Doctor Orthodontist - Reviews, Consultations, Specialization

Doctor Orthodontist - Reviews, Consultations, Specialization
Doctor Orthodontist - Reviews, Consultations, Specialization


An orthodontist is a doctor who studies the etiology, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of dentoalveolar anomalies.

Orthodontist - a doctor who studies the etiology, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of dentoalveolar anomalies
Orthodontist - a doctor who studies the etiology, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of dentoalveolar anomalies

The history of the development of orthodontics

Although the first mention of the need to correct the position of the teeth can be found in the writings of Hippocrates, the formation of orthodontics began only in the 19th century.

The first works describing the classification of malocclusion were written in the late 19th century, and at the beginning of the 20th century, the first association of dentists appeared, which later grew into the American Association of Orthodontists.

The peak of the development of orthodontics occurred in the thirties of the last century, when dental interventions began to be carried out not only for medical, but also for aesthetic reasons. In the following years, the efforts of orthodontists were aimed at creating corrective devices that were both effective and maximally invisible.

Dental anomalies treated by an orthodontist

A beautiful smile is an integral part of life, on which both professional and personal success of any person depend. Dentofacial anomalies, which appear as uneven teeth and malocclusion, often cause various psychological problems and contribute to the development of all kinds of complexes.

For modern orthodontics, there are no age restrictions today, and the success of treatment depends both on the qualifications of the orthodontist and on the level of equipment of the clinic.

Dentofacial anomalies by the time of occurrence can be divided into:

  • Anomalies that occur after the birth of a child;
  • Congenital, including the irregular shape of both milk and permanent teeth, clefts of the upper and lower lips, complete or partial adentia;
  • Hereditary, which include supernumerary teeth, diastema, deep, distal, mesial and edentulous bite.

In addition, doctors orthodontists divide dentoalveolar anomalies into anomalies:

  • Individual teeth, which is associated with their shape, size, position and structure of hard tissues;
  • Dental rows, which is characterized by narrowing, widening, lengthening or shortening of the dental arches;
  • A bite that is distal, mesial, deep, crossed, or open.

Orthodontist treatment methods

Treatment of dentoalveolar anomalies consists of two stages:

  • Active, during which the orthodontist directly corrects the anomaly;
  • Retention, during which the result is consolidated after removing the devices.

The professionalism of an orthodontist consists not only in the skill of treating dentoalveolar anomalies, but also in the ability to ensure that the devices do not damage the tooth enamel with all the ensuing consequences for dental health. To do this, it is necessary to take into account the correct effective force of the devices and to replace them in time.

Basic orthodontic appliances

The devices used by orthodontists for medical and aesthetic purposes are:

  • By the principle of action - functionally acting, mechanical, functional guiding and combined action;
  • According to the method and place of action - single-maxillary, double-maxillary, combined and extraoral;
  • By the method of fixation - fixed, removable, combined;
  • By type of construction - plate, kappa, arc, block, frame and elastic.

Children's orthodontics

Treatment at an early age is considered the most effective. A children's orthodontist who corrects a child's bite, due to the elasticity of tissues and the rapid growth of bone structures, can effectively influence the relationship of individual teeth and dentition, which brings results in a short time.

Correcting the bite at an early age by a pediatric orthodontist will avoid the emergence of a number of problems in the future, such as:

  • Violation of the ability to chew, which adversely affects digestion and can subsequently lead to serious illness;
  • Damage to the teeth, which helps to reduce the resistance of the child's body as a whole;
  • The development of caries due to the inability to conduct thorough oral hygiene and the rapid abrasion of tooth enamel;
  • The formation of calculus and irregular periodontal pockets, which is one of the causes of gum disease and periodontitis.

A pediatric orthodontist corrects only developmental anomalies that occur during the formation of the masticatory-speech apparatus, while orthopedic dentistry eliminates deformities due to diseases or injuries.

According to orthodontists, the main reasons for the development of malocclusion in children are:

  • Hereditary causes and violation of the timing of teething and tooth loss;
  • Artificial feeding;
  • Some diseases of the oral cavity;
  • Preference in the diet of soft foods instead of dense ones;
  • Some bad habits, including thumb sucking, biting lips and cheeks;
  • The habit of sleeping in a constant position.

According to statistics, hereditary causes account for only 30% of such violations. The high prevalence of dentoalveolar anomalies in children, according to orthodontists' reviews, as well as the complexity of their correction with low stability of the results of orthodontic treatment makes it necessary to early diagnosis and treatment of malocclusion.

According to orthodontists' reviews, it is necessary to start seeing the dentist as early as possible - from the age of two. At this time, a temporary bite is already emerging, and it is easier and less painful to correct it before it begins to affect muscle function and new teeth.

How to get the profession of an orthodontist

Today the profession of orthodontist is quite popular and highly paid. In order to become an orthodontist, you need to graduate from the Faculty of Dentistry of a medical university and undergo a residency in orthodontics.

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