Cyanosis Blue - Useful Properties, Application, Reviews

Cyanosis Blue - Useful Properties, Application, Reviews
Cyanosis Blue - Useful Properties, Application, Reviews

Cyanosis blue

Instructions for use:

  1. 1. Useful properties, application
  2. 2. Contraindications for use
Cyanosis blue
Cyanosis blue

Blue blue is a flowering plant from the blue family, growing in Western and Eastern Siberia, on moist soils rich in humus, in meadows, river banks, among shrubs, in glades. Known plant names: Greek valerian, blue St. John's wort, azure or azure cyanosis, dvusil.

In medicine, the roots of the plant are used, they are harvested when the aboveground part of the flower withers - in the fall. The roots are dug up, and, having cut off the stem, washed in cold water, cut into several pieces, if necessary, dried in the air under the sun or at 50 degrees in a dryer. You can store harvested dry roots for two years.

Useful properties, the use of cyanosis blue

In the rhizomes, roots of cyanosis blue, many triterpene glycosides were found, which determine the pronounced expectorant properties of drugs made from cyanosis. In addition, the roots contain potassium, magnesium, copper, manganese, nickel, selenium, iron, calcium, fatty and essential oils, galactose, resinous substances, and ash.

It is also noticed that the plant has a sedative effect, and in this it significantly surpasses valerian, restores lipid metabolism, activates the function of the adrenal cortex, accelerates blood clotting, and prevents the development of atherosclerosis.

Due to all these properties, the use of blue cyanosis is practiced in neurology - for the treatment of disorders of the nervous central system, as well as for the treatment of diseases caused by disorders of cholesterol metabolism, for example, heart attack, stroke.

A decoction, an infusion of rhizomes and roots of a plant is used for bronchopneumonia, acute or chronic bronchitis, respiratory diseases, pulmonary tuberculosis, whooping cough, fever, dysentery, gastrointestinal ulcers.

Poultices with cyanosis blue infusion help with snake bites.

Practice in folk medicine and the use of flowers, stems of cyanosis. The infusion of the stems is used for nervous diseases, dysentery, the powder from them is used for the bites of animals infected with rabies.

There are good reviews about cyanosis blue, the flowers of which were used to prepare an infusion to eliminate leucorrhoea.

Cyanosis root
Cyanosis root

The infusion on the roots is boiled as follows: two tablespoons of medicinal raw materials are placed in an enamel container, 200 ml of boiled hot water is poured, heated in a water bath for 15 minutes, under a lid. The infusion is insisted and cooled for 45 minutes, after which it is filtered, the liquid is squeezed out of the boiled roots, boiled water is added to obtain 200 ml of infusion. To remove sputum, the remedy after eating 3-5 r / day is drunk with a tablespoon. With ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract, it is recommended to drink at the same time as tincture of marsh creeper - 3 r / day for a tablespoon.

Instead of infusion, you can boil a decoction from the roots of blue cyanosis: 1-2 tablespoons of roots are poured in 200 ml of boiling water, boiled for another 20 minutes, kept for 10 minutes and, having filtered, take a tablespoon of 4-5 r / day after a meal, as well as infusion.

With epilepsy, such a tincture on cyanosis helps: 10 g of roots are washed into powder, poured with 70% alcohol, insisted for two weeks, while every two hours it is advisable to shake the container with the infusion. Take the remedy filtered by 15 drops three r / day.

Contraindications to the use of cyanosis blue

The main contraindications for blue cyanosis are taking drugs based on it on an empty stomach and hypersensitivity to the plant.

There are reviews about blue cyanosis, which causes diarrhea, shortness of breath, vomiting, headache in large doses, so you should adhere to the prescribed dosage regimen, undergo treatment under the supervision of a doctor. If the treatment regimen has been violated and symptoms of an overdose appear, a remedy should be taken to maintain cardiac activity. The stomach is washed in severe cases of cyanosis poisoning.

Information about the drug is generalized, provided for informational purposes only and does not replace the official instructions. Self-medication is hazardous to health!
