Tonsilla compositum
Tonsilla compositum: instructions for use and reviews
- 1. Release form and composition
- 2. Pharmacological properties
- 3. Indications for use
- 4. Contraindications
- 5. Method of application and dosage
- 6. Side effects
- 7. Overdose
- 8. Special instructions
- 9. Application during pregnancy and lactation
- 10. Use in childhood
- 11. Drug interactions
- 12. Analogs
- 13. Terms and conditions of storage
- 14. Terms of dispensing from pharmacies
- 15. Reviews
- 16. Price in pharmacies
Latin name: Tonsilla compositum
ATX code: R02AX
Active ingredient: homeopathic complex
Producer: Biologische Heilmittel Heel, GmbH (Germany)
Description and photo updated: 2020-13-02
Prices in pharmacies: from 899 rubles.

Tonsilla compositum is a homeopathic medicine for the treatment of chronic tonsillitis.
Release form and composition
The drug is produced in the form of a homeopathic solution for oral administration and intramuscular (i / m) administration: a clear liquid, colorless and odorless (2.2 ml each in glass ampoules of colorless glass with a notch and a colored dot, 5 pcs. In open plastic contoured cell packages, in a cardboard box 1 or 20 packages and instructions for use of Tonsilla compositum).
In 1 ampoule, the content of the following active substances in homeopathic dilution D is:
- Tonsilla suis (tonsilla suis) D28 - 22 μl;
- Echinacea (echinacea) D4 - 22 μl;
- Solanum dulcamara (solanum dulcamara) D4 - 22 μl;
- Conium maculatum (conium maculatum) D4 - 22 μl;
- Acidum ascorbicum (acidum ascorbicum) D6 - 22 μl;
- Pulsatilla pratensis (pulsatilla pratensis) D6 - 22 μl;
- Aesculus hippocastanum (esculus hippocastanum) D6 - 22 μl;
- Gentiana lutea (gentiana lutea) D6 - 22 μl;
- Acidum sarcolacticum (acidum sarcolacticum) D6 - 22 μl;
- Coccus cacti (coccus cacti) D6 - 22 μl;
- Galium aparine (galium aparine) D6 - 22 μl;
- Kalium stibyltartaricum (potassium stibyltartaricum) D6 - 22 μl;
- Geranium robertianum (geranium robertianum) D6 - 22 μl;
- Nodus lymphaticus suis (nodus lymphaticus suis) D8 - 22 μl;
- Sulfur D8 - 22 μl;
- Hepar suis (hepar suis) D10 - 22 μl;
- Hypothalamus suis (hypothalamus suis) D10 - 22 μl;
- Funiculus umbilicalis suis (funiculus umbilicalis suis) D10 - 22 μl;
- Medulla ossis suis (medulla ossis suis) D10 - 22 μl;
- Splen suis (splen suis) D10 - 22 μl;
- Calcium phosphoricum (calcium phosphoricum) D10 - 22 μl;
- Ferrum phosphoricum (ferrum phosphoricum) D10 - 22 μl;
- Mercurius solubilis Hahnemanni (mercurius solubilis Hahnemann) D13 - 22 μl;
- Embryo suis (embryo suis) D13 - 22 μl;
- Cortisonum aceticum (cortisonum aceticum) D13 - 22 μl;
- Cortex glandulae suprarenalis suis (cortex glandulae suprarenalis suis) D13 - 22 μl;
- Levothyrotoxin (levothyroxinum) D13 - 22 μl;
- Barium carbonicum (barium carbonicum) D28 - 22 μl;
- Psorinum-Nosode (psorinum-nosode) D28 - 22 μl;
- Pyrogenium-Nosode (pyrogenium-nosode) D198 - 22 μl.
Auxiliary components of Tonsilla compositum solution: sodium chloride, water for injection.
Pharmacological properties
Tonsilla compositum is a homeopathic medicine used in otorhinolaryngology. The therapeutic effect of the solution is due to the properties of the active components that make up its composition.
Pharmacological activity of the ingredients included in the homeopathic preparation:
- Tonsilla suis (suis-organ preparations of the affected tissues of the palatine tonsils): has a stimulating effect in the treatment of chronic tonsillitis, hypertrophy of the palatine tonsils, lymphatism (exudative-catarrhal diathesis);
- Acidum ascorbicum (ascorbic acid): affects the function of enzymes (the work of redox systems);
- Nodus lymphaticus suis (suis-organ preparations of the affected tissues of the deep cervical lymph nodes): has a stimulating effect in the treatment of exudative-catarrhal and exudative diathesis;
- Medulla ossis suis (bone marrow suis organ preparation): has a stimulating effect in the treatment of osteomalacia, chronic osteomyelitis, exostosis, anemic conditions;
- Funiculus umbilicalis suis [suis-organ preparation of the umbilical cord (umbilical cord)]: has a stimulating effect in the treatment of connective tissue lesions, osteochondrosis, vertebrogenic (intercostal) neuralgia, cervical syndrome;
- Splen suis (suis organ preparation of the spleen): activates the spleen and the immune system;
- Hypothalamus suis (suis organ preparation of the hypothalamus): stimulates the regulation of metabolic processes;
- Hepar suis (suis organ liver preparation): activates the detoxifying functions of the liver;
- Embryo suis (suis-organ preparation of an animal embryo): has a stimulating effect in the treatment of arteriosclerosis, muscular dystrophy, treatment at the cellular phases of the disease;
- Cortex glandulae suprarenalis suis (suis-organ preparation of the adrenal cortex): stimulates the function of the adrenal cortex;
- Pyrogenium-Nosode (product of septic decomposition of meat): effective in severe febrile infections with a tendency to septic conditions;
- Cortisonum aceticum (cortisone acetate, adrenal cortex hormone): has a stimulating effect on lesions of the anterior pituitary gland, adrenal glands, connective tissue;
- Pulsatilla pratensis (meadow lumbago): indicated for skin diseases, a tendency to colds, inflammation of the digestive tract, disorders and weakness of digestion, headaches, insomnia, nervous disorders, depression;
- Acidum sarcolacticum (lactic acid): has a stimulating effect in the treatment of muscle pains, states of weakness and exhaustion, cellular respiration disorders;
- Echinacea (echinacea): enhances immunity, is used as maintenance therapy for severe infections;
- Calcium phosphoricum (precipitated calcium phosphate): constitutional remedy for exudative-catarrhal diathesis, effective in states of weakness, loss of appetite, hypocalcemia;
- Aesculus hippocastanum (horse chestnut): recommended for venous congestion and its consequences, hemorrhoids, pain in the lumbosacral region;
- Kalium stibyltartaricum (potassium antimonyl tartrate or emetic stone): used to treat inflammation of the lower respiratory tract, with weak vascular activity, vomiting, inflammation of the urinary organs, purulent skin diseases; rheumatic diseases of the lower spine;
- Solanum dulcamara (bittersweet nightshade): has a stimulating effect in the treatment of febrile infections, inflammation of the respiratory organs, diseases and inflammations of the urinary tract, the digestive tract, caused by hypothermia and high humidity, diseases of the joints and skin;
- Levothyroxinum (sodium levothyroxine): stimulates the function of glands, mesenchyme, connective tissue and oxidation processes in the body;
- Coccus cacti (Mexican thyroid cochineal insect): accelerates the treatment of inflammation of the nasopharynx and respiratory tract, uterine bleeding, kidney disease, kidney stones;
- Ferrum phosphoricum (a compound of hydrated ferrous phosphate, ferric phosphate and hydrated iron oxides): stimulates the treatment of febrile inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract;
- Gentiana lutea (gentian yellow): used for digestive disorders (eg, chronic gastritis, bloating, diarrhea);
- Geranium Robertianum (Robert's geranium): effective for diarrhea, bleeding, urination disorders, ulcers, catarrh, scrofula, glandular diseases, tonsil hypertrophy, including pharyngeal;
- Mercurius solubilis Hahnemanni (Hahnemann's soluble mercury): used to enhance the therapy of inflammatory processes of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, skin diseases, inflammation of the tonsils, lymph glands, kidneys, inflammation of other glands, treatment of diseases that contribute to the depletion of the body;
- Barium carbonicum (barium carbonate): indicated for retarded development in children; chronic inflammation of the tonsils and upper respiratory tract;
- Conium maculatum (spotted hemlock): used for swollen glands, neoplasms in various organs and for depression;
- Galium aparine (tenacious bedstraw): stimulates the treatment of kidney stones, ulcers (especially of the tongue), pre-cancerous skin;
- Sulfur (S, sulfur): a reactionary and constitutional remedy for enhancing immunity, effective for the treatment of all kinds (especially chronic) skin diseases, states of weakness, mental disorders, depression, acute and chronic inflammation of the digestive tract, respiratory tract, urogenital organs;
- Psorinum –Nosode (scraping product from pathological formations of scaly lichen, psoriasis): used for various chronic skin diseases, chronic inflammation of the mucous membranes (especially the respiratory tract), states of weakness (especially after severe illnesses), headaches, depression, hypersensitivity to cold, frost, weakness of reactions, a tendency to the transition of acute stages of disease into chronic.
Indications for use
The use of Tonsilla compositum is indicated in the complex treatment of chronic tonsillitis.
- chronic viral diseases, including AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) and HIV (human immunodeficiency virus);
- other systemic diseases (tuberculosis, collagenosis, leukemia, multiple sclerosis, autoimmune pathologies);
- age up to 18 years;
- established hypersensitivity to Echinacea purpurea and other plants of the Compositae family;
- individual intolerance to the components of the homeopathic preparation.
With caution, only on the recommendation of a doctor, the use of Tonsilla compositum is allowed during pregnancy and lactation.
Tonsilla compositum, instructions for use: method and dosage
Tonsilla compositum solution is administered intramuscularly or taken orally.
Unless otherwise prescribed by the doctor, 1 ampoule of the solution is taken orally once a week or injected into the muscle.
Before opening the ampoule, it is necessary to lightly tap on its head to shake off the solution located there to the total content. Then, by pressing on the colored point, break off the upper part of the ampoule and use the preparation.
The doctor determines the duration of the course of treatment individually.
The average course of therapy is 5 weeks.
Side effects
It has been established that with the use of Tonsilla compositum, patients may experience hypersensitivity reactions, sometimes increased salivation.
Symptoms of an overdose of Tonsilla compositum have not been established.
special instructions
Patients should be informed that at the beginning of the use of a homeopathic preparation, a temporary aggravation of the existing symptoms is possible, requiring an interruption of therapy. Treatment should be resumed only after consulting your doctor.
If the described or other undesirable effects appear, it is recommended to stop using Tonsilla compositum and consult a doctor.
Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and complex mechanisms
Homeopathic Tonsilla compositum does not affect the patient's ability to drive vehicles or perform potentially hazardous types of work that require increased attention and high speed of psychomotor reactions.
Application during pregnancy and lactation
It is allowed to prescribe a homeopathic drug during gestation and breastfeeding in cases where the expected effect of therapy for the mother exceeds the potential threat to the fetus or child.
Pediatric use
The use of Tonsilla compositum for the treatment of children and adolescents under the age of 18 is contraindicated due to insufficient data on the safety and efficacy of the drug in pediatric practice.
Drug interactions
The appointment of Tonsilla compositum is indicated with the simultaneous use of drugs used for chronic tonsillitis.
Analogs of Tonsilla compositum are Anginit-GF, Angin-Heel SD, Barberry comp. (Job-baby), Lymphomyosot, Tonsilotren, Vokara, Fitangin EDAS-105, Tonsilgon N, Aqualor throat with Aloe Vera and Roman Chamomile, Aqua Maris Strong, etc.
Terms and conditions of storage
Keep out of the reach of children.
Store at a temperature of 15-25 ° C, protected from moisture and light.
The shelf life is 5 years.
Terms of dispensing from pharmacies
Dispensed by prescription.
Reviews about Tonsilla compositum
There are positive reviews about Tonsilla compositum from patients who used a homeopathic remedy for the treatment of chronic tonsillitis (enlarged and loose tonsils, constant inflammation around the tonsils, sore throat, enlarged lymph nodes, sometimes purulent plugs) and perennial allergies with multi-focal rashes on the skin of the hands (official diagnosis - eczema). In both cases, after undergoing an injection course, the drug helped to cope with a long-term problem. They also indicate that the solution is easily and painlessly injected, even with an independent injection.
Some patients who took Tonsilla compositum internally note that the therapy did not help them, although it did not harm them. The cost of the drug is unanimously called as a disadvantage, calling it very high.
Price for Tonsilla compositum in pharmacies
The price of Tonsilla compositum, homeopathic solution for oral and intramuscular administration, 2.2 ml ampoules, per package can be: 5 pcs. - from 1421 rubles., 100 pcs. - from 24 556 rubles.
Tonsilla compositum: prices in online pharmacies
Drug name Price Pharmacy |
Tonsilla compositum homeopathic solution for intramuscular administration 2.2 ml 5 pcs. 899 RUB Buy |
Tonsilla compositum solution for injection 2.2ml 5pcs 1698 RUB Buy |

Anna Kozlova Medical journalist About the author
Education: Rostov State Medical University, specialty "General Medicine".
Information about the drug is generalized, provided for informational purposes only and does not replace the official instructions. Self-medication is hazardous to health!