Chocolate - Composition, Calorie Content, Useful Properties, Harm

Chocolate - Composition, Calorie Content, Useful Properties, Harm
Chocolate - Composition, Calorie Content, Useful Properties, Harm


Chocolate production
Chocolate production

Chocolate is everyone's favorite sweet product made from cocoa fruits. The history of this sweet delicacy began about 3000 years ago. The ancient Aztecs were the first to learn how to make a chocolate drink from cocoa beans. They called it "the drink of the gods."

Chocolate composition

The seeds of the tropical cocoa tree are the basis for this sweet product. Cocoa beans, depending on the quality, are divided into two groups:

  • noble - with a pleasant delicate aroma and delicate taste;
  • consumer (ordinary) - with a strong aroma and tart sour taste.

When processing cocoa beans, the main semi-finished products are obtained: cocoa cake, cocoa mass (liquid mass), cocoa butter. Cocoa butter and cocoa liquor with powdered sugar are used to prepare the treats. Cocoa powder is made from cocoa cake. There are several types of chocolate: black, milk, porous, white, diabetic, powder chocolate.

Of all types of chocolate, bitter chocolate is beneficial for the human body, since it contains little sugar and a large amount of cocoa beans. Its increased amount of flavonoids makes it beneficial. They purify the blood and improve its composition.

One hundred grams of dark chocolate contains 6.2 g of proteins, 35.4 g of fat, 48.2 g of carbohydrates. It also contains 7.4 g of dietary fiber, 0.9 g of organic acids, 0.8 g of water, 42.6 g of mono- and disaccharides, 20.8 g of saturated fatty acids, 5.6 g of starch, 1.1 g of ash and 0.8 g of ash. This product contains a lot of potassium (363 mg), phosphorus (170 mg) and magnesium (133 mg). It contains calcium, iron and sodium, as well as vitamins B1, B2, E, PP.

Useful properties of chocolate

Dark chocolate stabilizes the pressure of hypertensive patients, has a beneficial effect on tooth enamel and gums. Canadian dentists consider unsweetened chocolate to prevent tartar formation. An important benefit of chocolate is that it helps fight stress. Eating just 400 grams of dark chocolate a day significantly lowers plasma cortisol levels. Chocolate is also beneficial in the treatment of severe coughs.

Chocolate bars
Chocolate bars

The beneficial properties of chocolate also include the presence of antioxidants in it, and in much greater quantities than in green tea and red wine. By neutralizing free radicals, antioxidants support normal heart function and prevent premature aging of body cells. Thanks to its beneficial properties, chocolate helps prevent senile dementia and increases the number of blood cells in the blood. The polyphenols contained in cocoa beans have a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels, promoting blood flow and preventing the formation of blood clots, thereby reducing the burden on the heart. This product activates the synthesis of endorphins, improves mood and performance. Theombrine in the composition of the treat relieves sore throat and headache.

Speaking about the benefits of chocolate in general, it should be emphasized that in our time it is used in cosmetology. Anti-cellulite wraps, cosmetic preparations for hair and skin care are popular.

The harm of chocolate

However, the effect of cocoa beans on the human body can be not only positive, but also negative. Chocolate can only be harmful to the human body if consumed too much. Chocolate is a wonderful treat, but scientists say that only 25 grams of this product can be beneficial, and everything else will do harm.

The calorie content of chocolate is 539 kcal per hundred grams of product. Due to its high calorie content, chocolate is contraindicated in obesity. The nitrogen-containing components of this product harm metabolic processes. Therefore, chocolate can cause considerable harm to the body in diabetes mellitus.

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