Spinach - Properties, Benefits, Calorie Content, Nutritional Value, Vitamins

Spinach - Properties, Benefits, Calorie Content, Nutritional Value, Vitamins
Spinach - Properties, Benefits, Calorie Content, Nutritional Value, Vitamins


Spinach is not as popular here as, for example, in France. There he grows everywhere, and people call him "king" and "broom for the stomach."

The nutritional value Serving Spinach 100 g Amount per serving Calories 23 Calories from Fat 3.51 % Daily value * Total Fat 0.39 g 1% Saturate fats 0.06 g 0% Polyunsaturated. fats 0.17 g Monounsaturated. fats 0.01 g Cholesterol 0 mg 0% Sodium 79 mg 3% Potassium 558 mg 16% Total Carbohydrates 3.63 g 1% Sugar 0.42 g Dietary fiber 2.2 g 9% Proteins 2.86 g 6% Vitamin A 188% Vitamin B6 10% Vitamin C 47% Vitamin K 604% Niacin 4% Thiamine 5% Iron 15% Calcium 10% Magnesium 20% Phosphorus 5% Zinc 4% * Calculation for a daily diet of 2000 kcal

The ratio of BJU in the product


Source: depositphotos.com How to burn 23 kcal?

Walking 6 minutes
Jogging 3 min.
Swimming 2 minutes.
A bike 3 min.
Aerobics 5 minutes.
Household chores 8 minutes

Spinach is an annual vegetable from the Marev family. It appeared in the Middle East several thousand years BC, in Persia, and several centuries later the Arabs brought it to Spain.

According to Chinese chronicles dating back to the 7th century AD, spinach was brought to China from Nepal. It came to India much later, when it was already widespread throughout Europe. Soon they learned to grow spinach in many countries, and after the discovery of America, it got there too. Today this plant is very common there. But the inhabitants of Russia treat him somewhat cooler. For the first time in Russia, spinach was mentioned in the 18th century, when it was grown in many regions. And by the end of the 19th century, he became one of the widely cultivated crops of the inhabitants of Kiev, Odessa, St. Petersburg.

Spinach does not have a distinct taste like other vegetables. In addition, it is not stored for long, unlike other garden crops, and quickly loses its properties.

Nevertheless, spinach has many health benefits. And some experts generally believe that spinach is superior in its benefits to many other garden vegetables, especially those that grow in our latitudes.

Spinach in cooking

Spinach tends to quickly deteriorate and lose its beneficial properties, so it must be cooked as soon as possible after harvesting. This is the only way to get the best taste and lose the least amount of vitamins. If the spinach cannot be cooked right away, it is best to freeze it. Frozen spinach can be stored for up to eight months.

It is eaten fresh or boiled, used as a filling for pies, baked, added to appetizers and salads, sauces. In the food industry, spinach is used to make dyes, seasonings, and canned foods.

Spinach makes a delicious and light soup that helps better digestion of meat and fish. It goes well with cheese, bacon and cream.

Undoubtedly, it is better to consume spinach fresh. But boiled spinach is recommended for people with low back pain - it turns out that it helps to get rid of them.

Composition and calorie content of spinach

Spinach contains carbohydrates, proteins, as well as fats, organic, unsaturated and saturated fatty acids, starch, fiber, sugars, vitamins PP, E, C, H, A, group B, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, copper, iron, zinc, potassium, selenium. In addition, spinach leaves are very high in protein, almost as much as green peas and young beans.

Of course, other vegetables also contain many useful substances, but such a rich composition of minerals and vitamins, as in spinach, is quite rare, so the benefits of spinach should not be underestimated.

But the calorie content of spinach is low and is only 22 kcal per 100 g of product, so nutritionists advise people who want to reduce body weight to use it.

Benefits of spinach

Spinach supplies the body with nutrients, removes toxins and toxins. Due to the high content of carotene and iron, spinach makes hemoglobin more active and the body is supplied with oxygen faster and better.

Due to its high nutritional value and low calorie content, spinach contributes to the production of energy in the body and normalizes metabolism, therefore it is very useful as a dietary food. It must be included in the diet for diabetes mellitus, diseases of the nervous system, exhaustion, enterocolitis and gastritis.

In addition, doctors recommend regularly consuming spinach for preventive purposes and for the treatment of various diseases. For example, it makes the gums and teeth stronger and healthier, prevents the development of cancerous tumors and anemia, normalizes intestinal activity, strengthens blood vessels, and improves the functioning of the pancreas.

Spinach is so effective against cancer that doctors recommend it as a supplemental diet for radiation therapy.

Spinach is of great benefit to pregnant women and young children, as it contains all the minerals and vitamins necessary for the body. This vegetable is perfectly digestible due to its content of substances that stimulate the work of the pancreas and salivary glands.

The beneficial properties of spinach include its tonic, mild diuretic, anti-inflammatory and laxative effect. It protects the mucous membranes from damage, normalizes carbohydrate metabolism, participates in the production of important hormones for the body, restores efficiency and relieves stress.

Spinach contains a lot of chlorophyll and fiber, which stimulates bowel movements and relieves constipation.

Few people know that spinach is also beneficial for the eyes, because it contains lutein and other substances that protect us from such a serious disease as retinal degeneration. In addition, lutein tends to accumulate in the tissues of the eyes, which reduces fatigue when working at a computer and improves visual acuity.

Spinach salad
Spinach salad

Spinach treatment

In folk medicine, the beneficial properties of spinach are widely used to treat various diseases. So, to replenish energy reserves and reduce fatigue, it is enough to drink fresh spinach juice in the morning on an empty stomach. In addition, the juice stimulates the functioning of many organs, including the intestines, kidneys and liver, and is also beneficial for dry coughs and asthma. With inflammation of the tonsils, gargle with juice, and with inflammation of the gums, the mouth.

For children to grow better and be healthy, it is beneficial for them to give spinach juice mixed in equal proportions with almond oil. And fresh leaves are applied to abscesses and insect vinegars. To treat eczema and burns, a paste is made from the leaves. To do this, spinach leaves are boiled in olive oil. Also, this paste is used to remove freckles.

And in America, adults try to teach children to eat spinach as early as possible, as it promotes proper bone development, growth and prevents rickets.

Due to its low calorie content, spinach is extremely popular for people looking to lose weight. For these purposes, it can be added to almost any dish. Due to its neutral taste, you should not be afraid to spoil the dish by adding this vegetable.

Spinach harm

Since many words have been said above about the benefits of spinach, one cannot but mention its dangers. So, for example, it contains a lot of oxalic acid, so you should not use it for people with kidney and urinary tract diseases (urolithiasis, nephritis). In addition, it is contraindicated in diseases of the liver, biliary tract, rheumatism, gout, duodenal ulcer.

It is also worth noting that spinach leaves can accumulate nitrates, therefore, when using it for medicinal purposes and for baby food, this circumstance must be taken into account.

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