Cycle is one of the varieties of fitness, sports training, which is carried out using a special simulator that simulates cycling (cycle, in English - a bicycle).

Cycle - workout for those who want to lose weight
And not only. Thanks to the load that the exercise bike provides, you can support the cardiovascular system, which is why cycling is also called cardio training.
So it is a regular and active cardio load that makes it possible to start the process of breaking down fats. This effect is ensured due to the fact that large muscle groups are involved in cycling, while they work in a sufficiently high rhythm. It is believed that the ideal cycling machine for those who are obese.
In addition, cycling makes it possible to pump up the muscles of the buttocks and thighs, eliminate the manifestations of cellulite, and correct the shape of the legs.
At the beginning of classes, coaches advise you to practice 2-5 times a week. You don't have to expect a quick result from cycling training - only after three months of regular training (5 days a week). Once the desired result has been achieved, you can reduce the number of cycling workouts to 2-3 per week.
Varieties of cycle workouts
Before you start actively practicing on the cycling simulator, you need to master the training methodology: learn how to pedal correctly, alternate power and cardio loads. For this reason, it is recommended to exercise on a stationary bike under the supervision of a fitness instructor.
At first, a gentle workout is carried out, aimed at stimulating the cardiovascular system and burning fat. It is recommended to practice at this pace for beginners.
After a gentle cycle, medium-intensity cycling classes are held, during which fat deposits are burned to a greater extent, endurance increases. Going to this level of training is advised for those who have already sufficiently mastered the exercise bike.
Once you have mastered the medium intensity level, you can start cycling at an increased pace. In this case, the cardio load lasts half an hour, as an addition, it may be proposed to perform an exercise on a cycle in a standing position, as well as an exercise for the press.
During training, you can change the types of loads - cycle simulators are designed so that the rotation speed, resistance are selected, and the position of the body changes.
How to choose a cycle trainer
Once you've mastered the exercise bike under the guidance of a trainer, you can move on to home workouts if you wish. This means that you will surely face the question of choosing a simulator for cycling.
The simulator can be vertical or horizontal. The first, as the cycling reviews say about it, is ideal for beginners, its pedals are in the usual position - under the saddle. And the horizontal cycle trainer is ideal for those who need to reduce the stress on the joints and spine - the person is in a semi-sitting position with the trainer pedals in front.
Bicycle ergometer exercise machine - it is used by people in need of rehabilitation. This equipment allows maximum load control.
Judging by the reviews, cycling can also help those whose goal is not to train the buttocks and hips, but the arms and back. This trainer is called an exercise bike for the hands and is propelled by the hands, respectively.

Contraindications to cycling
Since exercise on a stationary bike involves significant physical activity, this means that in some diseases, cycling is contraindicated:
- high blood pressure;
- cardiovascular diseases;
- phlebeurysm;
- joint diseases.
It is quite possible that it will be possible to carry out cycling, but at a moderate pace - depending on the stage of the disease.
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