ESTROCAD: instructions for use and reviews
- 1. Release form and composition
- 2. Pharmacological properties
- 3. Indications for use
- 4. Contraindications
- 5. Method of application and dosage
- 6. Side effects
- 7. Overdose
- 8. Special instructions
- 9. Application during pregnancy and lactation
- 10. Use in childhood
- 11. In case of impaired renal function
- 12. For violations of liver function
- 13. Drug interactions
- 14. Analogs
- 15. Terms and conditions of storage
- 16. Terms of dispensing from pharmacies
- 17. Reviews
- 18. Price in pharmacies
Latin name: ESTROKAD
ATX code: G03CA04
Active ingredient: estriol (Estriol)
Manufacturer: Dr. KADE Pharmazeutische Fabrik, GmbH (Germany)
Description and photo update: 2020-18-04
Prices in pharmacies: from 550 rubles.

ESTROCAD is an estrogenic drug for local intravaginal use.
Release form and composition
Dosage form - vaginal suppositories: homogeneous, white, odorless (in a cardboard box, instructions for the use of ESTROCAD and 2 aluminum strips containing 5 suppositories each).
Composition of 1 suppository:
- active substance: estriol - 0.5 mg;
- auxiliary component: witepsol S 51 (glyceryl monoricinooleate, macrogol cetyl stearate, solid fat).
Pharmacological properties
The active ingredient of ESTROCAD - estriol, is a natural estrogen that is synthesized in the human body. The drug forms a complex with specific receptors: in the vagina, uterus, urethra, pituitary gland, hypothalamus, mammary gland. Estriol stimulates protein and DNA synthesis. It has a selective effect, especially on the vagina, vulva and cervix.
ESTROCAD normalizes the pH and microflora of the vagina, affects the quality and quantity of cervical mucus, stimulates the blood supply to the epithelium of the vagina and cervix, enhances the proliferation of the epithelium, increases the resistance of the epithelium to the effects of infectious and inflammatory agents, improves the process of epithelial restoration in case of atrophic changes in premenopausal women and menopause.
The drug has only a minor effect on the endometrium, which is manifested by a small risk of uterine bleeding.
Estriol has hypolipidemic activity. It is able to slightly increase the content of beta-lipoproteins in the blood. Improves glucose utilization, increases insulin sensitivity. Stimulates renin, blood clotting factors, high density lipoproteins and the production of globulins by the liver that bind sex hormones.
Estrogens are involved in positive and negative feedback in the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian system, due to which they can cause moderately pronounced central effects. Stimulates parasympathicomimetic reactions.
After intravaginal administration of the suppository, the maximum plasma concentration of estriol is reached within 1–2 hours. About 90% of the drug binds to plasma proteins.
It is excreted from the body mainly by the kidneys in the form of metabolites. About 2% is excreted unchanged through the intestines.
Indications for use
- hormone replacement therapy for estrogen deficiency, manifested by atrophy of the mucous membrane of the lower urinary tract;
- surgical interventions by vaginal access in postmenopausal women;
- diagnostic treatment of women with unclear results of a vaginal smear in the presence of atrophic changes.
The use of ESTROCAD is strictly contraindicated in the following cases:
- period of pregnancy and lactation;
- untreated endometrial hyperplasia;
- vaginal bleeding of unknown etiology;
- estrogen-dependent malignant formations of the uterus or mammary glands, including suspicion of their presence;
- arterial thromboembolism (including angina pectoris and myocardial infarction), including recent;
- active thromboembolic diseases or thrombophlebitis;
- porphyria;
- active venous thromboembolism (deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism);
- previous idiopathic thromboembolism;
- impaired liver function (before normalization of indicators);
- hypersensitivity to any component of the drug.
ESTROCAD should be used with caution in case of a history of endometrial hyperplasia, endometriosis, leiomyoma, systemic lupus erythematosus, bronchial asthma, epilepsy, severe headaches and migraines, otosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, pancreatitis, familial hyperlipoproteinemia, especially gallbladder disease, anamnesis, jaundice (including during previous pregnancy), liver disease, severe liver failure, history of thromboembolism or the presence of risk factors for its development, arterial hypertension, risk factors for the development of estrogen-dependent tumors (including the first degree of heredity of breast cancer), and also with the development of a history of thrombosis, thromboembolism or thrombophlebitis against the background of the use of estrogens.
ESTROCAD, instructions for use: method and dosage
The drug is intended for intravaginal administration. ESTROCAD suppositories should be inserted deep into the vagina before bedtime.
In case of atrophy of the mucous membrane of the urogenital tract in the first 2-3 weeks, it is necessary to use 1 suppository daily. After improvement of symptoms, it is possible to reduce the dose to 1 suppository 2 times a week.
As pre- or postoperative therapy for postmenopausal women, 1 suppository is prescribed for 2 weeks before surgery or 2 weeks after surgery.
As a diagnostic drug, ESTROCAD is prescribed 1 suppository every other day for 7 days until the next study.
In case of missing the next use of the drug, a suppository should be administered as soon as the patient remembers about it. If this day falls on the next dose, you do not need to double it, you must adhere to the usual treatment schedule without making up for the missed dose.
Side effects
The following adverse drug reactions are possible as a result of the use of ESTROCAD in therapeutic doses:
- on the part of the endocrine system: sometimes (from> 1/1000 to <1/100) at the beginning of treatment - vaginal discharge, hypersecretion of cervical mucus, intermenstrual smearing discharge from the vagina; enlargement, tenderness and tenderness of the mammary glands; fluid retention in the body;
- from the digestive system: sometimes - flatulence, diarrhea, nausea, anorexia, jaundice, biliary or intestinal colic;
- local reactions: sometimes - itching, burning, redness, a feeling of heat and irritation in the vaginal area;
- from the nervous system: rarely (from> 1/10 000 to <1/1000) - migraine-like headache;
- others: very rarely (<1/10 000) - a feeling of heaviness in the legs, cramps of the calf muscles.
Undesirable effects associated with the reproductive system may indicate an overdose of ESTROCAD. As a rule, they disappear after reducing the dose of the drug.
There are no known cases of estriol overdose. If the suppository is accidentally taken inside, withdrawal bleeding, nausea and vomiting may occur.
There is no specific antidote to estriol. Symptomatic treatment is recommended.
special instructions
During the period of therapy, the patient should be under constant medical supervision. Before starting treatment and every 6 months during it, an examination of the mammary glands, a general medical and gynecological examination are required.
It is necessary to cancel ESTROCAD and consult a doctor as soon as possible if the patient has repeated unusually severe headaches or migraine-like headaches, acute visual disturbances, the first signs of phlebitis or thromboembolism (local redness, pain, edema), increased blood pressure, developed jaundice …
Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and complex mechanisms
The components of ESTROCAD do not affect cognitive functions and the speed of psychomotor reactions.
Application during pregnancy and lactation
ESTROCAD suppositories should not be used by women during pregnancy and lactation.
Pediatric use
An estrogenic agent is not used to treat children.
With impaired renal function
The drug is excreted from the body mainly by the kidneys, this should be taken into account in patients with functional disorders of the kidneys.
For violations of liver function
It is forbidden to use ESTROCAD in case of impaired liver function until the indicators of hepatic function are normalized.
With caution and under close supervision, the drug is used in the treatment of women with jaundice (including during a previous pregnancy), severe liver failure and active liver disease.
Drug interactions
The effect of estriol is enhanced by thyroid preparations and folic acid.
The effectiveness of ESTROCAD is reduced by some antihypertensive drugs, antibiotics (such as rifampicin and ampicillin), anxiolytics, narcotic analgesics, ethanol and general anesthetics.
Antiepileptic drugs (for example, phenytoin, carbamazepine) and barbiturates can increase the metabolism of steroid hormones, which may reduce the therapeutic effect of estriol.
ESTROCAD increases the effect of lipid-lowering drugs. Reduces the effect of hypoglycemic, antihypertensive and diuretic drugs, male sex hormones, antidepressants, anticoagulants.
Ovestin, Estrovagin, Ovipol Klio, Ovanelia are analogues of ESTROKAD.
Terms and conditions of storage
Keep out of the reach of children, protected from light, at temperatures up to 25 ° C.
The shelf life is 3 years.
Terms of dispensing from pharmacies
Available without a prescription.
Reviews about ESTROCAD
There are currently no reviews about ESTROCAD. Users speak positively about similar preparations containing estriol. The preparations well eliminate dryness and burning sensation in the intimate area. Their disadvantages include the relatively high cost, the presence of contraindications and possible side effects.
Price for ESTROCAD in pharmacies
The price for ESTROCAD, depending on the pharmacy chain, can range from 500 to 800 rubles. for a pack of 10 vaginal suppositories, 0.5 mg each.
ESTROCAD: prices in online pharmacies
Drug name Price Pharmacy |
Estrocad 0.5 mg vaginal suppositories 10 pcs. RUB 550 Buy |
Estrokad vaginal suppositories. 0.5mg 10 pcs. 595 RUB Buy |

Maria Kulkes Medical journalist About the author
Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov, specialty "General Medicine".
Information about the drug is generalized, provided for informational purposes only and does not replace the official instructions. Self-medication is hazardous to health!