How does bedding affect sleep?

Good sleep is one of the most important health conditions. Everyone has heard the hackneyed phrase that a person spends a third of his life in a dream, but not everyone thinks about how important it is exactly how this third of life goes. And the point here is not only that a person regains his strength after a tiring day, although this is also important. There is another reason. The human body is designed so that during sleep, its parasympathetic nervous system is activated. Translated from medical language, this means that during sleep, debugging of minor breakdowns that occurred during the day is started. In order to eliminate as many “breakdowns” as possible, it is necessary that sleep is deep and calm. Does the quality of sleep depend on the bedding? Without any doubt.
To ensure a good sleep, bedding should help the body recover as fully as possible. The main condition is that bed linen must be made from natural fabrics. Why are natural fabrics preferred? The fact is that, unlike synthetic ones, they allow air to pass through. Leather wrapped in natural fabric breathes - this means that there is a constant exchange of air between the surface of the skin and the fabric. To assess the need for such air exchange, it is enough to remember that the skin is the largest organ of the excretory system, we mean sweating. In addition, the skin is involved in heat exchange; for normal heat exchange, a sufficient amount of air is also needed.
How does synthetic bedding affect sleep? First, there is no proper air exchange. Perhaps this is not so important for several nights, but if the skin experiences such overloads constantly, it affects it very negatively. Usually the bedroom is

warm enough. Synthetic bedding creates a sauna effect, when the body heats up, sweat is released, but it cannot be absorbed or evaporated. At the very least, this will lead to the appearance of irritation and inflammation on the skin - pimples, pustules, areas of diaper rash. As a maximum, poor heat exchange can adversely affect the functioning of the cardiovascular system. As you can see, bed linen has a significant impact on sleep.
Everything else is not decisive, the main thing is that you feel comfortable, and nothing interrupts your peaceful sleep.
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