bedtime, and preferably four. The maximum that you can before bed is a glass of warmed milk with a spoonful of natural honey, or tea made from mint or lemon balm, they have a calming effect, helping to relax. Leave everything else, especially meat, coffee, tea, chocolate, for the morning. Alcohol, contrary to popular belief, is not suitable as a home sleeping pill, since it disrupts the phases of sleep, impairing its quality.
4. Dim light an hour before bedtime
An hour before bedtime, or even earlier, turn off the bright lights and switch to the soft, dim light of a floor lamp, table lamp or sconce. For thousands of years of development, man fell asleep when the sun went down and woke up with its rising. The bright light signals the body to be alert and active. A dim light will help you tune in to rest, this is such a borderline state, artificial twilight that will smoothly lead you to the gates to the kingdom of Hypnos and Morpheus. It is also advisable to do with noises - leave listening to your favorite hard rock for the day. At night, you can listen to something quieter, smoother and easier, or even better, spend time before bed in silence.
5. Water procedures
If you like to take a shower in the morning, it still shouldn't cancel your water treatments before bed. The point here is not only in hygiene, but also in the effect of water on the body. Bioenergy proponents argue that water frees us from the negative information that has accumulated over the course of the day, and representatives of official medicine say that water procedures are the easiest and, moreover, the most effective way of relaxation. It is not necessary to do a bath with aromatic oils, rose petals, tea lights and meditative music every night, a regular shower does an excellent job too. The only rule is that the shower should not be cold or contrasting. It is better to leave these procedures in the morning, as they do not relax, but, on the contrary, tone up the body.
6. Make your sleep comfortable
This may sound like advice from the Captain of the Obvious, but in fact it is known that a significant percentage of sleep disturbances are associated with the simple fact that a person is simply uncomfortable to sleep, and his body cannot relax to the proper degree. If you do not get enough sleep, if you find it difficult to fall asleep, if during the day you often suffer from headaches, then it is time to take care of a high-quality, perhaps even orthopedic, mattress and pillow.

7. Fresh air in the bedroom
The supply of fresh air during sleep is essential for the body to recover from the labors of the past day. It should be borne in mind that the included air conditioner is in no way a solution to this problem, since it does not provide fresh air. Of course, it is desirable to generally sleep with an open window, but in modern urban conditions this is not always possible. However, it is strongly recommended to ventilate the bedroom before going to bed, otherwise poor sleep at night and headaches during the day are guaranteed.
8. No sleeping pills
It may seem strange, but any doctor will confirm that insomnia is not treated with sleeping pills. Sleeping pills are necessary when a person has an acute situation that does not allow him to calm down and fall asleep. In constant practice, sleep drugs do more harm than good. First, the already damaged mechanism of falling asleep is destroyed even more, and subsequently a person cannot imagine sleep without a pill. Secondly, with frequent and long-term use, the side effects of sleeping pills far exceed the benefits they bring. Third, drug sleep is not entirely complete. And, fourthly, after the abolition of sleeping pills, what do you think overtakes a person? That's right, severe insomnia. In medicine, it is called reactive, as it is a compensatory reaction of the body to forced sleep.
9. In bed, only sex or sleep
Of course, the advice to make love before bedtime cannot be considered universal, life circumstances vary, and the degree of fatigue or health condition may also not contribute to this activity. But keep in mind, somnologists, sleep specialists, argue that the only activity that is permissible in bed besides sleeping is sex. Sex triggers complex mechanisms that ultimately have a very beneficial effect on the body, promoting deep relaxation and ensuring sound quality sleep. In addition, the bed should no longer be associated with any other occupation, no laptops, no phone calls, no showdowns, all this can and should be done in other places, but here only sleep or sex, and nothing else.
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