Hong Kong Flu In Children: Features, Symptoms, Treatment Rules And Prevention

Hong Kong Flu In Children: Features, Symptoms, Treatment Rules And Prevention
Hong Kong Flu In Children: Features, Symptoms, Treatment Rules And Prevention

Hong Kong flu in children: features, symptoms, treatment rules and prevention

The child has a high temperature, a runny nose, and a sore throat. What is this cold or flu? We will try to describe the most common symptoms of the Hong Kong flu, as well as tell parents about the most necessary measures for treating a child: how to bring down the temperature, when to give cough remedies, how to cure the flu quickly and what to do to avoid complications from it.

Features of the Hong Kong flu
Features of the Hong Kong flu

Source: depositphotos.com

In 2016-2017, according to virologists, Hong Kong influenza A (H3N2) prevails in Russia. This strain differs from last year's - porcine A (H1N1) in a more rapid spread. For children, it is new. The peak incidence will be in January-February 2017.

Peak incidence of influenza in Russia
Peak incidence of influenza in Russia

Features: "new old flu" is more dangerous for children

The Hong Kong flu is one of the most dangerous type A influenza viruses. These viruses have special proteins that are not found in type B viruses.

Initially, this virus strain was only dangerous for birds. In 1968, he mutated and began to amaze people. Its outbreak was first identified in Hong Kong that same year. Therefore, it was named the Hong Kong flu. The virus has claimed the lives of half a million people around the globe.

In 2014, the strain mutated again. He covered the southern hemisphere, never reaching Russia. Therefore, in general, Russians do not have immunity to this strain of the influenza virus.

In 2016-2017. virologists have identified it as predominant across the globe. This particular strain is diagnosed in 75% of those with the flu.

The older generation has already experienced the Hong Kong flu, which does not make it less dangerous, given the mutations. For children, the strain is new, so they are the first to be attacked by the Hong Kong flu.

Any flu enters the body through the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx. There the virus settles, enters the cells, begins to multiply, then the affected cells "burst", the multiplied virus attaches to other healthy cells, penetrating inside … Infection spreads deeper and deeper: into the lungs, bronchi.

Why do children get sick more often and take the flu harder than adults?

Unlike adults, children have morphological and functional immaturity of the respiratory tract, immaturity of its regulatory activity, imperfection of the microbiocenosis of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract. This explains the danger of any type of virus, which can easily cause complications in the form of pneumonia - an extremely dangerous disease. Secondly, in terms of qualitative and quantitative characteristics, the immunity of a child is very different from that of an adult. For example, in children, the local immunoglobulin A agent, sIgA, is insufficiently produced. Thirdly, humoral immunity is better developed in children from birth, but cellular immunity is not (the one that provides protection against viruses, including the Hong Kong flu). Only by the age of 7, these two types of immune defenses are aligned.

Because of these features of children's immunity, children are more susceptible to infection with ARVI, including influenza viruses. Moreover, even mild forms of a viral infection can cause bacterial complications. Children get sick 4 to 12 times a year.

Symptoms of Hong Kong flu in children

Almost all strains of the virus manifest themselves in the same way: headache, fever, fever, sweating, chills. But type A viruses are more pathogens, that is, they can cause more serious manifestations: the speed of development, the duration of the disease, the ability to cause complications.

Symptoms of Hong Kong flu in children
Symptoms of Hong Kong flu in children

Remember, without clinical studies, it is difficult to determine the type of ARVI: flu or something else. Therefore, doctors often simply diagnose ARI without specifying. The main differences between influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections can be found here. This will help establish a more accurate diagnosis.

Basic rules for the treatment of Hong Kong flu in children

The treatment of Hong Kong flu in children is, in principle, not much different from the treatment regimen for any other type of flu. Here are a few basic guidelines:

1. How to properly bring down the temperature with the flu

The temperature should be brought down if it has exceeded the threshold of 38.5C and has been holding for more than 2 hours. For this, antipyretic drugs are used, for example, drugs based on paracetamol (last 2-3 hours). To avoid overdose, antipyretics can be given no more than 2-3 times a day and no more than 1 time in 4 hours.

For older children, ibuprofen-based drugs may be prescribed. They last up to 6 hours, but are dangerous for their side effects: abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, stool disturbance, bleeding.

It is strictly forbidden to give analgin to children, which can cause damage to the hematopoietic system. Aspirin is not recommended for treatment. Forbidden for children: amidopyrine, antipyrine and phenacetin, which affect the circulatory system, cause allergic reactions and seizures.

It is important to remember that by knocking down the temperature, we do not affect the very cause of the disease. But it is at temperatures above 38C that agents that fight the virus itself begin to be produced. Therefore, it is not recommended to immediately bring down the temperature.

The best way out is to help the body fight the virus. For this, the preparation CITOVIR-3 in powder form is used. CITOVIR-3 suppresses the activity of viruses even at normal body temperature. And this is very important especially when you have brought down the temperature of the child.

A huge advantage of the powder form of CITOVIR-3 is that it is easily compatible with other drugs, including antipyretics. If some drugs cause allergic reactions, then CITOVIR-3 powder is distinguished by its hypoallergenicity. It can be taken by children with allergic reactions.

2. What antitussive, expectorant, sputum-thinning drugs can be given to a child?

It is important to remember that if the cough is wet, then there is no need to give antitussives. A cough is a defense reaction of the body, a way to get rid of germs and their products.

To reduce dry, debilitating cough, glaucine, libexin, butamirate, etc. are used. When the cough becomes wet, then you need to stop giving antitussives. This is done because it is very important to get rid of phlegm, because with phlegm the body gets rid of the products of the fight against the Hong Kong flu.

Expectorants can be given if the cough is chronic. The danger of expectorants is that they stimulate the vomiting and cough centers in the medulla oblongata. The child may simply choke on vomit.

Sputum thinning agents, for example, bromhexine, ambroxol, acetylcysteine, are used in the presence of thick, viscous, difficult to separate sputum. They can only be prescribed by a doctor.

Studies show that the use of CITOVIR-3 helps to alleviate the symptomatic manifestations of influenza, including cough.

3. How to overcome a runny nose?

Popular vasoconstrictor drugs, for example, nasivin, naphthyzin, otrivin, galazolin have a short-term effect. They can be given to make the child fall asleep, but no more. These medicines do not eliminate the cause of the disease. And if they are abused, then you can only harm the child: the runny nose will intensify and be complicated by bleeding. Therefore, these funds should not be abused.

Remember, the child's body is different: it quickly absorbs all medicines. And vasoconstrictors affect cardiac activity, cause headaches and increase blood pressure.

The best means to restore the nasal mucosa are rinsing, which will be prescribed by the doctor. In most cases, vasoconstrictor drugs are not necessary if the powder form of CITOVIR-3 is used at the first signs of the disease. As studies have shown, CITOVIR-3 in powder form allows the body to quickly and independently cope with the virus and its consequences.

4. When are antibiotics needed?

Antibiotics are controversial drugs, they cause serious consequences and side effects. Many of them are simply prohibited for children. All antibiotics affect the immune system, they destroy bacteria: both "bad" and "good". Therefore, only a doctor can prescribe antibiotics. Usually antibiotics are prescribed for bacterial infections, for example, pneumonia, asthma, otitis media. Most often this happens when, with a weakened virus immunity, bacteria (in addition to viruses) are also activated. Itself aggravates and the disease is delayed.

To prevent bacteria from activating during the flu, you need to prevent your immune system from relaxing. This is especially important at the stage of exhaustion. Only the complex powder preparation CITOVIR-3 will help here. It not only reduces the likelihood of bacterial infections, but also suppresses their activity. This is due to the fact that the components of the powder form of the preparation CITOVIR-3 (bendazole, Timogen and Vitamin C) affect not only the cellular mechanism of immunity, but also the humoral one, which protects against bacteria. Long-term practice of using Tsitovir-3 shows a significant (5-6 times) reduction in cases of bacterial complications of influenza. That is, Citovir-3 removes the need for antibiotics.

Prevention of influenza and ARVI in children with CITOVIROM-3

Due to the fact that the powder form of CITOVIR-3 does not contain sugar, artificial additives, dyes, thickeners, components that increase the shelf life of the drug, it is the safest of these drugs. This is very important for children from 1 year old, as well as for children with allergic reactions. The safety of the drug has been confirmed by leading experts, which allows parents to give Citovir-3 powder to a child not only for the treatment of influenza and ARVI, but also as a prophylaxis.

CITOVIR-3 - a drug for the treatment and prevention of influenza in children
CITOVIR-3 - a drug for the treatment and prevention of influenza in children

Source: protiv-grippa.com

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