Excessive Sweating - How To Deal With The Problem?

Excessive Sweating - How To Deal With The Problem?
Excessive Sweating - How To Deal With The Problem?

Excessive sweating - how to deal with the problem?

On hot days, sweating cools the body
On hot days, sweating cools the body

The beginning of the summer season promises many people not only joy, but also discomfort caused by a tendency to excessive sweating.

After all, as you know, in the summer this problem only gets worse, although at other times of the year it is also present. It's just that on cooler days, when the air temperature is lower, it is easier to mask this problem by using appropriate clothing and deodorant products.

In the summer, when the air temperature sometimes goes over 30 degrees Celsius, and the only thing you want to wear out of your clothes is a wet swimsuit or swimming trunks, and the only desirable place on Earth is the shady coast of some body of water, circumstances do not allow you to hide such an unpleasant problem like excessive sweating.

Sweating, causes of abnormalities

Sweating is a completely natural and normal phenomenon, without which our body will not be able to fully function. Excretion of sweat removes toxins from the body, cleanses the body, and on hot days, sweating also cools the body.

Whatever services the modern industry offers, throughout the entire hot period it will be completely unnatural, and even harmful, will limit this useful process. Of course, it must be controlled, regulated, and personal hygiene rules that affect perspiration must be followed. But you shouldn't completely restrict sweating.

Particular attention should be paid to regulating perspiration for those people who have an excessive tendency to sweat. Sweating (or hyperhidrosis) can be localized or generalized.

If, under the influence of certain external and internal factors (strong emotional experience, the influence of high temperature, minor physical activity), or even without the influence of any factors at all, your whole body sweats (for example, in the middle of the night you wake up in wet underwear), you should think about undergoing a medical examination, since such a symptom may signal the presence of a serious illness. Quite often, general hyperhidrosis is a symptom of AIDS, tuberculosis, diabetes mellitus and other serious illnesses.

Localized hyperhidrosis, that is, increased sweating in certain parts of the body, such as palms, large folds of the skin, armpits, feet, often speaks of the peculiarities of the endocrine glands, and may also indicate the presence of increased excitability of the central nervous system or vegetative vascular dystonia.

If you have been suffering from excessive sweating for a long period of time, it does not hurt to consult an endocrinologist first. Firstly, this will make it possible by conducting a thorough examination of the body to exclude the likelihood of serious violations in its work. Secondly, the doctor will develop specially for you professional recommendations, which, believe me, will have a much more impressive effect than the widely advertised deodorants, gels and antiperspirants.

Once you are confident that the hyperhidrosis is not due to a serious medical condition, you can resort to one of three strategies to get rid of it.

Drug treatment

Drug treatments for excessive sweating include:

  • Liposuction - normalization of the sweat glands by removing the axillary tissue.
  • Injections of butolotoxin into an area with increased sweating. This inhibits the activity of the sweat glands. The procedure lasts for six months, after which it must be repeated.
  • Curettage - curettage of sweat glands. Like liposuction, this procedure has some kind of disruption to their work.
  • Iontophoresis. The procedure is the introduction of drugs using current pulses.
  • Excision - removal of skin folds in an area with excessive sweating.

Treatment of excessive sweating with folk remedies

Gargles are very

Alcohol tincture of walnut is an effective remedy for excessive sweating
Alcohol tincture of walnut is an effective remedy for excessive sweating

helpful in combating excessive sweating:

  • Infusion on birch leaves or buds;
  • Decoction of oak bark;
  • Alcohol tincture of walnut leaves.

Lemon juice helps effectively, which can be used as an independent agent, diluted with water, or added to a decoction of oak or oats.

Washing problem areas of the body with an oat washcloth is a great help. To do this, wrap oat grains in cheesecloth and use them as a washcloth.

Making lifestyle changes

Bad habits such as drinking alcohol and nicotine contribute to excessive sweating. Therefore, it is better to abandon them or minimize them. In addition, it is necessary to exclude all spicy foods from the diet, as it increases the "degree" of the body, which, in turn, increases sweating.

In the sultry heat, it is better to refuse coffee, and drink drinks not hot or cold, but at room temperature.

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