Papillomas In Children: Causes, Treatment, Photo

Papillomas In Children: Causes, Treatment, Photo
Papillomas In Children: Causes, Treatment, Photo

Papillomas in children

The content of the article:

  1. Why do papillomas appear?
  2. Clinical picture

    Distinctive features of the course of pathology in children

  3. Diagnostics
  4. Therapy

    Treatment of papillomas in a child

  5. Prevention
  6. Video

Papillomas in children, as in adults, are a fairly common pathology of the skin and mucous membranes and are neoplasms on the body.

Clinical manifestations of papillomatosis (human papillomavirus infection), according to studies by a number of authors, are observed in 3-9% of children and adolescents, in adults - 28-30%. There is no significant correlation between the incidence of pathology and gender or race.

Warts and papillomas in children are caused by human papillomavirus infection
Warts and papillomas in children are caused by human papillomavirus infection

Warts and papillomas in children are caused by human papillomavirus infection

Why do papillomas appear?

The appearance of warts is associated with HPV (human papillomavirus). It belongs to the DNA-containing viruses of the papavavirus family and is transmitted by contact, from person to person.

HPV is characterized by tissue specificity - the ability of certain types of viruses to infect tissue characteristic of their localization. The stronger the immune system, the lower the chance of infection. Consequently, in children with a large number of neoplasms, immunity is weaker.

The main reasons for a decrease in general or local immunity are:

  • frequent, chronic stress;
  • lack of adequate rest;
  • long-term serious illness;
  • hypothermia;
  • inadequate and / or inappropriate nutrition;
  • antibiotic therapy.

Clinical picture

Symptoms include:

  • single or multiple formations in the form of papules on the skin and / or mucous membranes;
  • soreness in the places of localization of warts during compression.

With the formation of growths near the periungual ridges, deformation of the nail plates is observed. In cases of massive lesions of the skin of the sole, there is a high probability of foot deformity.

Types of warts:

View Description
Vulgar (ordinary) Characterized by multiple painless papules with a diameter of 0.2 to 0.5 cm, covered with papillomatous growths, the predominant localization sites are feet and hands
Mosaic For this type of pathology, diffuse foci of hyperkeratosis are typical, localized on the skin of the soles and palms, which can be covered with deep cracks
Palmar-plantar They are dense painful papules and plaques of a round shape, localized on the skin of the soles of the feet and / or palms at the same level as unchanged skin. Have a grainy surface that is covered with hyperkeratotic layers
Cystic These formations look like a soft node with cracks and hyperkeratosis on the surface, localized on the pressing surface of the sole. When opening the build-up, a white-yellow curdled content is released
Filiform They appear as thin horny outgrowths, most often located around the mouth, eyes and nose
Flat Multiple small papules with the color of normal skin, the primary sites of localization of papillomas in a child - on the face, the back of the hands, forearms and mucous membranes

Distinctive features of the course of pathology in children

In the overwhelming majority of cases, manifestations of pathology in children are ordinary, flat and plantar warts. A characteristic difference between flat juvenile warts, which are found only in children and adolescents, is that they often self-heal by the age of 14-16.

Trigger factors for the development of plantar and vulgar warts in childhood are injuries (in the knees, elbows), as well as the wearing of hard uncomfortable shoes (rollers, skates, sneakers, etc.). On the back and abdomen, growths in children are usually not localized.


If symptoms appear, consult a dermatologist. The diagnosis can be based on the clinical picture. Laboratory confirmation is recommended.

With vulgar warts, differential diagnosis with the following diseases is necessary:

  • molluscum contagiosum;
  • epidermal verrucous nevus.

Flat warts are differentiated with syringoma, hyperplasia of the sebaceous glands, Mibelli's angiokeratoma, lichen planus.


The goal of treatment is:

  • destruction of viral warts;
  • improving the patient's quality of life.

Most often, asymptomatic warts that do not bother the child do not require treatment, since in most cases they spontaneously regress. The exception is genital warts, the removal of which reduces the risk of developing cancer.

The leading direction in the treatment of viral warts is destructive therapy. At home, you can use special products that are sold at the pharmacy - Kollomak, Solkovagin, Verrukatsid, Solkoderm, Lapis pencil, Duofilm. They can treat children only under the guidance of a doctor.

There are many methods for removing warts - using a laser, electrocoagulator, or liquid nitrogen. When choosing a method of destruction, localization and area of the lesion focus are taken into account. If many papillomas are localized in one place, then one or two of the largest are removed, the rest often disappear on their own.

The effectiveness of therapy is on average 60–80%. Relapses can occur when treating the disease in any way.

Treatment of papillomas in a child

The methods of choice for the treatment of papillomas in children should be physical methods of destruction that do not cause toxic side reactions.

In some cases, exposure to the virus is required. This applies to highly oncogenic types, especially in girls. In this case, immunostimulating and antiviral drugs are prescribed.

Papillomas in children can involution on their own, but sometimes their removal is required
Papillomas in children can involution on their own, but sometimes their removal is required

Papillomas in children can involution on their own, but sometimes their removal is required

In a child, papillomas on the neck and face usually create a cosmetic problem and are clearly visible in the photo. For treatment, external agents can be used, for example, Viferon ointment. The preparation contains a synthesized protein interferon, which is identical to that produced by the human body. The product also contains vitamin E and peach oil, which enhances the immunomodulating and antiviral effect.


Vaccination is indicated for prevention. The Gardasil vaccine is effective against four types of HPV virus: 6, 11, 16 and 18. It can be used in girls from 11 to 12 years old. From the age of 10, the vaccine against HPV 16 and 18 types - Cervarix - can be used.

To reduce the likelihood of infection, it is important to strengthen the immune system. For this, immunomodulators can be used: Polyoxidonium, Roncoleukin, etc. Natural methods are also highly effective, including normalizing the daily routine, nutrition, and ensuring proper rest.

Parents should remember that warts are an infectious disease and, in order to avoid the transmission of the pathogen to others, precautions must be taken: treatment of inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary organs, adherence to personal hygiene rules, etc. It is also necessary to ensure that the child does not wear tight uncomfortable shoes and avoid skin trauma.


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Anna Kozlova
Anna Kozlova

Anna Kozlova Medical journalist About the author

Education: Rostov State Medical University, specialty "General Medicine".

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