What does the Rh factor of blood affect?

In addition to the amazing division of blood into four groups, which has not yet been explained by scientists, there is also a division according to the Rh factor of blood. This factor gets its name from rhesus monkeys, in which a special protein was first discovered. Its presence in the blood makes the blood Rh-positive, the absence - negative.
Remember: "a teacher or you drive a tractor, you must know your Rh factor"? This is really necessary, and if you wish, you can even put a stamp in your passport, which will indicate the blood group and Rh factor. For what? The need may be due to serious injury or illness that will require a blood transfusion. Such a stamp in the passport saves time and allows you to immediately start the transfusion procedure. It is not enough for the blood to be of a compatible group, it is important that it be compatible with the Rh factor, as otherwise there is a Rh conflict. This condition manifests itself in the destruction of blood cells, which leads to anemia. In severe cases, this condition threatens human life.
In order to find out your blood group and Rh factor, you need to do a blood test once. This will be enough, since both the group and the Rh factor remain unchanged throughout a person's life. Information about Rh is important not only in case of tragedy, the Rh factor in blood is important for pregnancy. Pathology can occur when the mother is Rh-negative, and the child is Rh-positive, but this happens either when the Rh-positive child is re-pregnant, or when the Rh-negative woman has previously received a blood transfusion that is incompatible with the Rh factor. At the same time, there is precisely the risk of a Rh-conflict, which does not mean its inevitable occurrence.

The fact is that the blood of the mother and the child does not mix during pregnancy, since there is a placental barrier. However, in the process of childbirth, this can happen, since the female genital tract is injured, but the child can get injured with a violation of the integrity of the skin, but may not get it. When Rh-positive blood penetrates into Rh-negative blood, antibodies are produced, to put it simply, cells that destroy incompatible blood. When such maternal blood enters a child, they begin to destroy its blood cells, and hemolytic anemia occurs.
In the event that it is known in advance about such a risk, medical measures are taken in time to prevent the development of a serious illness. That, perhaps, is all that affects the Rh factor of the blood.
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