Diet For Duodenal Ulcer - Symptoms And Treatment Of Ulcers

Diet For Duodenal Ulcer - Symptoms And Treatment Of Ulcers
Diet For Duodenal Ulcer - Symptoms And Treatment Of Ulcers

Diet for duodenal ulcer

A diet for duodenal ulcer will require you to exclude fried, spicy, hot, salty, sour, fatty, etc. from your diet
A diet for duodenal ulcer will require you to exclude fried, spicy, hot, salty, sour, fatty, etc. from your diet

Lots of people are active, trying to make as much money as possible and improve their well-being. However, in the pursuit of material benefits, they often forget about proper, balanced nutrition, endure a lot of stress, provoking the occurrence of duodenal ulcers. This disease occurs in people of all ages. In order to somehow improve your health, you must adhere to an appropriate diet for duodenal ulcers.

Duodenal Ulcer Symptoms

Most often, this disease manifests itself in schoolchildren and adolescents. The reasons for this lie in improper diet, consumption of carbonated drinks and instant food, constant stress, which negatively affects the not yet fully formed digestive system. The main symptoms of an ulcer are abdominal pain (mainly at night), vomiting, belching, bleeding, and stenosis. In the event that there are any signs of this disease, a qualified doctor immediately prescribes a special diet for intestinal ulcers.

Therapeutic diet for duodenal ulcer

If an ulcer is found, it is necessary to adhere to the following recommendations regarding nutrition:

  • the daily diet should be as balanced as possible (include fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals);
  • in case of duodenal ulcer, the diet excludes the use of spicy, too salty and hot food, which will overly irritate the mucous membrane of the digestive tract;
  • food should be taken in small portions every 3-4 hours;
  • food must be well and thoroughly chewed or consumed in a grated form;
  • the maximum amount of salt per day should not exceed 12 g.

The main task of the intestinal ulcer diet is to restore the normal functioning of all body processes. Milk copes with this perfectly, which should occupy one of the central places in the patient's daily menu. If this product is poorly tolerated by the body, it is recommended to use it in small portions, warm, with tea or coffee.

Animal and vegetable fats also contribute to ulcer healing.

Diet for duodenal ulcer assumes a daily intake of about 3200 kcal (110 g fat, 450 g carbohydrates, 100 g protein).

A diet for intestinal ulcers does not prohibit the inclusion in your diet of foods such as bread (white, crackers), dairy products (cottage cheese, yogurt), milk, meat (poultry, beef), soups, fish, vegetables, eggs. In addition, various vegetables, cereals, berries (strawberries, raspberries), pasta, jelly, compote, cream, jelly, non-acidic juices and still water are safe.

It is better not to eat pork, fried foods, fatty fish, canned food, sausage, rich bread and pies. You should also forget about mushroom soup, eating too fatty foods (lamb fat, bacon), alcohol and ice cream.

Duodenal ulcer: diet number 1

Diet 1a involves taking only too chopped food, liquid soups and cereals, as well as steamed omelets and soft-boiled eggs. The daily diet should consist of approximately 8 meals. In the event that the patient's condition improves, you can move on to a less rigid diet.

Diet 1b. It is allowed to use not very liquid minced chicken dishes, cottage cheese and mashed potatoes.

Diet No. 1 should be followed for a fairly long time (3-12 months) in order to prevent. Here, patients can add steam cutlets, boiled meat stroganoff, slightly dried bread and boiled chicken to their menu.

Diet for bowel ulcers complicated by stenosis

The main symptom of stenosis is frequent vomiting, which occurs due to narrowing of the duodenum lumen. For this reason, a large amount of undigested food accumulates in the stomach. In the presence of such a disease, the patient must follow a very strict diet. Due to constant vomiting, you should consume plenty of water and vitamins. The daily diet includes necessarily highly high-calorie food, which contains animal and dairy proteins, carbohydrates. Fruit juices are preferred.

In addition, it is not forbidden to eat soft-boiled eggs, meatballs, steam cutlets and omelettes. Sweet foods include puddings, soufflés and jelly. So that the food passes through the duodenum as best as possible, No-shpu or Papaverine are prescribed.

Diet for duodenal ulcer with bleeding

In the event that the patient has frequent bleeding, then he is prescribed a special diet that will help stop the bleeding. It is prescribed in the first 12 hours after the onset of bleeding. The main foods that are included in this type of diet are milk, chilled cream, butter, as well as food that contributes to the contraction of the muscles of the intestine and stomach, constricts the blood vessels. If the duodenal ulcer has complications not only in the form of bleeding, but also vomiting, intravenous nutrition is prescribed. It is this kind of nutrition in this case that can replenish the body with all the necessary vitamins and minerals.

After the bleeding has stopped (already in the first days), it is allowed to add milk, butter, milk porridge to your diet (only if they are boiled in water and diluted with milk), mashed potatoes, dried white bread. As for drinks, fresh juices are acceptable, which should be diluted in a small amount with water. To maximize blood clotting and reduce the permeability of blood vessels, the daily menu cannot do without vitamins K and C. After improving the general health of the patient, he is allowed to switch to a diet for duodenal ulcer No. 1a.

Adhering to all the recommendations of specialists, as well as eating right, observing all dietary tips for duodenal ulcers, patients almost never have repeated signs of complications, which makes it possible to bypass surgery.

Drinking regimen for duodenal ulcer

In the presence of an ulcer, it is strictly forbidden to consume strongly and slightly carbonated drinks. Sometimes a health worker can prescribe still mineral water to a patient. In addition to water, it is allowed to take fruit and berry juices with their obligatory dilution with water, as well as weak tea with milk or cream.

Diet for duodenal ulcer should be strictly observed from 3 to 12 months
Diet for duodenal ulcer should be strictly observed from 3 to 12 months

Strong tea, alcoholic drinks, cocoa should be excluded from your menu. Regarding the menu, you should definitely consult with your doctor, because only he will tell you whether a particular patient can drink herbal decoctions and mineral water.

If the patient shows signs of an exacerbation of the disease, then he is sometimes prescribed to eat up to 6 times a day, which eliminates unnecessary irritation of the stomach walls.

A positive result from the treatment of an ulcer can occur only if, at the beginning of the disease, consult a specialist, follow all the doctor's prescriptions and a specific diet.

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