2 Month Old Baby, Development And Growth

2 Month Old Baby, Development And Growth
2 Month Old Baby, Development And Growth

2 month old baby, development and growth

Day regimen of a 2 month old baby - feeding and sleeping time
Day regimen of a 2 month old baby - feeding and sleeping time

Two months old is truly the golden age of a person. Sleep time is shortened from eighteen to fourteen to sixteen hours. Development is proceeding at an accelerated pace, a 2 month old baby grows by 5 cm and gains weight about 1 kg.

Development of the muscular system of a 2 month old baby

The kid not only gains muscle mass, but gets the strength that he strives to use. A well-developed grasping reflex allows a 2 month old baby to be lifted off the floor or crib with two fingers. The muscles of the arms and legs of the baby are in a state of increased tone, therefore, during this period, congenital reflexes are determined, which will soon disappear.

At the same time, smooth muscles are strengthened, which is not subject to voluntary movements. Intestinal motility becomes more active, the child is less and less worried about bloating.

The swallowing muscles develop to such an extent that a 2 month old baby can easily “extract” milk from the mother's breast. In this case, the palatine curtain continues to be in the raised state. This is an important factor for a baby, because what does a 2 month old baby do, as opposed to an adult? The baby can suckle and breathe through its nose at the same time.

Digestive system of a 2 month old baby

With natural feeding, a sufficient amount of hydrochloric acid is produced in the stomach of a 2 month old baby. It is enough to digest the mother's milk. If a 2-month-old baby is artificially fed, more hydrochloric acid is produced. With age, such a child gets a predisposition to duodenal ulcer, therefore, all "artificial" when switching to solid food are not recommended spicy fried dishes almost until adulthood.

What a 2 month old baby does

By the age of two months, the child can make many movements that were previously beyond his power. The kid freely holds the head, and when turning on the stomach raises it. If a 2 month old baby is held upright for a while, he will be able to stand on his feet and turn his head to examine an object.

Bright toys attract the attention of the kid, he is able to observe them for a long time. The visual analyzer develops, the child perfectly distinguishes the colors of objects. If bright toys have a soundtrack, this strengthens the oculomotor muscles, which will undoubtedly render invaluable service to the child in the future.

The movements of a 2 month old baby acquire meaning. Now the baby can hold the toy, turn it, shake it, throw it.

Emotions of a 2 month old baby

The newborn becomes a small person, with all his joys and sorrows. The baby's voice takes on a clear emotional coloring. Parents already understand when their child is dissatisfied with something. An attentive mother can even recognize the reason for this discontent. When the tummy hurts, the child screams in a completely different way than when irritated with a bright light or a sharp sound. If the baby is calling, demanding attention, his voice is different from the cry of a hungry baby. In a good mood, a 2 month old baby makes sounds that resemble some words. This is called humming.

The baby begins to smile not just, because he feels quite comfortable, a 2 month old baby, thus, greets people close to him. First of all, mom.

Day regimen for 2 month old baby

From two months it is necessary to establish a child's day regimen not at all because you need to prepare a soldier out of him, it is necessary so that parents have time to carry out all the necessary manipulations without prejudice to the baby's health. The daily routine of a 2 month old child necessarily includes the following activities:

  • Sleep and wake time;
  • Feeding;
  • Walking;
  • Bathing, massage and hygiene procedures.

The development of a strict daily routine, as a rule, fails and causes complete disappointment of parents and rejection of the baby. Each child is individual, so it will not work to fit all children into one size. However, it is necessary to work out the main points and tie them to certain events. The biggest hit will be getting a night's sleep of at least seven hours. If the baby falls asleep while breastfeeding for a short period of time, gently wake him up. The kid does not understand whether he is full or not, perhaps the sucking reflex worked as a sleeping pill. Having calmed and put the child to bed, in this case, you can ensure yourself a sleepless night. After all, what does a 2 month old baby do when he falls asleep hungry? Wakes up and demands food. Tired and sleepy, he cannot get enough again. This is how a vicious circle is formedwhich should be broken at the very beginning. To do this, you should not tire the baby to such an extent that, taking the breast, he immediately falls asleep.

The child develops a certain dynamic stereotype based on a chain of conditioned reflexes. So, a 2 month old baby already knows that immediately after bathing, he will be given a breast, then put to bed. Parents should bear in mind that violation of the dynamic stereotype nullifies all attempts to establish a day regimen for a 2 month old baby, because the baby does not know that the plans of adults have changed. They need to bathe the baby earlier, and the baby's body is already tuned in to feed after the bath and sleep for 6-7 hours. If bathing occurs two to three hours earlier, respectively, the child will fall asleep after it and wake up exactly after a certain time.

Walks in the fresh air are also stored in the memory of the baby. And being outdoors for a 2 month old baby is not as exciting as it is for a teenager. The kid most often falls asleep. This should be taken into account in the daily routine. Having a good sleep, the child will not sleep at home. On the other hand, without sleeping in the fresh air, the child will remain deprived of something important, which he still cannot understand. Therefore, regardless of the weather, walks must be organized. Under unfavorable conditions, you should dress the child and place the stroller on the veranda, in the loggia, under the canopy for a certain time, to which the child is accustomed.

2 month old baby - eating, bathing, walking
2 month old baby - eating, bathing, walking

Bathing needs to be organized so that the baby is happy with this procedure. If, being very young, he remembered only at the level of unconditioned reflexes: cold - hot water, stinging - not pinching his eyes, now, by the age of two months, the baby already knows who is bathing him, what kind of music is playing. All these little things will certainly influence the formation of taste and discipline.

The massage should be pleasant and not bring negative emotions. When a child gets tired, one should stop exercising, in spite of the fact that it is “necessary” just so many minutes and not a second less.

Hygiene procedures: washing, cleaning the ears and nose, trimming nails - should also be accompanied by positive emotions.

From the age of two months, the human psyche begins to form, so it is extremely important for parents during this period to accompany all the necessary actions with exclusively positive emotions.

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