Dior unique cosmetics

Back in 1946, the Dior Fashion House was opened in the French capital. A year after the opening, the first show took place - it was the revolutionary New Look collection of Dior cosmetics, which made a splash in the fashion world. This is how the history of the Christian Dior brand began.
Christian Dior became famous not only as an extravagant couturier, but also as an author of unique fragrances, creating a unique line of cosmetics. Dior believed that perfumes are an extension of a woman's dress and reflect the nature of her personality as much as possible. But he did not limit himself only to women's perfumes, he also created exquisite fragrances for men.
The Christian Dior brand is also engaged in the production of high-quality decorative cosmetics. Dior cosmetics are very popular. Anywhere in the world, any woman can appreciate a wide range of different face and body care products, as well as an incredible range of colors for all decorative cosmetics. Modern Dior cosmetics also produce anti-aging products, which today have no analogues in their effectiveness.
Dior cosmetics are represented on the market by the following cosmetic lines:
• body care products (Miss Dior);
• anti-aging products (Capture);
• dry skin care products (Hydra-star);
• aquacosmetics (Bikini);
• means for self-tanning (Dior bronze);
• means for skin care (Teint);

• means for normal skin care (Icone);
• means against mimic wrinkles (Resultante).
The Dior line of decorative cosmetics is primarily aimed at emphasizing femininity. So, shadows and mascara make the look hypnotic, and thanks to lipsticks and gloss, a woman's lips become more expressive and sensual, attracting the eyes of men.
It's safe to say that like any classic, Dior cosmetics are out of fashion. She has at all times symbolized elegance, luxury and success.
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