Solidago compositum S
Instructions for use:
- 1. Release form and composition
- 2. Pharmacological properties
- 3. Indications for use
- 4. Contraindications
- 5. Instructions for use C: method and dosage
- 6. Side effects
- 7. Overdose
- 8. Special instructions
- 9. Application during pregnancy and lactation
- 10. Use in childhood
- 11. Drug interactions
- 12. Analogs
- 13. Terms and conditions of storage
- 14. Terms of dispensing from pharmacies
- 15. Reviews
- 16. Price
Prices in online pharmacies:
from 918 rub.

Solidago compositum C is a multicomponent homeopathic medicine used to treat cystitis.
Release form and composition
Dosage form of release - solution for intramuscular injection: transparent, colorless, odorless [in colorless glass ampoules of 2.2 ml (2.2 g), in plastic blister contour packages 5 ampoules, in a cardboard box 1 or 20 packs] …
Active substances in 1 ampoule (0.022 ml each):
- pyelon suis (suis organ preparation from the tissue of the renal pelvis) D10;
- berberis vulgaris (common barberry) D4;
- mercurius sublimatus corrosivus (Hydrargyrum bichloratum) (HgCl 2 - mercury dichloride or mercuric chloride) D8;
- capsicum annuum (Capsicum) (capsicum) D6;
- cuprum sulfuricum (copper sulfate) D6;
- solidago virgaurea (goldenrod) D3;
- equisetum hyemale (hiemale) (wintering horsetail) D4;
- vesica urinaria suis (suis-organ preparation from bladder tissue) D8;
- hepar sulfuris (Hepar sulfuris calcareum) (calcareous sulfuric liver) D10;
- ureter suis (suis organ preparation from ureteral tissue) D10;
- bucco (Barosma) [bucco (barosma)] D8;
- baptisia tinctoria (Baptisia) [baptisia tinctoria (baptisia)] D4;
- argentum nitricum (silver nitrate) D6;
- terebinthina laricina (Resina Laricis) [turpentine oil or turpentine] D6;
- urethra suis (suis organ preparation from urethral tissue) D10;
- hyrogeniun-Nosode (pyrogenium nosode) D198;
- arsenicum album (Acidum arsenicosum) (white arsenic or arsenous acid) D28;
- natrium pyruvicum (natrium pyruvicum) D10;
- sarsaparilla (Smilax) (sarsaparilla, rhizome of the smilax plant) D6;
- orthosiphon aristatus (Orthosiphon stamineus) (kidney tea) D6;
- colibacillinum Nosode (colibacillinum nosode) D13;
- coxsackie-Virus A9-Nosode (coxsackie virus A9-nosode) D8;
- apisinum (bee venom) D8;
- chondodendron tomentosum (Pareira brava) (felt chondodendron) D6;
- cantharis (Lytta vesicatoria) [kantharis (litta vesicatoria)] D6.
Additional substances: sodium chloride (in the amount required to establish isotonia), water for injection - 1.65 g.
Pharmacological properties
Solidago compositum C is a multicomponent homeopathic remedy, the pharmacological properties of which are determined by the components that make up its composition.
The drug has a diuretic, anti-inflammatory, hypotensive, anticonvulsant, analgesic, antispasmodic, sedative and antimicrobial effect.
There are no data on the pharmacokinetics of the drug.
Indications for use
The drug is prescribed for the treatment of cystitis in acute and chronic course (along with other drugs).
- age up to 18 years (for this group of patients, the safety profile has not been studied);
- hypersensitivity to the components included in the solution, as well as to Solidago or other plants from the Asteraceae family.
Instructions for the use of Solidago compositum S: method and dosage
The solution is administered intramuscularly in 1 ampoule from 1 to 3 times in 7 days.
On average, the duration of a therapeutic course is 21 days.
Side effects
Possible violations: increased salivation, hypersensitivity reactions (if they appear, therapy is recommended to be interrupted).
To date, no cases of overdose have been reported.
special instructions
During the period of therapy, the disease may worsen for a short time. In these cases, you need to interrupt the use of the drug and consult a specialist.
Application during pregnancy and lactation
The drug can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding only after consulting a doctor and in cases where the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the possible risk to the fetus or baby.
Pediatric use
According to the instructions, Solidago compositum C is contraindicated in children and adolescents under 18 years of age, since the safety and efficacy of a homeopathic remedy for this group of patients have not been established.
Drug interactions
The therapeutic efficacy of the active ingredient cantaris can be reduced by the use of Arabica coffee (before or after the administration of the drug).
The simultaneous use of other drugs is possible.
There is no information on analogues of Solidago compositum C.
Terms and conditions of storage
Store in a dark, dry place at a temperature of 15-25 ° C. Keep out of the reach of children.
The shelf life is 5 years.
Terms of dispensing from pharmacies
Dispensed by prescription.
Reviews about Solidago compositum S
According to reviews, Solidago compositum C is a good remedy for the treatment of cystitis, but its greatest effectiveness is achieved when used in combination with other drugs.
Since the drug is homeopathic, there are practically no contraindications to its use (with the exception of individual hypersensitivity). Side effects during treatment are also few and far between.
Price for Solidago compositum C
The cost of the drug is quite high. The price of Solidago compositum S in pharmacies is from 1370 rubles (individual package with 5 ampoules of 2.2 ml). The cost of a package containing 100 ampoules is 17,290 rubles.
Solidago compositum S: prices in online pharmacies
Drug name Price Pharmacy |
Solidago compositum C homeopathic solution for intramuscular administration 2.2 ml 5 pcs. RUB 918 Buy |
Solidago compositum with rr d / in. 2,2ml n5 1704 RUB Buy |
Solidago compositum C homeopathic solution for intramuscular administration 2.2 ml 100 pcs. 19185 RUB Buy |

Maria Kulkes Medical journalist About the author
Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov, specialty "General Medicine".
Information about the drug is generalized, provided for informational purposes only and does not replace the official instructions. Self-medication is hazardous to health!