Pear - Useful Properties, Application, Contraindications

Pear - Useful Properties, Application, Contraindications
Pear - Useful Properties, Application, Contraindications


Pear is one of the oldest fruit trees cultivated by mankind. Today there are thousands of pear varieties that are grown in most warm and temperate areas around the world.

The nutritional value Portion Pear 100 g Amount per serving Calories 57 Calories from Fat 1.26 % Daily value * Total Fat 0.14 g 0% Saturate fats 0.02 g 0% Polyunsaturated. fats 0.09 g Monounsaturated. fats 0.08 g Cholesterol 0 mg 0% Sodium 1 mg 0% Potassium 116 mg 3% Total Carbohydrates 15.23 g 5% Sugar 9.75 g Dietary fiber 3.1 g 12% Proteins 0.36 g 1% Vitamin B6 1% Vitamin C 7% Vitamin K 6% Iron 1% Magnesium 2% Phosphorus 1% * Calculation for a daily diet of 2000 kcal

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Source: How to burn 57 kcal?

Walking 14 minutes
Jogging 6 minutes
Swimming 5 minutes.
A bike 8 minutes
Aerobics 11 minutes
Household chores 19 minutes

Useful properties of pear

Pear contains fiber, pectins, vitamins A, E, C, group B, organic acids, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, sodium, iron, zinc, manganese, cobalt, calcium, fluorine, molybdenum.

The calorie content of a pear is only 42 kcal per 100 g of fruit.

Due to the rich composition, such useful properties of pear are known: prevention of gastritis, liver pathologies, urinary system, cholecystitis, treatment of headaches, depression, insomnia. Pear is an excellent diuretic, good for the heart and blood vessels - the fruit stabilizes the heart rhythm, removes cholesterol, strengthens blood vessels, and stimulates blood flow.

The low calorie content of pears and the low content of carbohydrates makes it possible to use it for patients with diabetes, people suffering from various disorders of the pancreas and obesity.

It was also found that pear stimulates immunity, helps to remove toxins, heavy metals, and the astringents contained in it strengthen the stomach and intestines.

Pear application

Wild pears are considered to be the most beneficial.

To relieve fever and eliminate cough, it is useful to drink a decoction of fruits, and the juice from a forest pear is a good diuretic.

Pear broth also helps with prostatitis, and its prolonged use in most cases leads to a complete cure. For the prevention of prostatitis, men after 50 liters are advised to regularly drink pear compote or tea. At the same time, dried forest pear harvested for the winter helps.

For lung diseases, the pear is recommended to be eaten fresh, and baked or boiled fruits help with bronchitis, pulmonary tuberculosis - eliminate cough.

The broth can also be used for inflammation of the urinary tract, urolithiasis.

The astringent beneficial properties of the pear can be enhanced by adding a decoction of oats to the pear compote.

With diabetes, it is recommended to drink fresh pear juice every day - 50-70 grams half an hour before meals.

The low calorie content of pears, the low content of chlorine and sodium, makes it possible to include fruits in salt-free diets prescribed for nephritis, heart disease, blood vessels.

To eliminate constipation, it is recommended to eat a boiled pear, and in case of food poisoning, you need to eat half a fresh pear every hour as an additional remedy.

Pear compote
Pear compote

Good results for cleansing the body, prevention of cardiovascular diseases are given by unloading "pear" days. Given the low calorie content of pears, the fruit thus additionally helps to fight overweight. You should eat only fresh pears twice a week: 1.5 or 2 kilograms per day. If the fruit is very hard, you can boil it a little.

Anemic people are encouraged to eat two large pears every day instead of dessert. In this case, for a greater effect, knead the pulp of the fruit, mix with 2 teaspoons of honey.

With eczema, pear pulp applications help: it is applied to the affected skin for a while.

With cystitis, it is useful to eat two or three baked pears sprinkled with sugar every day until recovery.

Pear masks are actively used in cosmetology: they narrow pores, improve elasticity, heal cracks and abrasions, tone up and rejuvenate.


When consuming a pear, it is not recommended to peel it - it contains fiber and nutritious phytonutrients.

You cannot eat this fruit on an empty stomach, immediately after a meal (especially after meat and other heavy foods), drink it with water. It is also not advised to use pears for people with intestinal disorders, gastrointestinal diseases.

Elderly people after 70 liters to prevent stomach problems are recommended to lightly bake pears or eat only juicy and soft fruits.

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