Chronic hypertrophic rhinitis: what is it, symptoms, treatment
The content of the article:
- Forms of the disease
- The reasons for the development of pathology
- Symptoms of hypertrophic rhinitis
- Diagnosis and treatment of hypertrophic rhinitis
- Video
Chronic hypertrophic rhinitis - what is it? What causes its development? In what forms can the disease proceed? What treatments are there?

Hypertrophic rhinitis is characterized by thickening of the mucous tissues of the nose
Chronic hypertrophic rhinitis (runny nose) is an inflammatory process in the nasal cavity, which leads to a thickening of the mucous membranes and an increase in the number of glands in them, as well as to the proliferation of nasal conchas.
Forms of the disease
There are two forms of hypertrophic rhinitis:
- limited: the mucous membrane of the anterior, middle or posterior side of the turbinate is affected;
- diffuse: all areas of the nasal mucosa are affected.
Depending on what form the altered tissues acquire, the disease can proceed in the following forms:
- vascular: most often observed with a drug-induced rhinitis, when the vascular tone is not independently regulated. Nasal congestion increases if the patient lies on his side; when turning to the other side, breathing is disturbed from the corresponding side;
- fibrous: develops with a prolonged inflammatory process, when the damaged tissues become denser, and thickening of the mucous membrane occurs in the posterior part of the lower turbinates;
- bone: characterized by thickening of the bone and cartilage tissue of the nasal concha;
- papillary: characterized by the appearance of pathological growths that cause constant nasal congestion and cause a large amount of mucous secretion to be released;
- polycystic: observed with the proliferation of connective tissue in the anterior part of the middle turbinate.
ICD 10 code - J31.0.
The reasons for the development of pathology
The nasal cavity from the inside covers the epithelial layer, which is necessary to cleanse and warm the inhaled air. The disease occurs when this function is impaired. This happens in the following cases:
- frequent diseases of the ENT organs caused by bacteria or viruses;
- chronic allergic rhinitis;
- curvature of the nasal septum of congenital or acquired etiology (as a result of trauma or surgical interventions);
- frequent and uncontrolled use of addictive vasoconstrictor drugs. Constant forced action on the capillaries of the nasal cavity leads to the fact that the nervous system ceases to recognize the commands and expands them, swelling of the mucous membranes occurs, and in the future - hypertrophy;
- some bad habits: smoking or sniffing tobacco or drugs;
- work in gassed and dusty rooms or long-term residence in ecologically unfavorable areas.

One of the trigger factors for the development of pathology is the curvature of the nasal septum
Also, the reasons for the development of pathology can be:
- diseases of the cardiovascular system, as a result of which the vessels lose their elasticity and are constantly in an expanded state, which leads to hypertrophy of the mucous tissue;
- endocrine diseases that cause hormonal imbalance and the appearance of a vasomotor rhinitis.
Symptoms of hypertrophic rhinitis
At the initial stage of the disease, the patient has a lingering runny nose, which cannot be eliminated with the help of drugs and folk remedies. As a result of this, a mild hypertrophy of the membranes occurs (the layer of ciliary epithelium is affected).

As a result of thickening of the epithelium, polyps can form on its surface
Then the glandular tissue is involved in the process, the walls of the capillaries and muscle fibers become inflamed, which leads to squeezing of the lymphatic vessels. When the disease enters the edematous phase, all tissues and structures of the nasal passages are damaged. The patient has:
- severe nasal congestion, which is very difficult to get rid of;
- the release of a large amount of mucus;
- change in voice, he becomes nasal;
- impairment of smell and hearing.
If changes occur in the posterior lower parts of the turbinates, the valve mechanism is disrupted, and the patient may have difficulty only when inhaling or only when exhaling.
In the course of the development of the disease, the epithelium thickens, becomes bumpy and smooth, in some cases polyps appear on its surface. Hypoxia leads to the fact that the patient becomes apathetic, his sleep is disturbed and his state of health significantly worsens. Very often, a bacterial infection is attached, which leads to an increase in body temperature and the appearance of purulent discharge from the nose.
Diagnosis and treatment of hypertrophic rhinitis
In addition to collecting anamnesis, the doctor examines the nasal cavity, assessing and studying the condition of the epithelial tissues using an endoscope. It determines the level of hypertrophic changes and diagnoses the stage of the disease.

Most often, to diagnose the disease, the nasal cavity is examined using an endoscope.
In some cases, a test with anemization is performed, in which the patient is injected with an adrenaline solution and the response of the capillaries is assessed (normally, the drug should cause their spasm). With the hypertrophic form of rhinitis, it is absent, and the volume of the mucous membrane does not decrease. Also, an x-ray of the nasal sinuses is prescribed, and, if necessary, magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography.
To exclude allergies, a blood test is performed to detect IgE antibodies. Also, nasal swabs are taken to determine the nature of the microflora and its sensitivity to antibiotics.
If the cause of a hypertrophic rhinitis are diseases of the heart, blood vessels or changes in hormonal levels, then a consultation with a cardiologist, endocrinologist or neurologist will be required.
The use of drugs or physiotherapy is effective in the absence of significant changes in the epithelium of the nasal passages. These methods improve tissue trophism and prevent the development of bacterial infections.
For treatment, the hormonal drug Hydrocortisone is most often used. It is injected into hypertrophied tissues using a syringe with a thin needle, which makes it possible to reduce the inflammatory process and restore nasal breathing.
Vasoconstrictors based on phenylephrine, naphazoline, xylometazoline or oxymetazoline also help temporarily reduce swelling and improve nasal breathing. But it must be remembered that such drugs can be used no longer than seven days, since with their uncontrolled use, rhinitis medicamentous develops quickly.
In the event that irreversible changes in the structures of the nose are observed in the chronic form of the disease, surgical intervention is indicated. Depending on the area and degree of damage, the following methods are used:
- osteoconchotomy (removal of the bone edge of the inferior shell). The operation is performed under local or general anesthesia in a hospital setting in the absence of acute tissue inflammation;
- conchotomy (partial resection of the nasal mucosa and its shells). During the operation, the doctor removes hypertrophied tissue and removes polyps. Often, thickening of the epithelium leads to a curvature of the nasal septum, which can also be corrected;
- galvanocaustics. During the operation, the mucous membranes are cauterized, as a result of which the epithelium is reduced in volume, and the edema is eliminated, which improves nasal breathing.

One of the effective folk remedies is nasal instillation with woodlice herb infusion
Traditional methods are used in complex treatment at the initial stage of the disease. According to patients' reviews, nasal drops based on woodlice herb (starfish) are highly effective. To prepare them, 1/2 teaspoon of dry raw materials is poured into 100 ml of boiling water, after cooling, the infusion is filtered. Apply in the morning and in the evening, 4 drops in each nostril.
For rinsing the nose, saline solutions or decoctions of medicinal herbs such as sage, plantain, chamomile or calendula are used.
Hypertrophic rhinitis is a serious disease that is difficult to detect at the initial stage. Therefore, if a runny nose, despite treatment, persists for a week, it is necessary to seek advice from an otolaryngologist.
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Anna Kozlova Medical journalist About the author
Education: Rostov State Medical University, specialty "General Medicine".
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